For all of those who know me, and for the one's that don't, let me just tell you that this is a "Challenge". Everyone knows that I "stalk" random blogs, social media , (not "The Twitter"), and when I run across a "Challenge" that I think may be fun, I attempt it. This is one of those times. These are all questions from someone else's list, I didn't get to pick them. I just have to answer them. Wish Me Luck!
A: Authors I Wish I Could Meet- Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Allan Poe, Jack Kerouac, Emily Bronte, and Teresa Medeiros. Those are just my top five, there are many more trust me.There are so many I wouldn't even know where to continue after that, but I think that it would be amazing to be able to meet these people and pick their minds for a few. I would say Sylvia Plath to, but I'm thinking talking to her would be overly depressing and I'd end up wanting to stick my head in an oven along with her.
B: Brunette, Blonde, Or Black And Books- I've had Brown, Black, and Blonde hair before in my lifetime. Along with Burgundy, Blue, Green, Purple, Pink, Orange, Red, Rainbow Stripes, Polka-Dotted, and any other color you could ever think of. I like to experiment with my look, and I go through alot of phases. Every now and then I get a wild hair and do something crazy with my head, but I always end up going back to Brown. It's my "safe zone". Books to me are what keeps me sane at times. There were times when I was younger, or sometimes even now, that something is going wrong or I'm sad, or some other crazy emotion and I can forget everything (even if just for a little bit) by diving into a book. Also for B I would just like to say Brantley Gilbert. Enough said.
C: Can't Get Enough- I just can't get enough of Fantasizing, Reading, Sons of Anarchy, Country Music or Blogging! I know that's a very weird combination, but it's the truth. I love making up scenarios in my head that I know will never happen, but I can dream, and it's really fun! Whether it's random, from a song, or movie. I have a vivid imagination. Usually they all end in some guy singing country music to me :) From B you know why I love reading. Sons of Anarchy is my favorite Television show! I love it! I own all the seasons that are out on DVD, and watch every new season on FX! I love all music, but deep down in my heart, Country Music is still my #1 go to. Mostly the older stuff. Blogging! Seriously? Do I need to explain that one?
D: Drink I Love- Well. Sweet Tea is my Absolute favorite, but I try not to drink it as much. Mountain Dew is right up there with Sweet Tea. I like Diet Coke and almost all kinds of Juices (except grapefruit and prune...Bluck!!) and of course Bud Light. I like other kinds of beer/liquor, but Bud Light is always my "go to".
E: Emotion I Get- I'm a very emotional person. I mean very emotional. My emotions are like a roller coaster at Six Flags. It's crazy! I go from happy to sad to sensitive to mad, and everything in between every single day. It's crazy! You would think that I was a sixty some year old woman still in menopause or something. Nope, just how I am. I have no clue why. Luckily for other people I like to keep all of my emotions inside bottled up where they belong. Sometimes they come out like everybody else, but for the most part I hide them. Thank BeGeebus!
F: Fictional Character I Relate To- Even though I would like to say a hundred different characters that I'm completely in love with, if I'm going to be completely honest, off the top of my head, I'm going to have to go with Kit Tyler. She is the fictional protagonist of the Eizabeth George Speare Novel- The Witch of Blackbird Pond. Kit is kind of a loner that feels very out of place most of the time. She has had to make some hard life decisions and it's made her have a different outlook on life. She befriends people strictly out of love for them, and doesn't care what others think about her choices. She's headstrong and stubborn, and has no problem being sarcastic when telling people her opinions. No matter where she goes she doesn't truly feel like she's ever at home, and she likes to let her imagination take her many places. She gets accused of things, but stays true to herself. I would say I'm most like Kit.
G: Guilty Pleasure- Well, I don't think that I should let people know secretive things about me. It's bad enough that I've told you about my imagination, but I guess a challenge is a challenge. I'm only going to name a couple "guilty pleasures" of mine, even though everyone knows that people have a million. My one guiltiest pleasure is Boy Band Music. Yes. I know. I can't help it. It's sad, and now I'm ashamed. No, I'm not! I listen to boy band music, there I said it! Especially *NSYNC. It all started when I was a pre-teen, and it's gotten progressively worse. I don't care though, that's why it's a guilty pleasure. At least it's not Taylor Swift! I also feel the need to "perform" love ballads of the 80s and country music. Yeah I know. Also, I really hate admitting this. I hate reality television, really bad, but sometimes when no one's around I secretly watch "Keeping Up With The Kardashians". I know! I'm so ashamed!! I am secretly obsessed with Khloe Kardashian and The Jenner Boys. Please don't tell people. I'm so Ashamed!!
H: Hometown- They say your Hometown is where you were born. If that's the case, my Hometown would be the capital of Indiana. If it's where you grew up, then it's a tiny town in Tennessee. If it's where you feel the most yourself and at home, then I don't know where that would be. We've moved quite a bit, and I don't really consider anywhere my Hometown.
I: Ice Cream Flavor- Don't really have a favorite. But I like Cookies&Cream, Strawberry, and Fruity stuff. I used to eat Cookie Dough all the time, but then I realized I was just picking all the cookie dough out and leaving the rest of it. Oops.
J: Jump Start My Day- I used to not be able to function without coffee or mountain dew first thing in the morning, but since I've been trying to cut back on all the sugar and caffeine I just stick to shower and brushing my teeth. Pretty standard I guess, but that's how it goes.
K: Keepsake Item- I have many. I keep little things from different people and times in my life. Like I have a black book that has random drawings, notes, pictures, and things in, and on one page there's a old gum pack glued on it because a friend of mine wrote a note on it when it fell out of my pocket at work one night. I also have my Grandmother's St. Christopher, numerous pictures, poems, and letters, a wristband, and an old hat. Don't ask.
L: Life Verses- "Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken", "If A Book Is Well Written, Then I Always Find It Too Short", You've Always Had The Power My Dear, You Just Had To Learn It For Yourself", "And Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce", "The World Breaks Everyone, And Afterward, Some Are Strong At The Broken Places", "My Fault, My Failure, Is Not In The Passions I Have, But In My Lack Of Control Of Them", and "Write Drunk, Edit Sober".
M: Memory- I have memories that I'm not even for sure are mine. I know it's weird, but it's true. It's like a deja vu thing I guess. I don't have a favorite memory though. There are too many of them.
N: Non Fiction Author To Have Dinner With- Honestly, I would probably pick Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Ian McEwan or Anne Frank. I'm not really sure why.
O: Opulent Item I Want- A house of course, and a Kia Soul. Neither can I afford, but it would be nice. I wouldn't get anything to crazy house or car wise, but it would be nice to own both. You know I'm right. Those are the practical things that would cost an opulent amount of money (to me). Now if we're talking non-practical things most definitely first on the list would have to be Brantley Gilbert/Eric Church/Luke Bryan concert tickets! I would absolutely love to go to one of their shows! It's not at all practical, but I don't care!
P: Pattern I Love- I love Polka Dots! Love them! I also have been really into Chevron lately (not really sure why). I like camo and tribal as well. I have really weird taste.
Q: Quirks I Have- Oh, where to begin? I'm not going to name all of the weird quirks that I have. I'll just name a few. Here goes. I can't stand not to wear a t-shirt or tank top under the shirt I'm already wearing. I know it's strange, but I can't help it. I love Chinese food, but only Beef&Broccoli, and I always pick the broccoli out and eat the beef and rice with soy sauce. Don't even know why I order the broccoli, I guess just because it comes with it. I can't start watching a TV Show or Movie and not finish it. It will literally drive me so crazy that I can't concentrate until I finish it. Same thing with books. I can't think about anything else until I know what happens. I stare at people I think are good looking sometimes (even if other people don't think they're attractive), but I try to be all incognito about it. Sorry to all my victims. Sometimes I stare at people just because I'm staring off into space, thinking of something totally different and don't even realize it. I think that's enough for now.
R: Reading- Anyone who knows anything about me, knows how I feel about reading. I've never made any bones about that one. I read a bunch of different things too. I don't like just one particular genre or author (even though I do have my favorites). I like them all. My interests range from historical fiction, non-fiction, fiction, biographical, graphic novels, literary, historical romance, science-fiction, and so on and so forth. I don't have a favorite. I also like to read novels, magazines, blogs, and everything in between. Momma used to say I was the only kid that she knew that liked to read the directions to put their toys together. I think she may have been right.
S: Sink Or Swim- Literally, I'm a descent swimmer and can hold my own as long as I'm not in a really strong tow of water. If I'm swimming in a pool, lake, stream, something like that I'm good. Put me in the Rapids though and I'm a goner. It's true. Remind me never to jump off of a bridge that high again! Nevermind. Metaphorically, always swim! I don't believe that giving up is a good option. Sometimes you have to give up on other people or things in your life that are trying to weigh you down or pull you under, but as for yourself never sink, always swim!
T: Television Shows I Love- Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, Criminal Minds, Glee, Bones, Supernatural, Baby Daddy, Hart of Dixie, The Following, Chicago Fire, Castle, New Girl, The Big Bang Theory, DaVinci's Demons(if I had Starz), True Blood (if I had HBO), Lost Girl (when I watched it), and there are a few others that I can't think of right now.
U: Unique Fact About Myself- I have no Filter. That's what all my Family and Friends used to tell me. They say that my thought process goes straight from head to mouth, and that's it. No passing go, no collecting $200. Also, I cry everytime I watch "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition". It's true.
V: Valentine's Day, Big Deal Or Not- I don't really see it as a big deal. I never have really. It might be because my Birthday is the day before Valentine's Day, or it might be the fact that I think Valentine's Day is a totally over-rated holiday, I'm not really sure which. It all originated with a martyrology man who was imprisoned, because he married soldiers who were forbidden to marry, and they sentenced him to death. He healed a woman while he was imprisoned and wrote her a letter before his death signed "from your Valentine". He was in a group of worshipers known as Valentinus, so that's what he was known as "Valentine". Ok, that one I'll give you as romantic, but over the years people have blown it completely out of proportion and put to much pressure with it. Just my opinion.
W: What makes you crazy- Work. Oh good lord! It's not my job that makes me crazy, it's when I screw up that it really gets to me. I know everybody messes up at times, but I hate it! I truly mean, Hate It!! It drives me Bonkers! I sit there are go over and over it in my head, and somehow continue to mess it up. It makes me want to bang my head into a wall. Knock some sense into myself. I used to think that I was relatively smart, not a genius by any means whatsoever, but I had common sense, and did well in school. However, after starting this new job I have come to realize that I should just look into the mirror every morning getting ready for work and go "Doyyy" with my eyes crossed, and my tongue hanging out. Oh, and people who think they know everything, when you know good and well their just making stuff up. Everyone doesn't know everything.
X: X Factor Song I Would Sing- Ummm...So many choices to choose from. I love all types of music, but since I have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever I guess that it doesn't really matter. Seriously. None. Not even a little bit. Zilch. I was in Chorus the last half of my Junior Year/ first half of my Senior Year of Highschool, but thankfully there were plenty of people to drown out the sound of my voice. Only when I had to do my solo did anyone hear me sing. Did I mention I have horrible stage fright? If not, then by the way I Have Horrible Stage Fright!! I pretend to perform sometimes though. You know, in the shower, the car, my own imagination, places that it doesn't really matter. If I was going to choose a song though, I'm going to go with- "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. Classic!
Y: Yoga or Not- If I was skinny, bendy, athletic, and coordinated then absolutely. I used to do it and it was alot of fun. However, since I'm none of those things (I've never been coordinated, so no Advanced Group here-even back in the day) I'm going to go with Not. Perhaps again someday, but for now, Not so much.
Z: Zealous Dream I Have- I always had the dream that I was going to become a Journalist and eventually a Novelist. I know it's a silly dream, but that's what I was going to do with my life. That was the plan. That's why I studied so hard and why I took so many English/Writing classes. That's why I constantly practiced, and why all of my School Reports were at least six pages longer than they were supposed to be. That's why I started collecting books and writing on everything that I could get my hands on. That's why I wrote some online articles and stayed home many nights to study, instead of going out with my friends or boyfriend. It's why when I wrote something I let my English Teacher read it, and give me all the feedback that she possibly could. Yes, I was going to be a Journalist/Novelist. I was going to be an Investigative Journalist. I was going to travel the world and go places that no one else would dare to go. I would dig until I got the truth and expose the corrupted for what they really and truly were. I would find the truth no matter the danger and meet people that deserved to have their stories told. I would be the one to tell them. To get their stories told to the rest of the world. I would discover the different cultures for myself, and experience all the great things that the world offered. Along with seeing all of the bad. Then when I was done for the most part, I would settle in at a little cabin somewhere and write novels from then on. I would write novels about my experiences, life, love, and all of the beautiful things in between. I would also write historical fiction and non-fiction about witches and highlanders. For reasons unknown besides the fact that I'm fascinated with them all. Anything historical. Don't get me wrong. I regret nothing. I don't regret any of the choices I've made, and would make them all over again. They have made me the person that I am today. (Except maybe a relationship or two. Just because I learned from them doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to change the fact that I was in them with those particular people). I love my life, and I'm for the most part happy. I think everyone gets in those moods where they want to change things or their "depressed" but mostly I'm good. Sometimes, I think it's just cool to think of how things would have been, but even with different choices things might not work out the way you expect them to. I chose my path (not lightly) and continue down it. I am who I am, because I've stayed true to me. Just because things don't turn out the way that you thought they would, doesn't mean that it's a mistake. It just means that you changed. I still have that dream of becoming a Novelist, and someday I might even do that, no one really knows what the future holds. And you know what? That's the fun part! There You Have It! Another "Challenge" Completed! This One Was Really Fun, And Took A Long Time To Do!!
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