Sunday, September 20, 2015

You're my very best friend- Happy Birthday, Momma!!

(All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother -Abraham Lincoln).

Truer words have never been spoken. Today my amazing Momma turns fifty-one, and because such a wonderful woman was born on this day, we celebrate. Here's to you, beautiful!! There hasn't been a day that has gone by in my life that you haven't been there for me, I can't even think of one. You have been there when I was happy or sad, when I was crying or laughing, or when I was in a range of emotions that no one could even begin to understand. Just another thing that I get from you. Thank you for always putting Greg and I first!! Words cannot even begin to describe how much I love you, but let me try.

To the friend: 

That fed me razzles and kool-aid, and didn't make me eat peas; tickled me until I couldn't stand it any longer, but didn't let others do it to me when she was around; never missed a school function for my brother, or myself, even when she was working or sick; sat through all of Greg's ballgames with me, in rain, sleet, hail, lightning, unbearable heat and freezing cold, just so we could cheer him and his friends on; and kept me laughing even when we thought there was nothing to be happy about, the one who tried to put a smile on my face, even when she herself was too sad to find joy. 

To the confidant:

Who held my hand all of those times that I was scared of the doctor; told me that I could do, or be, anything in the whole world, and believed in me no matter which path I decided to take, with the proudest look on her face that any one person could have; has never judged me no matter the mistakes that I have made; and cried from the day she put me on the bus for my first day of kindergarten, to when she stood up cheering, tears streaming as she watched me walk across that graduation stage. She was right, WE did it.

To the woman: 

Who convinced me that I could accomplish anything that I sat my mind to; has always told me that I was beautiful, even on the days that I felt the ugliest; seems to know everything about everything, and is usually always right; always told me that it was better late than never when I was upset about missing something; made my childhood magical by filling it with books, music, movies, and fun; and instilled in me the importance of kindness, compassion, and gratitude. 

To the mother:

That took care of me when I was sick; kept me from scratching more so I wouldn't have scars from the "chicky pops"; the one I look exactly like, and couldn't be any more proud of; who was both mom and dad, and did all that she could for my brother and myself; and has made me feel beyond blessed for the past twenty-five years just to have known her, and especially to be her daughter. 

And finally, to my Momma:

You have not only been a mother, but also a father, a best friend, a confidant, and a role model. Your character continues to amaze me even to this day. I am so lucky- and frankly blessed to have you as a mother. You are the best person that I know, and the best Momma any girl could ever ask for. All of my memories of us are irreplaceable.

You are my heart. Thank you for not only being a mother and best friend to me for the past twenty-five years, but for also for just being you. Growing up, I was blessed to have a mother who took care of me, made my childhood magical, was there as a friend as well as a mentor, and instilled in me the importance of compassion and kindness.

I am from a wonderful line of strong-willed, classy, hard-headed women, and I pray that I will be the same kind of mother as you if that day should ever come (but seriously, don't count on that happening). No matter what hills I climb or rivers I swim, you are there.

We have been through so very much together and continue to take whatever life throws our way- together. I am definitely my mother's daughter. You are my hero, always have been and always will be. It's an Honor to call you Momma!! Happy Birthday!!

Love you Forever and Always- Whole, whole bunches

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