You ever watched Supernatural? You know when demons possess little kids and they look all cute and shit, but next thing you know they're acting dead inside and you can't find a soul when you look into their eyes? DING DING DING!!
I'm telling y'all, I talked to this little girl for like ten-fifteen minutes and there was nothing there... except you know, my ever long standing fear of having to live a live action version of Silent Hill. She seriously creeped me out to the point of high-tailing my ass into our kitchen where D and Travis were so I could feel safer. I got my pups in and locked those doors and proceeded to not go back outside for the rest of the evening including having D let the pups out later on that night.
And I'm not even sorry about it, because hell no, I'm pretty sure she wanted to devour my soul.
Sure, I may be being dramatic as hell, but you know who else they call dramatic? Every single final girl that's ever survived a horror movie. THAT'S WHO.
The more that kid talked the bigger my eyes got. I know by the time she was done I had to look like I had blue saucers on my face, because my eyes had to have been the size of plates. There's absolutely no way they weren't.
The entire reason I got sucked into this situation is because my pups being the cute little shits that they are were playing in our backyard and our neighbors grandkids ran to the fence all excited asking if they could pet them. Of course our pups were more than happy to except some lovin so off they went to get all the attention. I swear, you would think because of their size they would be a bit more intimidating.
Only the little girl stuck around to offer more ear scratches and while she was petting Sparkles the very first words out of her mouth to me were "I used to have a black and white dog like him... her name was Sugar... when they broke into our house she attacked them but he shot her five times in the stomach... I was in the other room... can you imagine what it's like to have to walk across your dead dog surrounded by her own blood just to get out of your house and to a safe one?" All while she continued to pet Sparkles and stare into the void.
COME ON. Don't get me wrong, I feel so bad for that baby. She has very clearly went through a very traumatic event in her life and very reasonably has some issues, because of it. However, I would hope her parents are aware of the legit psychological damage that's going on up there and get that baby some help. Because I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm really not, but if you could've seen this little girl while she talked about this and seen her reaction to her surroundings you would have been worried and disturbed too.
You ever hear of those stories where a kid is perfectly normal and then something awful happens and next thing you know they have their own three-part Netflix special? This is one of those moments.
It takes alot to freak me out. ALOT. But, she managed to do it in under two minutes. She even looked at me at one point and was like, "are you crying?" and when I said no she responded with, "that's good... I don't remember what it feels like to cry... I haven't cried since I was a baby... I just can't seem to make myself no matter how hard I try."
The fuck? I high-tailed my ass inside and proceeded to tell D and Travis what she said (as they had saw me through the kitchen door talking to her) and it freaked D out to see me so freaked out. Needless to say, I was a bit on edge.
And I'm not saying they're bad people, because they're not. They're all lovely people. As nice as they can be and I adore our neighbors. Two sweet older ladies that mind their business and are friendly as they can be... but that little girl still freaked me the hell out. I hope she gets some help and grows up to be the best version of herself that she can be. I hope that she's happy and loved and lives a beautiful life. Until then though, I'm keeping our doors deadbolted and rewatching Constantine.
On that note... where's my salt?
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