Friday: As my Friday started off it was a little crazy, but it eventually calmed down. If you joined me for
Friday's Post, then you already know how my work day went. After work a couple errands had to be run, and of course (as is Mine and Shy's Friday ritual-don't really know why) there were a couple RedBox movies to be rented. We had some things we wanted to get done around the house, so as it usually is on Friday, it was late when we watched the movies. One was some weird SyFy Paul Bunyan movie (I got it free with the other one) that I can't remember the name of. We didn't even watch it. It just came with the other one. We tried to, but it was incredibly stupid. Like, beyond even what I could take. So needless to say, No Go. The other movie we watched however was
The Paperboy. Ummm...the only thing that I can say about that movie is DISTURBING! Don't get me wrong, it had some good moments, but for the most part I found it to strange for my liking. And I like strange films. This was a different kind of strange though. I was thinking to myself, "Hey, Can't go wrong with Matthew McConaughey, John Cusack, and Zac Efron, Right?" Wrong! They played their roles to a T, but it was just, I don't even know.The story line, I loved. It had a great story line, but the way they went about it made it something that it didn't have to be. It could've been great, but they took it to a level that it didn't have to go. Just saying. I like weird stuff, but this one was too much for me. You couldn't even focus on the storyline. Some may like/love it, but I didn't.
Saturday: Momma and I spent the day with Aunt Susi. We hung out at her house for awhile, went and had lunch (at Fazoli's-we Love the breadsticks!), ran to Wal-Mart, had icecream, and spent some time working on Aunt Susi's computer for her. While hanging out at the house and having lunch we of course talked about a bunch of things. I realized in mid-conversation that my family actually has more issues than what I thought. Not us talking, but alot of the other one's, Man, can we say? Drama!! If it wasn't for drama I don't think some of them would know what to do with themselves. I'm glad we can hang out with no drama. We just enjoy shit-talking. Hey! Quit Judging! If you had our crazy ass family you would too! Seriously though, I think they invent things sometimes just to be more dramatic, and make it harder on themselves. It's sad really. Aside from our crazy family, we talked about our close family, work, dating (who would've thought that my Momma and Aunt talking about someone possibly "taking a liking" to me would still make me blush at 23, but it did, and I just kept my head down because I know I was red faced), clothes, crafts, retirement, and a million other little things that are going on in our lives. We talked about going to the doctor (I'm nervous, and now so is Aunt Susi, and Momma's nervous for both of us), I go today, and Aunt Susi goes in August. Now that I think about it we're kind of a nervous bunch. After lunch we went to "The Wal-Mart" to pick up a couple of things (Loving the Lemon Breakfast Bars!) and we were forced to go all Ninja in the middle of the aisle. ACAI!! Don't ask. We went to Rally's for our icecream enjoyment, and needless to say Aunt Susi about went through that window at Dude. He dropped one icecream cone, and sat the other two in the sun. I thought that she was gonna beat him. It was a little comical. When we got back to her house Momma continued to fix Aunt Susi's computer. She had a Trojan virus on it, so it needed to be fixed. As she was fixing it we all made some pretty inappropriate jokes. I don't really remember them, but I know one had the punchline of "mini-ipads". That one was pretty great. After it was fixed we went through her pictures and found one of a beach that she took so we could make her a new blog header. It turned out pretty good I think.
Look. See what I mean? We're learning this stuff pretty god, if I do say so myself. After we left Aunt Susi's we stopped by Redbox to return those two (crazy) movies and grab a couple more. (P.S. If you use RedBox at all sign up for their app because they send you stuff for free rentals and you earn points and stuff. It's real handy and makes everything alot cheaper). Kenny has been saying for months that he wanted to see
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and since I'm a huge LOTR fan, I was ok with this choice.I also got
Dead Man Down, but frankly that one was strictly just for me. I love me some Colin Farrell. Kenny and I watched The Hobbit...
We really liked it and will be watching the next two in the trilogy when they come out. Although the hedgehog and bunnies made me a nervous wreck! Go figure. It was late when that movie was over (we didn't know it was like 3 hours long, and we have to take alot of bathroom breaks!) so Kenny went on to bed and I stayed up to watch Dead Man Down. It was amazing! I loved it! I think that it was my favorite movie that we watched (although I was liking The Hobbit). When I go to add to my movie collection this will definitely be one to add to the list.

In the middle of the movie though I got a message (via FB) from my friend Betty that I talked about Friday. It simply said "I'm gonna be a Mommy". I immediately screamed with excitement, paused the movie, commenced to waking every person in the house up by jumping on their beds so I could tell them, and messaged her back. I'm so happy for her! To understand my excitement for her, you first have to know the story. I have known Betty Lynn for going on six years now, and we worked together for nearly five of them.
We became pretty close and we talked about alot. She was there to see me go through many phases (17-22) and we went through alot together. Her husband and her have been trying to have a baby since even before I met her. About two years ago while we were walking down the hallway at work, she grabbed my arm and said "Katie, something's wrong". I asked "What was it?", and she said she didn't know. Betty and I never complained about being sick or hurt so when one of us said something was wrong, the other knew something was really wrong. I went to get a wheelchair to sit her down in and before I could she fell to the floor, and started bleeding everywhere. I was immediately terrified, but yelled for help and tried to keep her conscious. Mark came running and they called an ambulance. They ended up having to lifelight her to the Vandy, and took her in for immediate surgery. She had lost alot of blood and had a horrible infection. She had been pregnant, but no one including herself knew, and she had lost the baby. She had to have a few surgeries, and a wound vac for several months. They told her that she wouldn't ever have babies. After all that time, she wouldn't be a Mommy. She wanted kids so bad she couldn't hardly stand it, and that news devastated her. We were all so worried about her and how she would take everything that was happening. But she's a tough lady, and she pulled through. Now nearly two later, Guess What? She's gonna be a Mommy!! So Happy For Her! I don't think I've ever seen someone so happy in my entire life! I love it!
Sunday: It was a pretty normal day. I didn't like the fact that the first thing that I learned that morning was that my favorite actor off of "Glee" (Cory Monteith) had
passed away. It was sad. Other than that it was a fairly good day though. Momma and I took Shy shopping for her school supplies, and we all did a little rearranging/cleaning at the house when we got home. It's been a long time since I've been school shopping. But seeing Momma going over the school supply list was so worth it...
Plus, I'm pretty sure that I seen a weird guy about my age stalking someone. Moving on though. That night I chilled out and watched the History of
Billy The Kid and
Jesse James on the Military Channel. It was relaxing. Now, it's Monday, I've been working, I had lunch with Aunt Susi and Uncle Roger (he needs a vacation and some nerve pills, poor guy) and I'll be going to the doctor. Wish Me Luck!
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