Monday, October 10, 2022

I know it died out in 1353 but... I don't know. It's shady is all I'm saying.

Dude, you would not believe the damn weekend that D and I had. 

By the time he got home from work on Friday he was so damn sick he could barely stand and had a 102° temperature. By the time I got home (about an hour after him) he was showered and in the bed curled up. I took his temp and immediately went to the store to get drinks and meds. The poor guy was miserable and I felt terrible for him. He hardly ever gets sick, so when he does, he's usually down for the count.

...Cut to Saturday evening and I started feeling like shit... followed by waking up at one o'clock in the morning thinking this is the end and having a 101.8° temp. Between the two of us we had every ill symptom you could think of... cold sweats, fever, shivers, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches, fatigue. I'll tell you one thing, this flu was not fucking around but we sure as shit found out. I thought I was going to have to at least get D in the doctor at a couple points.

We mostly just stayed in bed all day Saturday and Sunday watching movies and taking meds, because we didn't have the strength to do anything else. Our pups sure loved being able to hold us down and make sure we couldn't go anywhere though. We watched some movie about the Black Plague and honestly, I thought way too long about the fact that may be what we had. I blame NyQuil.

D had to call out of work this morning, because his fever still hadn't broke completely. I managed to come into work, but I sure as shit can tell I'm running on fumes. We're both feeling better(ish), but we're drained and so damn sore.

Oh, and did I mention we're supposed to leave tomorrow evening to head down to FL so we can spend time with my MIL and help out with my FIL's Celebration of Life?

Essentially, nothing we had planned in order to prepare for our trip got accomplished. And our house is a disaster. Kind of smells like sickness in there too. I have to wash everything and Lysol/bleach the rest. I'll get to it... maybe. If I can find the strength. In other words, this all should be very interesting.

And a picture of Tayder... just because (and yes, he has a bald spot on his butt... mind your own business).

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