Sunday, February 2, 2014

Am I the only one that finds Edward Cullen completely sexy when he's not, you know- Edward Cullen?

I have to give this guy some props. I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to mention this in my lifetime, it's something that only my family and really close friends know about me, but I feel like I should just open up about it, quit being ashamed, and tell the world. Hello, my name is Katie and I love the Twilight movie. Yes, I know! But no more of being ashamed, if anything blame my generation. Now, I like my vampires blood thirsty, and sexy, and nightwalkers, I'm just old-fashioned that way. However, I still love the Twilight movies, or as girls my age say- Twilight Saga. Please, give me a break, I started reading these when I was a junior in high school. It's just a notch in my generation. Besides...I do what I want! 

Anyways, I always found Jasper to be the most attractive Cullen. Edward second Why? Because he had that dangerous, mysterious thing going on. You didn't know whether he was going to kiss you, bite you, sniff you, teach you to fight or cut you up in a bazillion little pieces. Now, I don't want to be chopped up or have a crazy/psychotic guy in my life, but every girl, if they're being honest, will admit that at one point in their lives that they were attracted to a dangerous and/or "bad boy". It's just how our brains are wired. No biggy, most of us eventually get over it. Although Twilight did leave a lot of unanswered questions. Never mind.

I mean, I thought that Edward was cute and everything, but I didn't think that he was as "dreamy" as everyone else did. Don't get me wrong- I'm #TeamEdward all the way, boo Jacob, but I just wasn't in aww. He more than made up for it with romantic gestures, saving Bella's life and putting her before himself constantly, and quoting "the greats", and I wouldn't have snubbed my nose at him when I was a teen, but he just wasn't my cup of Edward.

Everything else that Robert Pattinson is in I find him to be incredibly...appealing. Seriously, everything. Jacob the elephant loving trainer? Check. Toby the haunted airman? Check. Rawdy Crawley? Check. Tyler the troublemaker? Check, check. And I was so exceptionally in love with him when he was...Cedric Diggory.

Yes, not only did my generation have Twilight, but we are kind of really known as- The Harry Potter Generation. Sad? Absolutely not! Harry Potter is the shit! I sounded completely nerdy after saying that, I realize it now, but I don't care at all. I love Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory. I guess what all of this means is- I'm a Robert Pattinson fan, I think that Kristen Stewart should be kicked in the face for cheating on him and I can't wait to see a bunch more of his films. Like the new one that he has coming out this summer...

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