For me Summer means heat, sun in my eyes, sweat, blahblah. I'm not trying to complain. I'm just not a huge fan of Summer. Never have been. I don't like laying out in the sun, I don't wear bikinis, sweating is highly over-rated unless there's a good reason (work, exercise, etc.), and honestly not big on the beach. I like it alright, if it's overcast and stormy, then I think that it's gorgeous. Other than that, not so much. I burn far to easy to be in the sun all day, I've watched Shark Week and Deep Blue Sea, so the ocean is kind of a no-no, and frankly sand gets all up in my business. I used to like it better when I was a kid, but then I wasn't thinking of all the things that accompany the ocean. Now I do. Really puts a damper on things if you know what I mean.
I was reading an article about my favorite tv show that starts it's sixth season on September 10, and I got to thinking about all of the things that I'll be excited to see/do when Fall (Autumn for the Prudes) rolls around. I love Fall! It has always been my favorite season!! It's not too hot and not too cold, but just perfect! I also love all of the things associated with Fall. With it comes some of my Favorite things!
#1: My Boots! Yes, that's right. With Fall comes boot weather. I am very aware that I can wear boots in the Summer, I know that's what the "hip" kids are doing, (P.S.-Just so you know me and my friends did it before it was a "trend" and people thought that it was cool-it was just practical to us), but it's just not the same. I force myself to "retire" them when it gets towards the middle of Spring, and don't break them out again until the leaves start falling. Yes, a little pun there, but go with it I'm trying to be Whimsical :) I will be very happy to have them back! Down where I grew up they call them "shit stompers". No, not because we all thought we were badass tough, but because we all wore Redwings or MuckBoots, and worked in the cattle fields. Hence, having to stomp through the cow shit. Get it? Just a little something so you would know. :) I remember stomping through an old field with a friend of mine (for his Granddad) herding some cattle so we could move them to another piece of land for him at 3 in the morning. Let's just say it's a good thing we were wearing our boots! Good times though.
#2: Pumpkins! I LOVE Pumpkins! I don't know why, it must be some kind of nostalgic thing for me, but I love them. Not only do pumpkins come with Fall, but the patches they grow in do too! Who doesn't love a pumpkin patch? Seriously! I don't even have kids and I think that seeing them in the patches, running around is amazing. I don't know what it must feel like taking/seeing your kids run around in there, but I bet it's amazing!! It's amazing to see my Family do it, so it must be good for everybody else. Please don't tell people that I'm a big ole softy, I try to hide it.
#3: Hoodie Weather! Who in their right mind doesn't love a good hoodie? I love them! I have to admit that sometimes hoodie season makes me a bit lazy in the dressing department though. Whether I'm wearing jeans or sweats, I don't pay enough attention to my tops. Why? Because I'm putting a hoodie over it anyways, that's why! This whole not paying attention as long as I have my hoodie thing is what resulted in the "you can't wear that kind of shirt to a meeting" debacle. Don't ask. All I can say in my defense was if it was too hot in that meeting room for a hoodie, it was too hot in that meeting room! Plus, scarves, that I don't have a picture of. I love scarves too!! And thanks to my wonderful uncle/boss/friend I now have a new hoodie to add to the collection. He insists that I no longer wear Purdue, but a team that actually wins from time to time. (Thank you Uncle Roger!)
#4: Fall Tv Shows! I watch alot of tv. More so than I should I know, but it's like all of those crazy moms from back in the day said, it's addictive. I watch more movies when it's warm out though. Why? Because the best shows start in the Fall! The Walking Dead, Bones, Criminal Minds, The Following, an assortment of other good ones, and my personal Favorite- Sons of Anarchy!! That's right it premieres Tuesday, September 10, and this girl right here can't hardly wait! It's true! There's rumors (from the writer/director and cast) that this season and the next will be the last and that makes me sad. However, that at least means that there's two more Falls to go! :) I curl up on the couch with a small blanket (in my sweats of course) and watch this show every Tuesday night. It makes me a nervous wreck! Things never go the way that I want them too, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles I guess. I have all the seasons that are out on DVD, but every Tuesday night I am a Faithful Viewer! Can't wait for the Season Premiere! I've been waiting patiently (with minimal curse words) since the last season finale. Here's hoping!

#6: Halloween! That's right, not only is Fall my favorite Season, but along with it comes my favorite Holiday! I know most people love Christmas and Hanukkah and Valentine's Day, but for me it's Halloween. Costumes, candy, scary movies, just the works. It's great! I've always wanted to go to a big Halloween costume party, but haven't because well, you can't trust people not to roofie you and leave you naked on a park bench. Trust me, I know people it's happened too. Don't ask. Anyway, if you can't tell I'm very excited at the prospect of Halloween. Anytime it involves scary movies and candy, I'm in!
#7: Red Lips! Yes, I know that you can wear red lipstick all year round. People do it all the time including Summertime. However, I never feel like wearing it unless it's Fall. I don't know why, but that just so happens to be when I get the urge to do it. Red is my favorite color so it makes me Happy! Besides, what's more Classic? That would be nothing. :)
#8: Hot Beverages. For some it's coffee, cider, tea, frappes, lattes, hot chocolate. For me it's all of the above, plus Wassel! What is wassel you ask? Well, it's this amazing little drink that was concocted by an Uncle of mine many/many years ago, and continues to be a staple in my Family to this day. We all love wassel time! Who wouldn't like the perfect mixture of cider, cinnamon, red hots, and gin? I don't know, but we sure love it! Maybe, my Family and I should discuss our "drinking" habits. Maybe, over a nice steaming/hot cup of wassel. :) I'm so excited for it to get cool out so I can have my favorite hot beverages again!
These things are not the only things that I love about Fall, but they're at least in my top 10! I'm glad that everyone is enjoying their Summer, and it has been pretty nice. But this girl right here can't wait for Fall! Last, but not Least, one of the great things that accompanies Fall.....The Colors!
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