Saturday, September 23, 2017

My thoughts on the first season of Vice Principals. (Part III).

*Most of the people that know me well know that I am a HUGE Walton Goggins fan. I'm convinced that he can do no wrong and even when he plays a horrible character, he's so good at making you WANT his character to get the shit beat out of him.

I'm also a big Danny McBride fan. I mean, Pineapple Express, Land of the Lost, Your Highness, This Is The End.... what's not to love?! He's hilarious and can pretty much make me crack up no matter what kind of mood I'm in. (I haven't gotten the chance to see- Eastbound and Down- yet, but I want to!).

If you put those two men together, do you know what you have? A hilarious show that you laugh at, but it still makes you cringe on occasion. And that's where their show comes in.... Vice Principals.

Now, it airs on HBO, but I don't have movie channels, so I had to wait until the first season came out on dvd (which is what I'll have to do with the second season that's airing right now).... and it was worth the wait!

Knowing that is was going to be only a two season-18 episode adventure from the very beginning, I was more than willing to give it a go and not worry about committing too much.... but that blew up in my face and now I wish they were extending over two seasons. But hey, might as well enjoy it while we can, right?!*

Catch up on season one: Part I, Part II.

(Season One Finale) Episode Nine (Chapter Nine): End of the Line

Official Synopsis: "Gamby and Russell blackmail Dr. Brown, resulting in a shake up on the school staff. Gamby and Snodgrass are still not talking."

My thoughts: "Are they just gonna sit outside of Belinda's bathroom door? Probably, because they're insane, BUT DAMN Y'ALL. I feel like if Gamby feels this bad about everything, he should do something about it. But nooooo.... he just goes along with it and people automatically just make Russell out to be the bad guy. I mean, he's 150% a bad guy, but so is Gamby. It doesn't matter how he's "feeling" if he doesn't do anything to stop it. DUDE, she just beat the shit out of those two. Like, Gamby and Russell just had their asses handed to them. And now Belinda has resigned (by the way Russell, that's a real dick move throwing her shoe like that) and Russell and Gamby are in charge. Aw, Gamby finally decided to make amends with Snodgrass. You better, dude, ain't nobody else that nice gonna like you as much as that girl does (you know, because you're a LUNATIC). I bet Mi-Cha is HATING that Russell got a promotion. I would love to see that. Why are Gamby and Russell's cars on fire?!

"I'm a little busy, Gamby." "Our cars are on fire, Lee!" "WHAT?!!"

Something about this doesn't feel right.

RUN, GAMBY, RRRUUUUNNNNN!!!!! Annndddd.... he's shot.

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