We see him the most out of all the kiddos (he stays at our house every other week or weekend) and watching him grow and be the age and size he is now... well, it's mind-blowing. Mostly, because I remember when he was a little tiny baby. I digress.
This past weekend, Dev and me were in our kitchen talking (this is where we spend the most time with or without company... like our congregation room and neither of us knows why), and Gabriel walked up on my left... probably in search of candies or treats. He must've noticed the tattoo on the top of my wrist (how it's taken this long I don't know but that's a seven year old attention span for you) that says "Tayder."
He looked a little confused and when I asked him what was wrong, he pointed at it and asked, "is that Spanish?" Dev told him, "no buddy, that's cursive" to which he replied...
"Where's that?"
I immediately walked into my brothers room and was like, "dude, do they not teach cursive to kids anymore?" and he informed me that no, they don't, because they consider it to be a "dead language." A dead language as in... like, Latin? Because they still teach some people that but cursive is off the table.
The f*ck?! WHAT?!
Sidebar: I don't really know if they still teach people Latin but I feel like I'm right on this (even though I have nothing to substantiate it).
I'm not saying you have to learn cursive to thrive or survive in life, but I do feel like you should make kiddos aware of what it at least is. I realize I'm thirty-four and the advances in technology are progressing so quickly that I can't keep up, but... I still use cursive on a daily. Even if it's only for my signature.
Wait... do you not have to sign your name in cursive for important documentation anymore? I have to look into that.
The point is, shit cracked me and Dev up. He made a joke about how they made his ass learn that shit growing up and how much he hated it (and basically all schooling in general). I made the joke that we're finally that age where we sound like our parents and grandparents.
"When I was growing up... back in my day... when we were kids... I don't understand this new age shit..." F*cking hilarious.
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