I usually don't use abbreviations like "TGIF", or anything like that. However, I think that it applies on this particular day more than usual! It's been an unusually long week, and I'm a little tired. Not extremely tired or anything, but you know what I mean. Ready for the weekend I should say! I just wanted to put a few things on here so I would be reminded of them later on. Nothing particularly special or important, just little things from the day. For one I would just like to say that I am NOT ok with the fact that some dude asked to see my FEET at the gas station, around 5:30 a.m. Seriously dude! NOT COOL! What is it, huh? Get hit on by a nice/normal guy? Nope. Too "Mainstream" for me. Just because I have cute pink toenails doesn't mean you can just go around asking to see my feet. Somehow though, the weirdos come running out first thing in the morning. What is it with feet anyways? Come on Dude! Really? I was just trying to get something to drink! Aunt Susi seen something on the news this morning that she found Hilarious! She took a picture of it to send to me so that I to could laugh...
As you can see I blurred out a few words on this particular picture. That's because It has my last name on it, and if Aunt Susi knew I put my last name on here she would stroke out! Can't be having that, so a little re-touch had to be done. You get the point. The whole purpose is because it says: "_(insert my last name)___Cellars Winery". We found that hilarious, because my family and I, well let's just say we like to drink. We decided that I either have an unknown rich and/or drunk Uncle somewhere. Not really sure which. Also, it would be more believable to think they were related to me if it said "___(insert my last name)___Busted For Moonshine Distillery". Luckily I don't claim anyone on that side anyways, so no problems there. It was still funny though! After None Stop Paper Work this morning, Danielle and I thought that our heads were going to explode!! Seriously. It looked something like this... (That in turn caused Dani and I to look like this)

But we fought our way through it all (we were being a little overly dramatic-but it was alot of paperwork!). Thankfully a busy day at work means it goes by faster! Yay!! But by lunchtime we were in desperate need of a sugar rush! A nice man brought in a box of Sandwiches (Don't worry he wasn't a total stranger, he was supposed to be there, I haven't accepted a sandwich from a stranger since that last time...Calm Down!! Geesh!), and Cookies the size of my face! No Joke! Look...Talk about TWO HAPPY GIRLS!! Stranger or not, You would've taken the cookie too! Don't even try to lie! (As you can see it was lazy t-shirt Friday at work) As we were eating our lunch on our breaks, I decided to check out the ole FB for a minute. A Friend of mine that I haven't had the chance to talk to in a little bit left this behind on "My Timeline" for Me...Thank You Betty Lynn!! You Know Me Well!! She really does to. We worked together for nearly five years, and became pretty close. As you can see, among all the things we know about each other, she knows my love for Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon.) :) Also, I could've sworn that a year or so ago that I read an article that said that my beloved Willem Dafoe had passed away. I was heartbroken seeings as that he was one of my favorite actors EVER! Good news! After a year of mourning I learned this morning that this was in fact not true, and was just a vicious rumor! Thank You BeGeeBus!! So happy about that one!
For absolutely no reason I just thought that you would like to know that I seen these two pictures of creative ways these women broke up with their horrible boyfriend/husband. I found it Hilarious! Sorry! It was funny and I needed a good laugh!! You know you think it's funny too! Can we say? BUSTED!!
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