Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I fell asleep while curling my hair

Vodka and Soda
You know, I finished reading The Fault In Our Stars in a matter of two and a half nights so that made me feel like I really have my shit together. It's not too often that I feel like that. Of course now it's Wednesday and the euphoria of Sunday nights "revelation" has worn off. Now, I'm just sitting here like a zombie attempting to write something that doesn't want to make me gouge my eyes out. Because Lord forbid I do something in advance to prepare. So my sweeties, I apologize in advance for the crap that I am spewing from my mouth this morning. But I mean, I got to use Ian again, so that's a win, win, my friends.

//My Momma and I cleaned out our storage (mostly) last Sunday and in the process of doing said horrible task I found things that I forgot I had. At one point a mixed CD fell out and I recognized it as the CD my friend Mo and I made when we were seventeen. Wow. That feels like a long time ago. Anyways, I took it with me and immediately started listening to it in the car. Uh, we were awesome seventeen year olds. We had great taste in music. And I'm not just saying that, we really did. I'll be doing a post about it in the near future.

//Like I said up top, I finished reading The Fault In Our Stars on Sunday night and now I can't quit talking about it. (On the blog- I even wrote about it here). I'm sorry, but I just really loved it. I kind of don't want to see the movie for fear of it ruining the book for me. (Even though it's incredibly sad). Has anyone seen it? Opinions, please. By the way, yes I did cry. Through the entire book.

//I totally "friend zoned" a guy at work that has been asking me out for months. I'm sorry, but it had to be done. Wait, no. The hell with that, I'm not sorry. I was perfectly nice about it and I was just being honest. I would want someone to be honest with me. I just don't want to fall into something that I don't want and then be stuck. I've been saying that for two years now, and I'm sticking to it. Besides he doesn't get my weird sense of humor and he turned into kind of a jerk after that so- Sayonara!!

//I was curling my hair this morning and in my zombie state I realized that I was curling the back of my hair (with my forehead on the mirror!) Yes, I was sleeping while leaning on the mirror and curling my hair. Luckily, I didn't burn anything (including my hair). Needless to say, the back of my hair didn't get curled the rest of the way. But hell, it's humid anyways.

//The last four days after I got off of work, ran errands, and got home I haven't worn pants. Yep, you heard me right. No pants for this girl right here. I've taken my shower and put on a long sleep shirt and underwear. But that's all. I've decided that pants are a way to conform to 'the man' and I'm not having it. At least that's what I told my uncle when he asked me why I wasn't wearing any.

//I seriously need to wear my glasses while reading and working on the computer, but the frames of my glasses are so small that I end up looking over or under them. In other words, they annoy the shit out of me and I just can't wear them. I'm going to have to just break down and go to the eye doctor to get some new frames. I want big frames too. But I don't want to look like Sally Jesse or be mistaken for a 'hipster'. Basically, because I still don't fully understand that term.

//Two of my cousins have recently told me that I'm just like Max (Kat Dennings) on 2 Broke Girls. They said that I'm a sarcastic smartass with no filter. The word vomit just flows out of my mouth. Well, I took that as a compliment, because she is hilarious! My older cousin said that it was a good thing, but he might have just said that so I'll bake him some more blueberry bread. Not trying to toot my own horn, but that stuff is delicious. The secret? Blueberry juice and blackberry wine. Shhh ;)

Once again ladies, I'm sorry that this isn't exactly great, but I'll do better next time. Promise! I'm just SO sleepy. What are the odds that I would get fired if I took a nap on my desk? Under my desk? In the bathroom? Just in general? Yeah, that's kind of what I thought to. Damn it.

Linking up with Kat

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