Me: *types into WebMD* "Why do I get a pain in my back when I chug copious amounts of wine?!"
WebMD Commenter: "Couldn't you just.... like.... not chug copious amounts of wine?!"
Me: "Can you just.... like.... mind your own damn business and let me consult with my primary physician over here, CINDY?!"
D and I have been in full on hibernation mode lately. It's not even been that cold out (although he would insist that it's been freezing and I'm trying to give him hypothermia), but it's been just grey and icky enough out to make you want to do nothing but nap and cuddle.
In fact, I don't usually take naps, but today seems like the perfect day to get into it. Unfortunately, I have to be an adult and work.... and clean house.... and do laundry.... and cook supper.... and shower.
Ugh, the glamorous life that is mine. (But, in all honesty, I wouldn't have it any other way).
With all of this hibernation time we've been putting in, I've been making good use of my new(ish) Instant Pot and we've been bingeing Sons of Anarchy and Hawaii Five-0. (SOA we do together, H50 I sometimes do completely on my own.... I love it!). Our pups have even gotten into it, taking naps and cuddling into the blankets like there's no tomorrow. I hate being hot or having a hot house, so I try to keep the heat at a minimum.... much to D's chagrin.
Also, with this hibernation onset, alcohol has been a constant in my life. Not saying that I don't drink when it's hot out, but there's just something about drinking some booze while eating chili and binge watching our shows while cuddling my pups that makes me happy. Say what you will, but it's my thing and I love it.
I mean.... homebody that doesn't like to be in public or do anything that requires actual skills or effort?! That's the understatement of the f*cking century.
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