Last week was our annual FL trip to see the family. We didn't get to go last year because D had two surgeries, our pups had some veterinary things, and well... shit be expensive. Needless to say, we were well do for some Sunshine State family time.
And once again... the fam did not disappoint.
We got to my MIL/FIL's house Saturday morning and by Saturday evening, we were at Mitch's bonfire, surrounded by live music (shout out to Silver Springs, FL band- Propaganjah!) and all kinds of people we love.
By Sunday, we were out at River Ranch riding quads and drinking booze. Ok... I only had one beer and a shot of Jack Fire but you get the idea. We were there for hours getting sunburned (peeling, party of one right over here), laughing until our sides hurt, and memorializing our dude... Dennis.
And let's not forget the family dinners (which by the way... you kids need to help your damn mama cook and clean more!), the family injuries (my Gatorbaby fractured his foot and my BIL, Brad, broke a rib), and the family talks (nothing beats early morning coffee with the in-laws!).
We stayed at his mom's Saturday through Tuesday and headed out to my other FIL's house on Wednesday morning.
On the way over (it's about a three hour drive North), we even got to stop by and see my Uncle Wayne and visit with him for a couple hours! It was so good to see him and get to hang out for a bit. I (technically) have other members of my family that live in FL, but honestly, the only one I cared for seeing was Uncle Wayne. Most people don't see my Uncle the same way I see him. And I get it, he's very opinionated and set in his ways. However, he's never been anything but accepting of me and he truly makes me feel loved just for being myself. I'm 100% me and comfy around him and we both just go with the flow. We're different, and the same, and are just happy to be in each other's lives any which way we can. I love that dude and wish I lived closer so I could see him more often.
By Wednesday afternoon we were at my FIL's house and having a grand ole time. It's much more lowkey at Dev's dads house (he's a han solo liver like us), but we still love going and getting to hang out and spend time with him. More lowkey is not a bad thing for us and honestly, I feel like this trip was really good for all of us. We definitely needed it.
As always, the family teased and asked when we were moving back to FL. We hear it every time and they love to joke and mess with me about it. Ever since I moved out of FL when I was seventeen, I've always said I'll never move back. F*ck FL, right? I ain't going back! I've been talking mad shit for like going on twenty years now. And we all know how much I love to talk shit.
But... I mean... I talked mad shit about never getting married for almost thirty years and now look at my ass. I f*cking love being married. My husband must think my favorite f*cking meal is crow or something, because I be eating it left right and center when it comes to him. The truth is, we have no plans for moving back. Ok... not "no plans" but no plans in the near future. I know we will, because honestly, if I said let's move today, my hubby would have been packed three days ago. He misses his family... hell, I miss his family. And this trip around, really cemented the fact that yes, one day, we will be going back.
We always say we're not staying here the rest of our lives. City life is just simply not for me... I do it because I have to but do I like it? No... I never have. I moved here for Momma, and while I don't regret it, it's also not what I would have chosen if it was just me. Truthfully, I want to live in f*ck all nowhere again and very few people have access to me. I want peace and happiness. That's what I want. Nothing fancy or expensive or extravagant.
The only thing keeping us in Indy right now is my job. I simply can't justify walking away from the stability and amazing job that I have... I also can't leave my girl out to dry. I've been part of this team for going on twelve years and while that might not mean anything for some, it means something to me.
So no... we're not planning on moving back anytime soon. But yes... we are planning to move back someday. When that will be, I have no idea. Maybe retirement... maybe before then. Honestly, life has a way of throwing curve balls my way and one of these days I might say f*ck it and pull an Elizabeth Ann. TBD.
Afterall, with five acres waiting for us... it's something to look forward to. #ForeverHome
You know what we didn't anticipate this time around though? The fact that this past weekend was the Kentucky Derby. F*cking Louisville, amirite? We got beyond lucky when we came through because the highway was a clear and straight shot... but every single exit to get off the highway and into Louisville? F*ck that. Glad we were headed straight through. Although, I will say we watched the Derby with my FIL this year and we actually really enjoyed it. It's not really my thing... even being raised in damn near Kentucky, I'm just not that kind of Derby gal. I mean, I'm f*cking terrified of horses so why would I be about it? But, we had fun and it's added to my list of memories with dad.
So yeah... we had an amazing vacation and my ass 100% almost didn't come back. And this is the first time I said that and I truly mean it. We'll be (hopefully) heading back down in September for a couple days because my MIL is the f*cking best and got me JELLY ROLL tickets. Three days before Momma's 60th birthday and one month before mine and Dev's four year anniversary. Can I get a whoop whoop?!!
And now that we're back home, we have decided (well... Dev decided) that when I'm not at work, we are on vacation time. All about Katie all the time. And I have to say... I don't hate it!
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