Tuesday, May 16, 2017

I'm not big on being an adult.

Picture it: Yesterday, May 15, 2017. A hot and muggy afternoon. A young peasant girl (aka, me) on the brink of insanity (I can't turn my brain off for five seconds) and with hair resembling that of Marv from Home Alone (#humidityproblems).

She along with her mother drives to a unfamiliar place to talk to people whom she had never met. It was scary.... and pricey. There they were, swapping stories and life circumstances for hours and just like that (like, 3.5 hours later) they walk out, never to be heard from again.

And by never being heard from again, I mean I totally called and have to go sign papers today. Oh yeah, somewhere in that story I forgot to actually get to the point.... I bought a car.

Well ok, that's not 100% accurate, because I'm actually in the process of buying a car and there's going to be payments made on it, so it won't technically be "mine" until that time. Except, I still have to pay for it and I'm the only one that's going to be driving it so it is mine? I don't know. All I know is I had a slight panic attack and now I have a different car.

I still have my original car, but it won't be around long (and that makes me incredibly sad).

We've been talking about having to get a different car for awhile now (*insert my sad face right here), and we knew that it was going to have to be sooner rather than later.... our poor little Betsy just isn't going to make it through another winter. But she's been a good ole gal and I have plenty of memories with her.... and she has more than quadrupled times infinity her value in the fact that we've had her for ten years, we've had to replace the radiator and water-pump and she only cost us $48. Yes, that's right and not a typo.... $48.

Now she's ready for retirement and while that makes me very sad (like, tear-inducing sad), I had to move on (against my will.... even though I knew it had to be done).

And while Betsy is enjoying her first day of semi-retirement, her replacement has stepped up to the plate to show us what he's got. Yes, Betsy wanted her successor to be a boy. A younger boy with far less miles life experience on him than his predecessor, but with a shiny purple body and a tire warranty skills of his own.

He knows he has big shoes to fill and I just hope that he can step up to the plate. Now, if you'll excuse me I have some mourning to do, some excitement to feel (kind of?), and some driving to do/papers to sign. And while the process and readjustment is far from over, I know that within time, we'll all adapt.... probably.

Oh yeah, and since he's a spicy little quesadilla (2011 Ford Fiesta) I named him.... Ricardo.

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