One of our sales reps brought cupcakes into work today and Danielle wanted me to split one with her (because apparently she wants to be healthy and have self control or something? weird), so that she wouldn't be eating a whole one by herself. (But, she should've because they were delicious.... but we both agree that "red velvet" is just chocolates copycat cousin).
That got us talking about when people usually start thinking about their overall health and begin changing their eating/exercise habits. I kind of assumed that people started really paying attention to that kind of thing in their mid-thirties, but Dani crushed me dreams and a little piece of my soul (thanks, dude), by informing me that people really start with all of that around thirty.
What. the. actual. f*ck.
She then told me that since I'm creeping up on thirty (I turned twenty-eight two months ago) that I would probably start trying to "get a handle" on everything, because your body just automatically becomes more aware of its age.
That's when I was forced to tell her that I've literally been eating like a six year old my entire life and there's absolutely NO WAY that I can reign that shit in within two years. She laughed and was like, "oh Katie, it can't be that bad" and I had to admit that there were sour gummy worms in my purse as we were having this conversation.... she just shook her head and laughed, because she knows that I'm a lost cause (for the most part). Either way, I don't foresee me "reigning" anything in.
And Dani, just remember, the closer I creep to thirty, the closer you creep to forty. Cheers.
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