Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friends are allowed to be assholes. Dr Phil said so.

No, he really didn't. That's just a bold face lie. Y'all remember me talking about my friend Mo, right? Well, just to give you a little more information about her let me tell you that she's six months younger than me. And she has four kids. And one on the way. And they're all my god children. And if something ever happens to her and her boyfriend, I am utterly and completely 100% screwed. Just saying.

Well, her and I, we have kind of a joking/loving friendship. We're always there if the other one needs us, but we like to give each other, how do I want to put this? We give each other a lot of shit. We like to tease each other, and make the other one crazy. We always say that we're going to blackmail each other, but then we eventually settle on that each of us know too much on the other one for that to work out properly. So, we let that go.

I'm telling you this, so I can tell you my new way of driving her crazy. It's fun. For me, of course. It's making her nutty. Hehehaha. {insert evil laugh here} On Sunday I text Mo and asked her if I sent her some postage, if she would send up some of the old pics of us that she has so I could copy them and send them back. I mean, I already have to send her a crap load of stuff anyway. She said that was no problem and we agreed. So, on Monday I sent her the postage, a letter, and a text telling her that she should have all of it in the next few days.

She said ok, and we got to talking about everything that's been going on. I asked her how the prego life was going (Fifth god child due in May) and she asked me how city life was going for me. We exchanged pleasantries like you're supposed to and then we started. We started talking about a million of the random things and people from our pasts. We started discussing one particular boy that we had grown up with, and that she had hung out with on occasion, but I had never really ever said more than three words to since sixth grade.

We were debating everything about him when I made the comment that I had always thought that he had a crush on her. She said no, and seemed a bit off put by it. So, I continued prodding, and poking around, and finally she got incredibly annoyed. I did what every sandbox best friend does. I started messaging her random pictures of him {Thank you, FB} talking about how much stamina that he had (From his point of view) and then asking why she doesn't love him.

So, basically, it's a bunch of different pictures of dude with messages like- LOOK HOW MUCH STAMINA I HAVE. And- WHY YOU NO LOVE ME, TATA?!! You know, all in capital letters, because I'm her best friend. And a jerk. And I keep getting messages from her saying things like- quit it!! And so help me, Katherine!! It's all quite funny. For me. I think this might continue for the rest of our lives. I'm so glad that it's Friday tomorrow.

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