Does it ever feel like your emotions go up and down, and basically get the best of you, making you their
bitch puppet? Sometimes I just feel like my emotions get the best of me. One minute I'm sitting there all fine and dandy, and the next thing I know I'm secretly imagining about punching somebody in the throat. What can I say? It happens. Before I say anything farther I would just like everyone to acknowledge the fact that I am very grateful. I'm grateful for my life, my job, my family, everything. I truly am. With that being said- please take this with a grain of salt. Sometimes there's either not enough time in a day, too much time in a day, or just not your day at all.
I feel your pain Klaus. I really do.
First, there's that pain in the ass thing called a job that they expect you to be present and
"with it" for eight hours.
Boring! Unless you're like Maureen Dowd or Nina Dobrev or something. Their jobs are probably pretty exciting. Then there's all the food that I need to consume in one day. We're talking chips, cheese, tacos, and don't even get me started on the...candy. Not to mention drinking. Various things that I need to drink in a day. Tea, diet coke, water, vodka...gotta stay on top of things. Wouldn't want to be dehydrated you know. Then there's the amount of television that I need to watch in a day. There's just not enough time in one day to watch everything that I need to. Things like,
but not limited too, Sons of Anarchy, Chicago Fire, Criminal Minds, The Vampire Diaries, New Girl. Why I even watch Chicago Fire is beyond me anyways. Things hardly ever
"go down" the way that I want them to and I cry every episode.
Every. Single. One. Not to mention all of the books that I need to read. And by need I mean I just really want to re-read them until eventually I fall out of reality and become a character in one of my favorite novels. All of that squeezed in between the things that have to be done like showering and brushing my hair. It doesn't help that I get distracted on
Instagram looking at pictures of absolutely everything, sometimes staring off into space for hours at a time. Or perusing
Youtube for interviews and clips involving actors that I like. And don't get me started on the movies I want to watch. Oh, the movies. Every now and then I sit there and daydream about everything that I want to go my way. More often than not I think about how cool it would be to have a
"Grumpy Cat", and all of the signs/pictures/memes that I would make with him. Train of thought? Attention Span? What are those? Sometimes I literally just sit there and stare at a screen or off into space and hate everyone.
Basically I wrote this post for no reason at all. I just felt like rambling on a little bit, and wanted to be a bit sarcastic. I do that sometimes. Don't worry, when it comes to all of this, I'm just playing. Just being a sarcastic little ass. Sometimes I find that fun to do, and where better to do that than right here?
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