A little known fact about me is that I have had the same arch nemesis since third grade. And this is only a little known fact about me, because even at the age of twenty-nine I still won't let that shit go, because GRUDGES ARE WHAT MAKE UP MY SOUL AND FUEL MY LIFEFORCE.
Besides, it only takes once for you to have to carry one of your pigtails home with a note from your teacher explaining that a boy in your class cut it off, not you before you hold onto that grudge forever. I mean, OF COURSE I DIDN'T CUT OFF MY OWN F*CKING PIGTAIL.
But, I digress.
Because for almost as long as I've had my arch nemesis, there was also another boy that I just didn't care for. Seriously, I just haven't ever liked this other guy. It all started in fifth grade and escalated from there. I mean, he never did anything directly to me, but I just didn't care for him.... or his brother.
And that's really saying something, because I usually have to have a legit reason for not liking someone. I don't usually just "not like" a person upon meeting them, but this dude? UGH.
The entire time that we were growing up, I tried to tell everybody that he was just not a nice dude. And once we got older, I maintained that I thought this guy was a giant bag of d*cks. People would say things to me like, "you just don't know him, he's a real nice guy" and "he's made a couple of mistakes, but who hasn't?" The last one is valid, but still, it always felt like people were giving him a pass, because his family had a little bit of money and he played sports (ie: basketball, baseball). I know that sounds kind of cliche, but that's honestly what it always felt like. Even some of the girls I grew up with had a "crush" on him, because he was, in their words, "so cute." *barf*
It was like it was "ok" that he was nasty to people or that he thought he was better than most just because of these things. And I never understood it. I never understood why people just felt the need to give him a "pass." But, I figured I wasn't supposed to understand it and that I never would. (I don't.)
When we grew up and finished school his douchery seemed amplified to a level that would make even Steff McKee take a step back. I didn't have to deal with him anymore (victory!), but I felt bad for the people I knew going forward that would have to inevitably see this jackass in everyday adult interactions.
A couple years after we graduated I heard that he got arrested for drugs or something another and still, people said things like, "well, he has a problem." Yeah, he has a problem, he's a d*ck, that's his problem. But, oh no, of course this wasn't his fault. It was everyone else's fault. It was his family's fault (even though they had always been extremely supportive), it was the women that had come in and out of his life's fault (because apparently he thought he should never get broken up with and people should deal with his shit?), it was society's fault (because our small little town had "held him back").
It went on like this for a few years, with his family sending him to rehab and him completing it a total of at least three times. He would stay "good" for awhile and then you would just randomly hear about some ridiculous thing he would pull and it would start all over again.
A vicious circle.
And the circle didn't just include drugs, but a myriad of things that should have been added to the list of his asshattery, but instead, became the list of things that had "befallen" him. The fact that people were still allowing him to do these things and have sympathy for it was incredibly frustrating and exasperating.
Well.... guess what?! He did it again. And this time, it would be nice if people made him accountable for his own actions. Even though, I'm sure they won't, just from the "comments" that I've seen.
There was an article in my old town's newspaper (yes, I still subscribe to the newspaper from my hometown.... I DO WHAT I WANT) on the front page (because shit like this always makes the front page in a teeny little town) with his mugshot (he looks creepily like Herbert the Pervert from Family Guy) detailing what had happened. And what had happened was, his girlfriend had broken her hand and went to the doctor where they prescribed her painkillers, because you know, SHE BROKE HER F*CKING HAND.
Apparently to him this meant that she had a big ole bottle of painkillers up for grabs. When she refused to give them to him (because I'm assuming she didn't want to be a drug dealer, didn't want her boyfriend on painkillers just to be high, and oh yeah, she had a broken f*cking hand) he proceeded to kidnap her (ie: he held her in her own home against her will by force), beat her, steal her phone so she couldn't call for help, and take some of the pills.... all in front of her child.
And if that wasn't good enough (you know, the punching her in the head, strangling her, holding her down, covering her mouth so she couldn't scream for help all in front of her kid), once she gave him some of the painkillers so that he would hopefully leave and it would end, he left and then came back to do it again, because he hadn't "gotten them all."
Luckily, after about 45 minutes to an hour she got away and was able to call the police, who showed up, observed the scene, and took his bitchass to jail.
Now, I don't know the circumstances. And I'm usually the first one to admit that you shouldn't "jump to conclusions" without having all of the facts. I get it. Sometimes things are not what they appear.
But.... sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be. And what appears to me is, this guy is a tool and has received far too many passes for far too long and people are STILL making excuses for him. Yes, excuses. NOT reasons. EXCUSES. Because honestly, what is the reasoning behind any of this? I'll tell you, there isn't one. There are only excuses.
There are a bunch of comments on this article, most of which still seem to have a tinge of "sympathy" FOR HIM. Not for the woman who went through all of this. And especially not for the child who had to watch this happen to his mother. But for him. What. in. the. actual. f*ck?!!
My favorite one has got to be from a girl that I grew up with (whom I love) that said: "Drugs.... they change a person in the WORST possible way... 😔😔 I hate to see him make these decisions and just glad she wasn't seriously injured. Don't do drugs folks. Period."
Yes, drugs do change a person in the worst possible way. And I'm so very glad that she wasn't more seriously injured than she was. Watching someone make these sort of decisions is heartbreaking and baffling.
BUT.... my thing is, can we please do something about this before someone does get seriously injured? Was this not enough? He has clearly been doing questionable and morally ambiguous things at an escalating level for YEARS and people keep giving him a "pass" because he's him. So, this time.... can we not? Can we hold him to his own accountability and stop making it everyone else's "fault" and make him take responsibility for this shit?! (For now he's been charged with: domestic violence, interference with an emergency call, and custodial interference.)
Seriously.... let's just.... yeah.
UPDATE: Apparently, it will do no good for everyone to hold him accountable for his own actions, because said girlfriend that got the crap beat out of her in front of her child over drugs has decided that it is a wonderful idea to not be his girlfriend anymore.... but to become his fiance. And if I see one more of those "we've had our ups and downs and people may not understand blah, blah, blah, blah, blah" posts on FB, I'm gonna barf. People make my head hurt.
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