Friday, June 23, 2023

People haven't learned in 111 years? Leave that bitch alone.

We'll start off by saying I in no way, shape or form want to make light of someone's life. Life or death situations are scary and traumatic and I feel for the people whom are left behind in the wake of something so life-altering and tragic.


You absolutely CANNOT send a submarine down to the depths of the Titanic, name it Titan, and lose said submarine and expect me to NOT have some sarcastic and/or wtf commentary about said situation. I mean, it doesn't affect my life at all and its absolutely NONE of my business, but you know what? 

Eh. I don't even really feel like getting into it. Let's just say, I'm gonna say it either way.

We'll play a little catchup first... this past Sunday, it was reported that a submersible watercraft set to explore the wreckage of the Titanic had gone missing. Like, poof. Gone, nadda, nothing. VANISHED. And yeah, you read that right. They were going to explore the Titanic. The one that wrecked and was responsible for the death of over 1,500 people?!! In 1912?! Yeah, that one.

Because apparently motherf*ckers didn't learn the first time around. And once I learned about this and started reading up on it I learned that this is an actual thing. Like, not just the five guys missing this time around, but the fact that people go 13,000 meters below the North Atlantic to see this disaster. IT'S A THING. A whole ass thing.

The only thing that comes to my mind when thinking of being in that situation is mind-numbing/body-crippling fear. And that's even before they lost the sub. That's just the thought of being out in the ocean that damn far. There is nothing more terrifying than the ocean. Ok, maybe outer space, BUT I can't just run into that so the ocean wins top dollar on this one. There's so much we don't know about it and the creatures that live there. And yes, I say creatures because at this point I don't know what's down there. You don't know what's down there. Even Jason Momoa doesn't know what's down there.


You know what immediately comes to my mind when I think about this? Sea creature or the Bermuda Triangle. I mean, you do have the US, Canada, and France looking for this thing.

And forgive me for being somewhat dramatic... but don't we all think that sub may have been eaten by a massive creature that they've let out of the pits of underwater hell? Anyone ever watched The Meg? I know its a sci-fi movie made in all good fun but... seems a little sketch to me. Apparently everybody and their mama has been going down there for a damn weekend visit like its grandpappy's house. They were bound to stir something up or let something out down there, right? RIGHT?!

According to reports, three of the five men onboard are billionaires and the fourth is the heir to a billion dollar empire. I'm sure this is because I've watched one too many movies in my life time, but shouldn't they have a contingency plan for that? You know, missing and in need of rescue? Christian Grey made getting out of a dangerous situation look easy as long as you have enough cash. And again, not trying to be an ass but... you're worth billions of dollars and nobody thought to put a freaking chip in you in case of kidnapping or some other super extra thing like that? COME ON.

You know who I feel the worst for? The "heir" that was onboard. He was a nineteen year old kid that just wanted to make sure his dad had a great Fathers Day. He literally went to spend the day with his dad, have a good time, maybe some laughs, make some memories and instead had to live a f*cking nightmare. All because ANOTHER set of dudes thought they knew what was best and "didn't need to listen to" a full set of people even though said people have studied and worked with these materials and kind of explorations and technology for YEARS. Ok, you don't have to use their designs, but at least listen to what they're telling you about the safety. Maybe you have to push your timeline a couple of years. I'm all for innovation and I know taking risks is what defines progress, but seriously? 


The hubris definitely outweighed the common sense in this situation. AGAIN. Just like back in the day when they built the original and now today, when five families have to say goodbye to their loved ones. 

Can we all just agree to leave well enough alone and stop going down to the murky pits of the deep to see a ship that hit an iceberg and sank over a century ago? I get that its a piece of history and its amazing to see. I understand. BUT, maybe we just all stick to the 1997 version and go from there. You've seen all that needs seen. Y'all are acting like this is The Inferno and One-Eyed Willy is about to walk off that sumbitch and wave at you.


Sunday, June 18, 2023

You're the only reason I celebrate Father's Day. ♥️♥️

Happy Fathers Day, my love. This photo literally says all that needs said for the level of love you have for our pups and what they feel in return.
You’re the best
furdaddy around these parts.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The happenings of the Glisson household.

How are we already six months into 2023? Things have been crazy and weird and lovely and insane.

We've been painting our house black and while we were on a role for awhile, it has essentially died off for a minute. Don't get me wrong, we still plan on completing it all, its just going to take longer than we originally anticipated. Then again, doesn't it always?

The pups are still spoiled rotten and as cute as they've ever been. Xur is still the protective middle child, Sparkles is forever playing the part of youngest child, and our little tiny Tayderbug is still the King of the Court with his oldest brother status. I love our babies and it would be a lie to say their presence didn't bring me extreme amounts of comfort.

Dev's been off work so far this year so we can get his health in check. Its almost like a snowball effect. It started with his heart and progressed to his teeth and now we're somewhere in between waiting to hear back from doctors and trying to pay medical bills as they come in. I just want him healthy and to feel good. The way I look at it, as long as we can get him happy, healthy and safe, we can catch up on the rest. That's what life's for... right? Right.

My poor husband. When we relax at night, we usually lay in the bed and watch tv, talk, or scroll on our phones. Sometimes a combo of all because we're multitaskers like that. However, I have this real bad habit of falling asleep while watching true crime documentaries and I think he may be scarred now. I mean, he's watching this crazy and then looking sideways at his wife passed out cold? Its funny to me, probably a little insane to him.

Travis and Macey (aka Mavis) are having a baby and we've been spending alot of time together. I would essentially say that those two are not only our family, but have also become our best friends (aside from one another of course). We cook together, laugh together, hang out and have a grand ole time. It's strange to have another couple that we can hang out with and either spend time all together as four or sectioned off. We've never had a "couple" friend like this and the fact that its family we love makes it all the much better.

Dev's got the yard looking incredible. It's been a long process, but everything is looking real good. And just in time for Summer? Whhhaaaaaa. We've decided that we want to have a bajillion plants (ok, I decided and my husband was 1000% on board). Seriously, I'm in this weird stage of life where plants are making me happy for some unknown and ridiculous reason and instead of fighting it, I have decided to embrace it fully. Along with Seth Green Bonsai, we've also started out propagating garlic and some other herb (I can't recall which it is because D started it, but its doing good!). Oh, and my mint is spreading and taking over EVERYWHERE. I love it. The irises and lilies look good this time around as well. I talked to my Aunt Mary and she let me know when we're ready for more plants to let her know and I could come out to her house and have a field day with her flowers/plants. I kind of want to go pick out a bunch of stuff in the next few weekends!

Along with that, I really want to delve into this plant thing and learn and grow (pun intended).

We've picked up a new recipe for chuck roast that is essentially our new go to favorite. We made it twice in one week just so we could have French-dip sandwiches. I'm pretty sure this roast would be delicious about fifteen thousand ways, but I had a new idea the other night for "Holler Pie" and D is so onboard. TBD on when that's happening (maybe when D has his teeth surgery and has to eat softer foods).

Oh, and D blew up our microwave. It's not really relevant but made me laugh the night it happened so I thought it was worth mentioning. Aunt Mary had given us some homemade zucchini bread and after eating a bit I wrapped it up and stuck it in the microwave. D didn't see it when we tried to heat up the au jus and well... the bread was in foil. Now our microwave only works in twenty second increments and then shuts off the power for that side of the kitchen. Looks like we're using all our other appliances for warm food for awhile.

So yeah, that's where this Glisson household is six months into this year. Trying and doing and laughing and crying and loving and living and essentially, trying to live an all around peaceful and comforting life together with our babies and each other.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Note to self: just because they said they got this doesn't mean they got this.

After work today we decided to ride up and see Mavis. Its always a bit of a trip but we've made it so many times at this point that its almost second nature and unbothersome. We just wanted to hang out and pick up a couple of things. Also, I seriously needed some cuddles from their little girl, Bean.

While we were there the guys decided to take a ride on the Nelli and apparently while they were traveling uphill, my husband fell off. Like, flew off the back of the bike and landed full force on asphalt.

Head, back, neck, and ass. 

Luckily, they weren't moving at a fast pace and he's ok. He's sore and has a bit of road rash but considering they were laughing when they pulled up and Dev said he was ok after some ibuprofen, I guess we'll pack this in the "I need to put my husband in a plastic bubble" box.

These dudes.