Although, I'm a firm believer in the fact that the experiences in your life and the choices that you make are what truly makes you the person you are, it would still be nice to have a little heads up and perhaps change a thing or two. Just saying. I wouldn't change alot, but just a few little things, and maybe not make so many mistakes. Even though I like to say that they weren't mistakes they were paths that lead down the wrong road, Seriously who are we kidding? They were straight up mistakes. :) So here are just a few things that I would tell my 16 year old self if I could.
One: Things are not as bad as they seem. I know right now you feel like your world is upside down/spinning circles, but it's going to be ok. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good, and you know what? When all of this is over and done with, you come out a better/smarter/stronger person. So keep smiling because it's what you do best no matter the circumstances. A whole lot of changes are coming in the next few years so brace yourself and don't worry. You're tough!
Two: Go to the Doctor and the Dentist on a regular basis! I know you
don't want to (that feeling doesn't go away as you get older just so you
know), but do it anyway. It will probably make things better in the
long run.
Three: Be prepared for body changes and acne in your early
twenties. I know right now your jeans are a size 00 and your skin is as
smooth as a baby's ass
bottom, but prepare yourself. I say this to you now because when it
hits you won't take it so well. Eventually you'll get it all fixed.
Hell, you never liked being a 00 anyways so it's all good, but the acne makes you want to just peel your face off. Don't do this! You will eventually fix it.
Four: All that silver/blue/charcoal eyeshadow and black eyeliner...Yeah
seriously rethink that one! I know you love it now and you think that it
looks pretty and all your friends and your boyfriend says it's pretty,
but let me just tell you THEY ARE WRONG! You look like Courtney Love and
Lindsey Lohan had a love child together. That's not a good thing! And
if you decide not to listen to this at least stop letting them take
pictures of you with it. You'll thank me later.
Five: Guys. Oh boy. Well, for starters things do NOT go down in real life like in some of the books you read. Guys are not Shane West. (Yes, I know that Shane West is your favorite out of all of the Nicholas Sparks movies, and even though there are some great one's now and even more in the future by the time you're me, he still will be your favorite). You will not have the same b/f that you do right now, and when you look back on it you'll think wth? In two years you will learn that dating a guy that you work in the same room with for 8-16 hours a day, 5-7 days a week, probably not the best idea that you'll ever have. Not your finest moment. Not your worst, but definitely not your finest. Lastly, by the time your ending your 18th year and going into your 19th, do me one thing. Don't date at all! Please if you listen to nothing else I say, listen to this! Trust me.
Six: Quit cutting and dying your own hair!! Seriously! You've had your hair every single color of the rainbow including striped and polka-dot and still insist on doing it. Stop! Here's why, number one you always go back to brown and number two you hate having short hair. You always have, so why you keep cutting it I'll never know. Let it grow to the length you like and let a professional take care of the rest. If your going to dye it yourself, only normal colors.
Six: Quit cutting and dying your own hair!! Seriously! You've had your hair every single color of the rainbow including striped and polka-dot and still insist on doing it. Stop! Here's why, number one you always go back to brown and number two you hate having short hair. You always have, so why you keep cutting it I'll never know. Let it grow to the length you like and let a professional take care of the rest. If your going to dye it yourself, only normal colors.
Seven: Rethink the purple/black plaid skirt with the chains that you got at HotTopic, and the red/black plaid one that you made for Halloween. There's a reason that you don't wear skirts on a regular basis honey. You're not very graceful. We'll just leave it at that.
Eight: All of your friends from Highschool, the one's that you've grown up with and are going to graduate with (y'all are bff), in a matter of 6 years from now, you won't talk to any of them...and that's ok. You're perfectly fine with the fact that you don't have babies and aren't married like them, and that you took a completely different route in life than they did. As you get older you realize that you don't want to surround yourself with people that don't bring out your good side, you want to be surrounded with the people that help you show the best of yourself.
Nine: Try to save Heath Ledger!! I know you love him and think that he's definitely one of the best actor's of your time, so do all you can to save him. In a little over a year he will be in the new Batman movie playing the role of The Joker (Quit being so excited...I know you) and he will develop some problems. Try to warn people and get him some help before it's too late. I know bad things happen and you can't prevent everything, but maybe you can at least help him.
Ten: Pay more attention in computer class and possibly take another one. I know you want to be a journalist or a marine biologist and that's fine, but you will need to know more about technology. I realize that you don't have a cell phone because you hate them, you prefer to hold an actual book in your hand to read it, and you want to write everything by hand (the good ole days of letter writing), but unfortunately in the next few years you won't have a choice to not use the newfound technology. Don't tell anybody this but in the future they have phones that you work by just touching them or talking to them. In fact if you could talk to the dude next to you in computer class (yes the one that reminds you a bit of Charles Manson...get over it) and ya'll invent it first, I would greatly appreciate it. Actually, you will greatly appreciate it.
P.S. You Never Stop "Day-Dreaming" and Still Call People Darlin' and Sweetie...It's Great!!
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