Thursday, February 11, 2021

We did Valentine's Day early.... because that's how we roll.

D and I did Valentine's Day early this year, because both of us are literally the worst at keeping presents that we got each other a secret from one another. I don't know what it is, but neither of us can seem to get the other something and not immediately want them to have it. It's like we're more excited to give presents than get them.

I'm not sure if we've always been like this, because I just now noticed it, but I think it's safe to assume that yes, we have in fact always been this way with one another. Even with Christmas we find ourselves trying to give the other one their gifts early.... or at the very least, some of them. Either way, it works for us and we're just gonna go with it.

Besides, who made the rule that you have to wait for a certain day to celebrate and give someone you love a gift? Whomever it was, they're stupid and we aren't going to listen to them.

Also, when it comes to my gift? I knew I married him for a reason.... he just f*cking gets me.

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