When Dev and me said we weren't fuckin having it in 2024... we weren't playing. The amount of changes and decisions that have been made to put our best foot forward into an amazing life together, just for us, is astronomical.
Two steps forward and one step back is still a step forward.I don't know what it is or what exactly happened but it was like one day I had this epiphany that I wanted to live a happy life full of laughter and spectacularness with Dev and I didn't give a shit what anyone had to say about it. I wanted to be so different than what I've ever had the opportunity in life to be.
And since that moment... whatever it was... Dev has been my never-ending support... both in emotion and spine. Yeah, 2024 is in fact the year I decided to reinforce my spine and start handling life the way it was coming at me and not the way I thought I had to.
It's been fucking spectacular.
I feel like my body and mindset will forever feel the need to jump into survival mode... fight or flight at this point is ingrained... but there's a peace to knowing somebody has my back in all things... hands down... no questions asked... just mine.
With all that said... changes. More changes in the list that is 2024.
We sold the Juke. And we sold the Juke for a number of reasons... my favorite one being that it allowed us to pay off that pesky credit card that happens to be the bane of my fucking existence. Selling it made our car insurance go down a bit. We also sold it because while Dev said it was in fact his dream car (he's had it for five years), it's also not super practical for a man that stands at 6'3. Look at us... being adults and shit.
While we were hopeful we had a year or two (maybe even three?) left in Judy... I think we're gonna have to bite the bullet and upgrade. It doesn't feel like it's been that long but I looked the other day and it's going on three years. Which isn't alot... but is considering we've got an extra almost 100,000 miles on that motherf*cker since it's been in the family. In our defense we didn't think we were gonna get a new car and then immediately have to make like a dozen trips to FL right after. It wouldn't be the worse to upgrade... we need more space for our pups... Judy worked great for two big pups and a small pup but three big ones is pushing it. Xur and Sparkles ain't getting younger and Steve ain't getting smaller. The only thing that makes me anxious is the payment. If we can stay around the same or not go up by much, I'm good. But, I just can't justify a $1,000/month car payment. Who the fuck can afford that? So... we'll see. It's definitely on the list. We are a traveling family.
Xur's hip is still hurt. We were honestly hoping it was just one of those injuries that needed time but it's not getting any better... so I think our boy may have to go to the vet. It's obviously not constantly in pain but it's immobile and super sensitive. I don't know what they'll do but the more Dev and me talk... the more I think he may have to go get a workup.
Our water heater went out. Again. And my front tire on Judy is going flat. Again. Both those things are on the list to fix in the next... oh I don't know... somewhere between the next two mental breakdowns.
I don't even want to get into the whole battery for the Juke/my brother story... another day perhaps. *cue eye roll*
Dev's client base is starting to pick up a bit more as time goes on. He's still doing the mobile thing but we've also set the house up where clients can come over and he can work from home too. Don't get me wrong... we don't want everybody in our house... but we also don't want him in everybody else's house... you know? We've talked about converting the garage/mancave shed into an "in home" tattoo studio situation and while the plans aren't set in stone, we've got some real good ideas.
So yeah... just a little catchup and some plans. 2024 has been hectic but we're all just trying our best. Dev and me are doing all we can to make ourselves and each other happy because we promised each other... if we got married we would be as happy as possible and live the exact life we wanted.
Lucky for us, we don't need much to make us happy. And honestly, that's my favorite part.