Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Have Got To Quit

Watching New Girl. All tv actually, but I'm not going to. It's just how I roll insert evil laugh here. Anyone that knows anything about me knows that SOA is my favorite show...EVER. However, I've picked up a couple of tv show "habits" from Uncle Kenny. Sometimes him and I just like to sit around and watch a movie or show or two. It's just what we like. I started watching New Girl a few months back, and immediately became obsessed with Zooey Deschannel. Of course it was towards the end of season two so I had missed alot. Well, ever since we have gotten NetFlix (thanks to techies for that one) we can watch a little bit of everything. When this happened something funny happened....I may have accidentally started watching 50,895,682 different things, including New Girl from the beginning. And you know what? I'm alot like Jess! I mean she's so much prettier than me and Danielle has already made it very clear how everyone feels especially her :) about me getting bangs, but I'm a tad weird, I laugh at inappropriate times and makes inappropriate jokes, I make LOTR references along with many other "nerdy" and/or "geeky" references, and I've always had more guy friends than girlfriends. I'm not really sure why, but I just always seem to get along with guys better. Her character even shares my birthday according to Buzzfeed. If I have to be any character, I'm ok with being her because I love it!

Also courtesy of NetFlix I started watching SOA again from the beginning (Seriously? Who didn't see that one coming?). They let you make a list on there of things that you want to see, and mine has quite a bit on there. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. The only thing that I regret watching on there is Antichrist. I was all-Willem Dafoe is in it!! I must watch this!! Do NOT under ANY circumstance Do This!! You will be traumatized for the rest of your life!! I'll never be fully recovered. Just trust me on this one. Speaking of tv shows...Kenny and I started watching the new series Sleepy Hollow. We're only two episodes in (it's on FOX Mondays), but we both really like it. I like movies/books about witches and legends and such. I'm not sure why, but I always have. Maybe I'm just strange like that. That or I'm a reincarnated witch from 1692 that was burned at the stake in Salem. I'm going to go with the latter, but we all know that my guess probably isn't that far off.

{{{On A Side Note: I've come to learn that alot of the people in my family are...Cray. That and the fact that I use the word-alot-quite often. Force of habit I guess. Back to the cray family. I knew this a long time ago, but it's become more evident lately. If any of ya'll are reading this and feel like my eyes are on you when I say this you know who you are quit being crazy! It's exhausting and frankly I don't have the time nor energy/effort to deal with it. I'm not good with running circles, you've all seen me ride the tilt-o-whirl at the fair. It never turns out well. Just saying. I have enough to deal with personally and so does everyone else. No one wants to hear it.}}}

Momma and I went out to lunch yesterday and we talked and laughed like usual. She told me that I was nutty. She's probably for all intensive purposes right. We were talking about random things and somehow the subject of marriage came up. I think it's because her friend, E, got married a couple of weeks ago. Anyways...we were talking about random people that we know getting married and I told her that if my b/f you know if I had one ever took me to Washington to The Smithsonian National Museum of American History, and proposed to me in front of Dorothy's Ruby Red Slippers all sweet and such with a squared/vintage diamond ring, I would have to accept. I mean come on it's the Ruby Red Slippers!! I would later have to talk him into just staying engaged forever since I don't actually want to get married, but...Minor Detail. She told me that I wasn't right, I was a nerd, and that I needed help in between her laughter. Thanks Momma. I then went into elaborate detail about how I was going to start my own business specializing in proposals. You know the cornier the proposal, the more people like it. Everyone likes a good story that they find sweet and/or romantic. Hello! The Notebook People! She started asking me make believe questions where I gave her make believe scenarios. I had an answer for everything. It was hilarious!! That's what I get for watching David Tutera: My Fair Wedding. Damn David Tutera, I love that guy.

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