Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is It Sad That I Was So Excited?

This morning Momma text me just to tell me what she seen on Entertainment News around 7 a.m. I don't care what people think-I would just like to say that I am very happy about the fact the my Favorite Boy Band from my pre-teen/teen years are possibly coming together for a Reunion!! That's right I said it- A REUNION!! What Boy Band is that you ask? Well....*NSYNC!!

Now, I am perfectly aware that it's just for Justin's award (or JT as he is now more commonly known by the "trendy" folk-but to me he is still Justin), but that is not keeping me from being Overly Excited!! I know it's sad, but I don't care. I am officially going to be watching the VMA's this year just for that specific purpose!! Read the article about it here. With that being said, I would just like to reminisce a little about them.

The first time that I heard/seen anything about the band was on an episode of Clueless when they performed for Cher's birthday party. I was loving it!! They performed...

After that I began to listen to their music more and more and finally fell in love with them when I heard them sing the song...

Not to mention their awesome Christmas Album!

I then began to listen to them on a regular basis and had some of their memorabilia. I read magazines with them in it and had all of their CD's. 

Yes, back in the day when we still bought all of the CD's and not on "the Itunes". I watched them on TRL (Carson Daly ruled the world of MTV) and their concerts on tv. They were constantly on. Back when MTV was worth watching because it was more than Teen Moms and Idiots 

One year for Christmas Momma got me the *NSYNC puppets from their album No Strings Attached. It was pretty cool. I wasn't "obsessed" with them like the crazy ass teenage girls are these days, but I did love the group and when they broke up (circa 2002) I was very sad.

I had this picture ripped out of TeenBeat hanging on the back of my bedroom door....(for years-in different houses and even states-it moved with me)...

Yes, I was around for Justin&Britney and when Lance  wanted to go to space. They had awesome choreography and I loved listening to all of them sing. They had awesome harmony together. That's rare to find. I loved them all (yes even "JT"), but JC was definitely my favorite!

That man could sing to me all day, every day for the rest of my life and I would be perfectly fine with it! He's got a beautiful voice (and pretty easy on the eyes too). Just saying. The groups album No Strings Attached is still to this day the #5 highest selling album of all time! Love it!

As previously stated here, they were very much a phase/big thing of mine. Thanks to all of my Bubba's :) In honor of the *NSYNC's (possible) Reunion- Yeah I said it again! Danielle is hating it- I decided to list some of my favorite songs of theirs. Badadadada I'm Lovin' It!!! They were awesome with everything that they did! Seriously. TRL, SNL, SuperBowl, National Anthem, Charity Events, Everything. I leave ya'll with these gems straight out of my past, Enjoy...

The Best Half-Time show at a Super-Bowl EVER!

And the song that made JC my absolute Favorite and a Life-Long Fan...

After they broke up I didn't care about the rumors or anything else, I'm just happy that the group that me and my old friends "rocked out" to could possibly be joining each other on stage again. It's been 11 long years. Yes, I'll admit it! Boy Bands (especially *NSYNC) are a Guilty Pleasure of mine!! So What!! Yeah I said it! I know it's probably crazy and ridiculous, but you know what I DON'T CARE! I'M EXCITED!! You're Welcome!!

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