My little cousin posted on her social media account, and while it's hers to do with which she pleases (even though teens on social media blows my mind, because if social media would have been around when I was her age it would've been a big f*ck no from my mom), and I don't have to follow her and see her posts, I'm still going to complain about it, because THAT'S JUST WHO I AM AS A PERSON NOW.
Also, the fact that I turned twenty-nine a few months ago (effectively starting the last year of "being in my twenties") and found a giant patch of gray hair (not a hair here or there, but an ENTIRE PATCH) awhile back may have something to do with my bad mood towards "young" people, but we're going with this is just who I am now.
These are
#1: "Take you back" where exactly? As someone who is in your current life, I'm going to go ahead and let you in on the fact that we all (and by "we all" I mean me) know this was taken on a trip through your SCHOOL, you complained the ENTIRE time, AND you got GROUNDED for a MONTH when you got back, over something you did while there. And while I (and everyone that isn't your parents) thought it was stupid, the fact is, it happened. Also, in case you forgot, you were PISSED OFF and swore you wouldn't want to "relive that ever again." Well, here we are.
#2: BUCKET HATS?! Bucket hats are back and a f*cking thing again? This is how old I am?!!?! I'm officially "these trends were around when you were a kid/teen and now they're making their way back around" years old?! F*ck.
#3: That little girl that commented on your post that you answered? Listen, I know she's your "best friend" and you're going to be "best friends" for the rest of your lives and you can't imagine your lives without each other, but as someone who has been in the same situation as you with the same kind of friends (not to mention I have personally met this little girl), let me just say.... dump her. Dump her right now. BECAUSE SHE IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST.
#4: PLEASE STOP shortening your words to a couple of letters. You're educated and I'm old. In other words, I don't know what you mean and you know how to say what you're trying to say using legitimate words. USE YOUR WORDS.
There are more, but I'm stopping here. Because even I'm like, "damn Katie, calm the f*ck down over there."
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