Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday Favorites #1 for me (it's alot further for other people)- Week of 11/04.

I was reading up with Gretch and noticed that she was catching up this past weeks events with Heather.... and thought that I might play around with it. We'll see how this goes.

Is it really Friday?! PRAISE EVERYTHING. I could not be happier about this turn of events.... I missed 1.5 days of work this week (half of Tuesday and all of Wednesday.... thanks a lot flu/inner ear infection) and for some reason, it still feels like it has taken forever. After I get off today though, two days off (and I don't even have to mow the grass). YES.

I know that it's officially November and people are all excited for Thanksgiving/Christmas, but I am still in mourning for Halloween, because it's my absolute favorite. The only thing that gets me through is the fact that I watch horror movies all year round and candy is always a part of my life.

Speaking of food (yes, candy counts in my book).... I had the absolute best nachos of my life last night and I could eat them every single day and only love them more. Nothing says happy me like Mexican food.

This election? OY. VEY. Amirite?!! I don't get political and I usually always listen to every persons opinions.... and this time around is no different. I don't talk about my political stance (that's what I use voting for), but I will be SO happy when this election is over. You know why? Because I am beyond tired of hearing political commercials/news 24/7. Yes, I know that it's important, but can we talk about anything else for just five minutes?

.... Although I do have to say, no matter which side of the election that you're on (i.e. Democrat, Republican, etc.), the memes/jokes have been on point from all sides. Seriously, there's some hilarious stuff out there.

The World Series. Ok, I get it. The Chicago Cubs played (and beat) the Cleveland Indians (Game 7: 8-7) in the World Series and it's their first Series win in.... 108 years. Yeah, they won in 1907 and 1908.... and then didn't make it back for a defeat until 2016. I understand that it's a big deal.... BUT I don't watch baseball (unless it's The Sandlot or A League of their Own) and frankly I just didn't care. Am I happy for you Cubbies? Yes. Do I also want you to quit interrupting/screwing up the tv shows that I watch on a regular basis? Yes.

....You play and do what you gotta do, but leave Lethal Weapon alone.

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