I'm the eternal optimist, the daydreamer and the hopeless romantic all wrapped up into one five foot package. Although, when I say I'm done that means I am done, and I can hold a grudge like nobody's business. You know why? Because it is nobody's business, but mine. But I have my days where I feel sad too. I don't know if you would call it depression, even though some doctors have. I prefer to think of it as just an off day.
However, on these days that I feel kind of down there are random things that make me happy and smile. My family (that includes you Tayder) always make me happy, but I'm talking about the random things. So I made a list of the six most random things that make me happy. A list of six, because a list of five or ten is for people who play by the rules. And we don't do that around here.
One: Dressing like a hobo. And pulling that shit off.
This is going to make me sound horrible, but when I'm not at work I'm usually in a t-shirt and sweatpants. I know that's not very fashion forward for my twenty-four year old self, but I prefer comfort over style. Please, just love me for the slob that I really am. But sometimes I have these days where I look less like a lazy girl and more like a trendy/hipster college student.
Two: Jake Gyllenhaal.
One of my favorite actors that I don't think I have ever mentioned on my blog (which I find really weird) is Jake Gyllenhaal. I can be in the saddest mood in the world and if I watch a JG movie, I immediately feel a little better. I don't know what it is about that man, maybe it's that adorable smirk that he has, or it could be those ginormous St. Bernard puppy eyes that seem to stare deep down into your soul. Either way, it makes me happy.
Three: When guys show up other guys in the sweetie department.
We all know that there are plenty of jerks out there. Am I right, ladies? We've all seen it or experienced it (probably more than once). There are very few times in life that a girl finds a great guy first off, and he's the perfect fit for her. However, there are those certain instances that I hear about that make me go- Awww....
Four: Marathons of my favorite shows.
I'm not going to lie. Law and Order: SVU is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's one of those shows that makes me feel really weird and question why I love it so much. I don't put too much thought into it though. I also don't watch the new episodes very often, because I've always been strictly #TeamStabler, but when I'm having one of "my days", and there's a SVU marathon on? Yes, please.
Five: Reading.
I'm a bit of a nerd. I don't deny this on any level. I'm not really into video games or comic books. Basically because I've never understood video games nor do I have the patience when things aren't going my way. Comic books? I was just never around them growing up. But reading? Yes. I'm what some people call a book dork. Not nice, by the way. Dani says it's like I'm a little old lady. I don't care though, going somewhere in my head because of a book and pretending I'm that character for a little bit works for me.
Six: LOTR.
If you haven't learned by now, like I said before, I'm a bit of a nerd. Hello, my name is Katie and I love Lord of the Rings. LOTR and The Hobbit. I could watch all of those movies all day everyday and just become more and more convinced that they are the best cinematic adventure to ever come upon us. Yeah, I know exactly what I sound like. And I don't care. #TeamNerd baby.
Bonus: Saying- yeah, bitch!!
Thank you, Aaron Paul.
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