If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, D and I have some of the most random conversations. At this point in our lives neither one of us is surprised by what comes out of the other ones mouth.
For example, the other night we were messing around and getting ready for bed and out of nowhere, D looks at me and says, "so, I heard a TikTok song on the radio today." To which I replied, "holy shit, was it the Applebee's song?" We then proceeded to have a fifteen minute conversation about how we didn't know it was a legitimate song and how it blew our minds when we figured it out together on the same day.
Followed by looking up the song and listening to it together and discussing how catchy it was.
Like, what?! What is even happening?!! Who in their right mind has an entire conversation (the length of a bedtime routine!) about trendy songs they didn't know were real? Even that sentence doesn't make sense!
And it didn't even stop there. We still randomly talk about it when we're laying in bed or look at each other with big eyes when it happens to come on the radio. LIKE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS LEGIT AND WE'RE JUST LEARNING IT FOR THE FIRST TIME EVERY SINGLE TIME.
But, you know what? I wouldn't want to share my randomness with anyone else. It's a very freeing feeling when you're so comfortable with yourself and your person that nothing is off limits. D told me one time that he couldn't believe all the things we talk about as a married couple. Things he thought were forever off limits apparently went out the window as soon as we signed that marriage license. Now, nothing is off limits. NOTHING.
I know that doesn't sound very convincing seeing as I used the "Applebee's song" as my example, but I swear, it gets much more insane and disgusting. The good, the bad, the ugly.... the motherf*cking fugly. The list goes on from there. I'm pretty sure there are times the people around us think to themselves, "would y'all f*cking stop already?! you're too much! we don't want to know all that!" Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that part? We're so used to it being just the two of us (and our pups!) that we sometimes forget when we're around other people and discuss very graphic and/or disgusting things like we're in our own little world. (#mypoorinlaws)
The world of Devon and Katie, where whatever we want together reigns supreme. It's a good world to live in. You know, if you're us. We just hang out in it and adore each other. (And yeah, I know how cringey that sounds).
I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the fact that to my husband I am a wife, best friend, confidant, lover, homie, nurse, auctioneer, lawyer, accountant, surgeon, mama bear, baker, movie critic, hillbilly, hippie, coffee maker, singer, and his love. I love that he thinks I could take over the world and I'm the smartest person he's ever known. I adore the fact that he's convinced I could fight my way through anyone and actually thinks I have my shit together. Even though he literally sees the fact that I don't every single damn day of our lives. He calls me his "beautiful blue-eyed barefoot bandit" and that somehow always makes me melt into a puddle of goo and blush like there's no tomorrow.
Hello everyone, my husband is the ultimate hype man.
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