Just A Few Little Random Things

- To start this thing off I would just like to say that I finished my book last night! I know, I know! I was excited about it too! I thought that things were going to take a horrible turn that there would be no recovery from, but all is well. It ended the exact way I wanted it to. Now you have to picture it. It is set back in 1700s Scotland/England. So things could've went either way, but all is good! The guy got a full pardon, his band of friends/clansmen saved him from the hangman's noose, he was reunited with his long lost sister, he got to meet his brother-in-law, niece and nephew, the woman who had him arrested and killed his Uncle and Fiancee's mother was sent to the insane asylum, his biological father got his health back after the crazy woman wasn't around to poison him anymore, his best friend that had stood by his side finally talked the cook into marrying him, his cousin and sister- in-law (to be) continued to quarrel in a good way, and most importantly the Guy got the Girl after all the terrible things that had happened to them! They got to go on living their lives in utter joy and the book ended with them happy at their country home, her pregnant baking horrible shortbread, and him tending to all the duties that came with him being reunited with his family/title. It was great! (Ignore the fact that it's a more up to date picture and focus on the love and sentiment!) (Picky People! You know what I'm getting at!)
- This morning Aunt Susi and I got to talking about a court case that is kind of big in the news right now (Trayvon Martin). We share little details about things we hear from time to time, it's our thing and it's nice. I like that we do it. Anyways, she had heard the ladies on the talk show "The View" discussing the case, because apparently some form of drug accusation has been introduced. I'm not really sure because I haven't been keeping up on that court case, so if I have questions about it I always ask Danielle because she does. Sometimes I think to myself that she would be a great lawyer. People would eventually get tired of arguing with her and she would just win. The female Johnnie Cochran of her day some would say. Sorry, back to the point. Her telling me about this accusation got us talking about other bad things in the news in the past that have kind of stuck in our heads. My go to was of course a year ago (May 2012) in Miami, FL when that naked man jumped a wall and ate the face of a homeless man who was asleep, because he was under the influence of "bath salts". She had no clue what I was talking about, so I was forced to Google it and show her that I wasn't just crazy. I think she thought I was making stuff up. Can't really blame her though, I do tend to have a wild imagination at times. On this one though, I knew I was right. I remember it because my friend Charlie is so scared of Zombies, and when it happened the news broke with the catch phrase "Zombie Apocalypse Upon Us?"She was a nervous wreck! That's the only thing bad about the zombie craze, I think. It can be fun with zombie themed stuff, parties, marathons, t-shirts and such, but People take it to the extreme just like everything else. It gets blown out of proportion (i.e. Salem Witch Trials, Vampires, Possession, Exorcisms, Kia- you know the usual). I'm just saying.
- I'm getting a bit nervous about going to the Doctor. I go Monday (July 15) for those few tests and I'm not liking the thought of it at all. I don't know what I'm nervous about really. The thought that the tests are going to hurt (I've had one of them done before and it sucked!) or the waiting for the results part. Results I'm used to dealing with from taking care of people, but it's the waiting that's always the most horrible I think. Although the tests themselves aren't to pleasant either. I hate when they have to test my blood. Hate is a very strong word, but I use it here because it's the truth. I'm impatient and stubborn (ask any of my friends, family, or ex-bf's they'll tell you). I want to know things that need to be known immediately, and I hate waiting for them. I hate when things don't go my way, and I especially hate when a sassy nurse comes wafting through with a syringe the size of a "Medium Phillips Head Screwdriver" to drain my blood until I look like I just had to wrestle with Lestat's fangs and lost the battle. No I'm not being overly dramatic either! It's the truth! I'm pale enough, take five to six tubes of my blood and I look like death barely warmed over. Seriously! I could be a stand-in (technically I guess it would be more like a lay-down) for a corpse on a TV show. Plus I'm not thrilled about the fact that I have to start taking some form of diabetes medicine. Just pre-cautionary because I'm "insulin resistant" but still, one more pill. I swear with all the vitamins and stuff I have to take already I look like a little ole lady stealing Sweet-in-Low. Oh well, as long as it helps.
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