Thursday, September 4, 2014

Joan, Meghan, Garth and Will; plus a funny

First, am I the only one that's sad that Joan Rivers died today? I know that she was a pain in the ass, and a lot of people didn't like her, but I did. I thought that she was funny, and I'm convinced that the only reason that people didn't like her was because she was so outspoken and honest. She said exactly what we were all thinking, but didn't say. Maybe I liked her, because she reminds me of me. You know, no filter. I tend to say exactly what I'm thinking when I think it. It goes straight from brain to mouth, no filter. She pioneered for women in the comedy field, and single handily made herself a millionaire. All while being a single mother, because her husband had committed suicide. That right there is something to relish at. So, no matter what people may think of her, women are thankful for her. 

Rest easy, Joan Rivers, you will be missed by many, myself included. You always made me laugh.

Have y'all heard the new Garth Brooks song? If not, don't listen to it, it sucks. And I really like Garth Brooks, but if that's his "new age" version of his singing, I will not be listening to anything, but his old songs. Sorry, I'm not sorry. Also, watch this video of a guy downing an entire bottle of Jack Daniels in 15 seconds. I like whiskey, but I sure as shit couldn't do that. I can hold my own when it comes to drinking, but a whole damn bottle in 15 seconds? Hell to the no. I prefer to keep on living, and if I did that I would surely die. You know, not from alcohol consumption, but from puking until I was dead. That's exactly how that would go down. Just saying. I come from a long line of drinkers, and by drinkers, I mean- alcoholics, and I can chug a lot of things, but not Jack. The whole point of this is- Wow. Dude. Seriously?! Kudos to you!! I can't do it, but I'm amazed that you can.

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