Friday, May 27, 2016

Let's get the hell out of here.

(Like, right damn now).

Before we begin: Let's get the big elephant in the room right out of the way. This is Memorial Day weekend. It's celebrated to honor our soldiers and military personal who have sacrificed and who continue to sacrifice every single day. I know that. And I love that. However, I am not one of those people that thinks just because you are happy/sad about one thing and not another that you just "don't care." In other words, I love our soldiers, past, present, and future. I am more honored and thankful than I could ever express. And I believe that they should be recognized and celebrated. I'm not sure that I could ever do what they have done and continue to do for me, and I admit that whole-hardheartedly and from the bottom of my core. So, when I talk about being excited that it's a three day weekend for me, or the fact that people are traveling or getting together to have a good time, it's not because I don't care for the beautiful souls that risk their lives and so much more for me, because I do. Just because I talk about other things does not demean my feelings on this. With that being said, remember to be thankful and keep these amazing people in your hearts not just today, this weekend, or Monday, but every single day. God Bless.

Like I was saying, it's currently Friday morning and it just so happens to be the Friday morning before Memorial Day weekend. Or, I guess depending on how you look at days/weeks after work today is the start of the weekend? In any event, after I (not just me, but I don't know everyone elses plans) get off of work today, I don't have to be back at work for:

   3 days  20 hours  30 minutes

Mostly, because Dani and I get off at eleven today (CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH?!). We usually get off a couple of hours early on the heel of a holiday weekend, but in our defense, our office kind of dies and goes radio silent when "big events" are happening. And basically, it's been like that for almost two weeks. Why you ask? Because we live in Indianapolis, IN (at least, work there) and when May comes, the Indy500 comes with it. Scoff if you must, but it's a big effing deal around these parts. Our family has dedicated an entire day (the actual day of the race) to it for as long as I can remember. There's usually a huge cookout of some sort (Momma and I always go to Aunt Poot/Uncle Darrell's) and some form of bet. Because I come from a long line of gambling, alcoholic degenerates. Don't worry, I'm good with it. Afterall, Eric Church didn't write that little diddy- Sinners Like Me -for no reason.

What are my major plans for this three day weekend? I would like it to be filled with relaxation, shorts, alcohol, movies (I still need to watch The Revenant and Alice Through the Looking Glass comes out today and I want to see that movie so bad that it's a little bit ridiculous), delicious food, and no make-up. But let's be honest, it will probably be filled with yard work, tears, humidity, yard work, exhaustion, and oh yeah, did I mention yard work? I'm just kidding. Sort of. It will probably be all of those things, just not in such a dramatic fashion. On that note:

Everyone have a safe and amazing weekend and DO NOT drink and drive!! 

Also, if you see Dani tomorrow, wish her a happy birthday!! She's currently on her seventh twenty- ninth birthday.     

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