Friday, September 20, 2013

All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. - Abraham Lincoln

I would just like to wish the best of the Best Mother in the entire world a big ole Happy 25th just go with it people Birthday!! I love you more than anything! You are my best friend, my confidant, my mother, my support, the strongest person that I know, but most importantly- My Heart! I don't know where I would be or what I would do without you! You've made me the person that I am today, and for that I thank you!! Happy Birthday to My Sweet, Amazing, Beautiful, Momma, and Best Friend!! I love you!!

There hasn't been a day that has gone by in my life that you haven't been there for me. Seriously! I can't even think of one. You have been there when I was happy or sad, when I was crying or laughing, or when I was in a range of emotions that no one could even begin to understand. Just another thing that I get from you. Thank you for Always putting Me and Greg first!! Words cannot even begin to describe how much that I love you, but let me try anyways.

"A Mother is the truest friend that we have, when trials heavy, and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."
~Washington Irving

I am so lucky- and frankly Blessed to have you as a Mother. You are the best person that I know, and the best Momma any girl could ever ask for. And here is why. You were a mother who nurtured me, loved me before she ever knew me, made sure I was safe, rocked me to sleep, kissed me until my cheeks were raw, worried about me constantly, and worked hard to make sure I believed in Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. A mother who gave me a wonderful childhood, who sang "Don’t Stop Believin’" with me at the top of her lungs, who let me watch scary movies at a young age, who let me have sleepovers, who taught me how to ride a bike (not well might I add, but it’s the thought that counts), who supported me in every decision I ever made, who pushed me to do my best, and who trusted me. A mother who hurt when I hurt, who never fought my battles, but always had my back, who was always considered "the cool mom," but not because she let us get away with everything, but because she really is cool. A mother who taught me right from wrong, who taught me to be good to people, who knew how to instill a lesson and would, but didn't like too, who I can share a special hug with, who makes me laugh, who can cook really good, who doesn't care if I call her 525,600 times a day, who encourages and believes in me, who has always told me that I can achieve anything I want to, who is my very best friend, who held me when I cried, and who goes above and beyond her duties every day.

All of my memories of us are irreplaceable. I wouldn't take three million dollars for even one of them, I believe that I would miss it too much. They are all so special to me, but some of my absolute favorites are- Having "lazy days", hiding out, and watching The Gilmores, Fight Club, Scary Movies, and Musicals-you know you love it! All those times you had to deal with me after I watched Fight Club, Rocky, Rambo, or any UFC Match-Sorry, but I'm not sorry, you love it and you know it! Riding down the road and breaking out into Journey, Brooks&Dunn, and Bon Jovi. I don't even have to name the songs, because I know that you already know. Going to see David Lee Murphy when I was a little girl. Talking and laughing together while you helped me and Mo get ready for Prom. Seeing the pride come across your face and the tears swell up in your eyes and spill down when I walked across my graduation stage to receive my diploma, and waving like fools at each other and not caring. Getting in the car with you when it was -09 degrees outside to go pick up Greg, because he was doing exactly what he wasn't supposed to be doing. Getting Tayder from "the home" together, because you thought that it would help me "deal". Every single Friday night, going to every single one of Greg's football games, we rocked out. Taking you on your 42nd birthday to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest, and you sleeping from the first 15 minutes on. You dealing with my insanity over my hair from the age of 12 until right now, you're a trooper. Everytime you tell the stories of me telling the doctor off when I busted my head open, and when I cut my legs all up on that barbed-wire fence and Corey carried me home. That time you decided we needed to have "the talk" and instead decided to let Greg and his friends tell me, thanks for that one by the way. When you used to pick me and Rachel up to skip school...I know it's our secret...and the look on your face when you, Mo, Jared and Nick picked me up from work that night, you know which one I mean. All of the times that you came to have lunch with me when I worked at the Nursing Home, and the smack that we used to talk about it. The time I introduced you to Justin and Jesse, and you were proud. The time that we watched The Food Network and decided that we could bake like Buddy, and then finding out that we definitely couldn't bake like Buddy. That time that somewhere between the age of 4-23 that you decided that I was smarter than any Doctor and let me start fixing your "wounds" and making you better. All the times that we have moved because we got a "wild hair" and really do consider ourselves nomads. Basically, my favorite memory is the last 23 years of my life.


You are my heart. Thank you for not only being a mother and best friend to me for the past 23 years, but for also being a wonderful role model. Growing up, I was blessed to have a mother who took care of me, made my childhood magical, was there as a friend as well as a mentor, and instilled in me the importance of compassion and kindness. Your character continues to amaze me. I am from a wonderful line of strong-willed, classy, hard-headed women, and I pray that I will be the same kind of mother as you if that day should ever come. No matter what hills I climb or rivers I swim, you are there. We have been through so very much together and continue to take whatever life throws our way- together. I am definitely my Mother's daughter. You are my Hero, Always have been and Always will be. It's an Honor to call you Momma!! Happy Birthday!!

Love you, forever and always, (whole, whole bunches). -Puss

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