Friday, October 11, 2019

It's about time to relax and get some pup snuggles in.

This has been an incredibly long and exhausting week. And maybe that's because I drank too much on Wednesday night, or maybe it's because a friend of mine has been going through a rough time and needed to lean on me.... maybe it's neither of those things and I'm just exhausted as a person in general. It really could be any of them.

But, it's finally Friday and while I have to do a few things after work today (ie: run to the grocery store, finish cleaning the house, and do laundry), I'm hoping to not do a whole lot else the rest of the weekend. 

My brother, his girlfriend, and the baby are staying over tonight, but they'll be heading back to their house probably on Saturday morning, so after that I plan on not doing much of anything. I think even D has to work on Saturday. 

So.... maybe I'll just not wear pants and watch the new Breaking Bad movie on Netflix. Maybe I'll find and start a different show and binge-watch that. Who knows? Perhaps, a few scary movies. The point is, once I get off of work today and do the things I have to do this evening, nobody bother me, because I'm checking out.

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