Monday, September 30, 2013

Icecream scarfin.

I don't have alot of time to post today....However, I wanted to share with everyone what my awesome cousin Danielle made for me. It took her two hours, and she said she really enjoyed it. I love her for it!! Well, that and about a million other things. Don't worry Sweetie, I don't just love you for your scarf making abilities, but that is a perk. :) I can't crochet to save my life (she's going to attempt to teach me on the way to The Covered Bridge Festival...we'll see how that one goes), so she made me a big ole scarf. I have a love for scarves as well, so Yay Dani!!

Since it's colors are dark brown, tan, and pale pink she named it the "Neapolitan" Scarf. Personally, I just call it my Frackin' Awesome Icecream Scarf!! By the way when I picked out the colors, it was completely by accident! I didn't mean for it to be like icecream...I guess we know where my mind is most of the time. The way to my heart is definitely through my stomach! Just saying!! Just putting that one out there, I love sweets!

I just want everybody to be fully aware that if you need me this Fall/Winter you can spot me out of the crowd by my big ole Icecream Scarf. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. It's awesome. I can snuggle down into it because it wraps around four times, and goes from the top of my nose to my shoulders.

Can we say cuddly? Who needs a big burly boyfriend to keep you warm in Winter months when you have one of these bad boys? Yeah, that means you Judgy Lady that lives in the back alley, that insists on telling me that I'm going to die alone...Jerk. I feel like a baby kangaroo in it's pouch. Well, kind of. I'm really not sure how that feels, but I'm assuming it's as awesome as my new scarf! :) It may look like I'm about to rob a Liquor Store, but I promise that is not the case. See? Hands up for surrender and everything! I love it, Thank you Dani!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

In true Danielle fashion.

I'm "finger dancing" while wearing my Peyton Manning Jersey. Yes, that's right to answer your question Anthony Dean...I still wear Manning. Why? Because he's the shit, that's why! I don't care if he's a Denver Bronco now, blue goes better with my eyes. :) And yeah, I like Tim Tebow too! I LOVE to "Tebow"!! I ain't wearin' it, if I can't Tebow in it! It's a guideline to life really. Danielle is a bad influence on me. I've been around her too much, because now I'm convinced that "finger dancing" is appropriate for all occasions. It's Not. The cops in the Taco Bell were looking at me like I was...Cray! I was all- "No Officer you can't take me to jail! Uncle Roger expects me back at work!" So the "finger dancing" had to be kept down too a minimum. My bad. I had Momma laughing though.

Can you tell I'm really Happy that it's Friday?! Who's excited? Yeah, you got that right...This girl right here!!

You  may ask yourself why I'm so excited for the weekend. What big plans do I have that would cause this kind of enthusiasm? Well, the answer is simple- I don't have any. None. Zilch. Zero. Nope. Nada. My only plan is to do whatever comes to mind. I'm sure I'll get rigged into doing something, but for the most part it's a whole lot of Nothin'. It's been a long week and the day seems to want to drag on so that my happiness is prolonged. Go figure. Bud Light- My Love, you're so close, yet so far away!! Just kidding. Kind of. I also have two other pieces of good/happy information...Just cause. One, Jayna paid me a visit at lunch today! Cutest kid ever? Uhh...yeah!! Two, Charlie Hunnam was voted Sexiest Actor Alive by Glamour Magazine. Just so ya'll know...I voted...for him...that's right. Just thought that you should know. I don't know why. Also, I think I may be a bit in love with Joseph Gordon-Levitt thanks to that video that I posted yesterday. I knew that he was awesome ever since Angels in the Outfield. Danielle and I have been rocking out to Country Music all day! New and Classics! Just putting that fact out there. Moving on...

After a long morning of dealing with idgets just to get a dang cinnamon/raisin biscuit (that Uncle Roger refused to eat by the way because he had poptarts, but it's all good I still love him) and mounds of paperwork that made me want to run around chanting- "At-tic-a!! At-tic-a!!" while fist pumping the air, with slicked back hair, (name that movie) I am ready to have a peaceful weekend. Yeah right! When was the last time that a peaceful weekend came and went? Oh the joys of City life. Always with the traffic and loud neighbors. It's all good though, I'm fairly used to it by now. While I'm writing this a million thoughts are going through my head. Mostly tv shows that I want to watch, and books that I want to read. Oh the possibilities! Lame much Katie? By the way, please excuse the fact that I look like I've been run over by a big ole truck. Like I said, long week. Note To The Public: I would just like to go on the record by saying that the more they play that "Saw-Hanna Haunted Acres" commercial on the radio, the more creeped out that I do in fact get. It's just not right!! That's a creepy ass voice people! I'm paranoid enough and frankly don't know anyone that I can hide behind or would let me crawl into their coat with them out of fear if I was to go.

I'm just trying to get ya'll to realize how ready that I actually am for Friday evening!! My Inner Goddess is wearing a pink feather boa and combat boots, ready to stomp in the mud and do the tango! Good thing it's her doing the tango and not me. I can't dance for love nor money. I have two left feet and the coordination of Gracie Lou Freebush! Trust me it's not pretty. And don't believe whatever Momma and some of my old friends tell you about "that night at the bar". It was a fluke! Don't ask. Since I need to quit this undirected rambling, and I don't feel like proof-reading today (Blah! Not happening!) I guess I leave with one very important question. It would answer the question of why this post was even written to begin with, and why I sound like I'm Cray. It would also explain why I think that I have an Inner Goddess and why I'm recalling the extremely embarrassing time that I "broke it down". Again, don't ask. It was a really long night. The true question is- "What was in that Taco?"

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sons of Anarchy: Season06, Episode03.

SOA was on Tuesday night (duh) and I would just like to say that I am not liking the way that things are going down. Why? Because I don't even have the slightest idea of what is going to happen. Usually I can guess and am pretty accurate (I called Opie's death two weeks before it happened.... doesn't mean I wanted it too happen, though), but this time I got nothing.

Wendy's up to no good, Tara's being a tricky/conniving hussie and I'm kind of sure that she's not pregnant. Toric is framing Nero, Tig is in trouble, something bad is going to happen to Gemma, Clay's trying to survive, Chibs doesn't like what's going down, and Jax is all over the place.

A show shouldn't make me such a nervous wreck, but it does. I can't help it. You would think that the characters were real people that I knew, because I get a little.... oh what's the word I'm looking for?.... crazy.... when I watch it. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. It's amazing! It's amazing and I'm still psyched that Charlie Hunnam is going to play Christian Grey in the FSOG movie. Haters keep hating, but I was right! Boo-ya!

You're welcome, I reckon. Season06,Episode04, Wolfsangel-

I Look A Bit Like

A "Backwoods" Librarian today. I know that probably doesn't make the best sense, but it's the truth. What are you gonna do? I say this for three reasons. One, I'm having to wear my glasses this morning. I'm supposed to wear them at all times (excluding bedtime and showering), but let's face it ain't no way that shit is going down I forget. Yeah, that's it- forget. Two, I'm wearing my favorite blue/black flannel shirt (that I love), but it does tend to make me look a little "backwoods". Then again, most of my clothes have that affect. Oh well, I like flannel. Because of the flannel though, my hair has to be pulled up off of my neck into a knot/bun thing. I'm not really sure what to call it, all I know is if I wear my hair down at this point it'll look like I'm re-enacting the Boiler Room scene from Titanic. Sans Leo that is. Three, I'm going "all naturale" with the make-up lately. A-Because I have found out how bad liquid foundation truly is for your skin, and mine's already broke out enough and it's driving me nuts. And B-Because without liquid foundation I don't have the time, energy, nor the effort to try and make myself presentable anything new. Without my original amount of make-up I have discovered that I look a bit like Winifred Sanderson. Just to let ya'll know it's an awesome movie, but not a good look. Wish me luck on this one.

See what I mean? By the way...Don't Judge...I can't take a descent "Selfie" to save my life. However, this is what happens when they leave me to entertain myself on my lunch break. I really should re-evaluate some things before I start clicking pictures. Oh well, at least I have fun doing it. Even if I look incredibly awkward. This is how it goes down when I'm trying not to look ridiculous. Epic Fail. But just because it's awkward doesn't mean that I'm not keeping it! Say "Hello" to my new FB profile picture. :)


I was reading an article earlier that I felt the need to share. It's about a woman that "can't" get married until she makes her boyfriend 300 sandwiches. Now, before you get all- "Screw that guy" or "Whatevs, I'd punch him in the butt" hear everything out. It's actually kind of funny. I think so at least, but that's not saying much because I have a warped and/or strange sense of humor. What happened was she made her boyfriend a sandwich one day and it was so delicious that he said-"Oh honey! You're 300 sandwiches away from a diamond ring!" And she was all "Challenge Accepted!!" I don't think that he really meant it, but you know what dude? That's what you get for trying to out sarcasm a woman. Schooled. I'm not really sure why, but I feel like they can't put anything on BuzzFeed that isn't true, or at least really entertaining. Kind of like the rest of the internet. I could stay entertained on that sight for hours!! It has everything from Great Things About London to the Definitive Proof that Prince Eric was gay. Yes, people actually get paid to sit around and think of this shit stuff. Gotta love it.
Thank you extremely bored people for entertaining this extremely bored girl!!

We went over to storage yesterday to get Momma's dining room table, hutch, and chairs out. Momma, Kenny and Jim talked about it and Momma was afraid that moisture or something was going to get into the storage unit, especially with Winter coming, and that they would get ruined. Solution? Bring them to the house to use them. Hell, why not? Not to mention seeing Greg and Josh moving stuff in and out was- Hilarious!! When I cleaned out the hutch's drawers I found all kinds of things. Mostly alot of Dipshit's dude's stuff. I thought that he had gotten it all, but he didn't, so now I have an assortment of cool stuff including but not limited too tools, duck calls, turkey calls, beer cozies, flashlights, pocketknives, and things I can't even remember. If anybody needs any Buck/Doe Rut Scent which is just a nice name for deer pee Just give me a call- I'm your Girl!! Possession's 9/10's of the law, and I be possessin' it so- Ha! Another good thing is now that it's cleared out more (or soon will be) I can get in towards the back and get some of my older clothes out. Can I get a Woop-Woop?!! I have cute clothes, but they're all packed because I couldn't even fit in them for awhile anyways. Well, guess what? I can now! Oh yeah, that's right I said it! I'm so glad that it's almost the weekend!!

An old friend of mine from when I was 15, living in Alabama found me via FB yesterday. I hadn't seen/talked to him in almost eight years or so. It was pretty cool that he just randomly found me. I can't even believe that he remembered me or my last name for that matter. Hello, I have a dumb last name! The first time I met his mother was awkward. His last name is Robinson, so the first time I met his mother I shook her hand and was all- "Nice to meet you Mrs. Robinson!" Yeah, it was as awkward as it sounds. I hung out with his girlfriend and that's how we met. We were pretty good friends, and I thought that he was pretty cool. Uhh, I was 15 and he had a motorcycle and a car, which pretty much equaled badass. It's just the truth. We all hung out the whole time I lived there, and spent alot of time together. We had fun. Well, when Christina's dad and mom weren't being psychos we had fun. :)

I have decided that I want someone to give me a really cool nickname that only they call me. Something neat and funny that at least we get. Note to Potential Future Boyfriend (if we meet and get along): you may call me Annie. Why? Because my middle name is Diane, and I think that it would be cute. Just go with it please. Also, just so ya'll know- I went on a ten minute rant last week to Danielle about the "Paleo Diet". Don't ask me why, because I do not know, but I did. I don't remember what all I said, but I do know at least one thing was- "Screw those idiots doing the Paleo Diet! It's stupid and makes no sense! Oh, you can eat some damn radishes, but you can't have a damn grilled cheese. Bull!" Yeah, it was bad and Danielle couldn't quit laughing. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sons of Anarchy: Season06, Episode03. (Looking ahead).

Tonight is number 3 in Season 6 SOA. Last week was.... crazy!! Dave Nuvero got shot in the head by Nero. Juice shot up Dave's ole lady with heroin and then smothered her with a pillow. Nero's trippin' because of everything that's happening. Tara is up to no good! She's secretly getting custody and divorce papers together. I don't like it, nor do I trust her. Donal Logue's character that I can't remember his name forged Clay's signature for him to "snitch." Chibs doesn't like the road Jax is going down. Clay's wanting a deal and he poured everything out to Gemma. Jax has so much on his plate that he's going to topple over. You know what all this means?

Yeah, shit is going down! Season06,Episode03, Poenitentia- 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Have Got To Quit

Watching New Girl. All tv actually, but I'm not going to. It's just how I roll insert evil laugh here. Anyone that knows anything about me knows that SOA is my favorite show...EVER. However, I've picked up a couple of tv show "habits" from Uncle Kenny. Sometimes him and I just like to sit around and watch a movie or show or two. It's just what we like. I started watching New Girl a few months back, and immediately became obsessed with Zooey Deschannel. Of course it was towards the end of season two so I had missed alot. Well, ever since we have gotten NetFlix (thanks to techies for that one) we can watch a little bit of everything. When this happened something funny happened....I may have accidentally started watching 50,895,682 different things, including New Girl from the beginning. And you know what? I'm alot like Jess! I mean she's so much prettier than me and Danielle has already made it very clear how everyone feels especially her :) about me getting bangs, but I'm a tad weird, I laugh at inappropriate times and makes inappropriate jokes, I make LOTR references along with many other "nerdy" and/or "geeky" references, and I've always had more guy friends than girlfriends. I'm not really sure why, but I just always seem to get along with guys better. Her character even shares my birthday according to Buzzfeed. If I have to be any character, I'm ok with being her because I love it!

Also courtesy of NetFlix I started watching SOA again from the beginning (Seriously? Who didn't see that one coming?). They let you make a list on there of things that you want to see, and mine has quite a bit on there. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. The only thing that I regret watching on there is Antichrist. I was all-Willem Dafoe is in it!! I must watch this!! Do NOT under ANY circumstance Do This!! You will be traumatized for the rest of your life!! I'll never be fully recovered. Just trust me on this one. Speaking of tv shows...Kenny and I started watching the new series Sleepy Hollow. We're only two episodes in (it's on FOX Mondays), but we both really like it. I like movies/books about witches and legends and such. I'm not sure why, but I always have. Maybe I'm just strange like that. That or I'm a reincarnated witch from 1692 that was burned at the stake in Salem. I'm going to go with the latter, but we all know that my guess probably isn't that far off.

{{{On A Side Note: I've come to learn that alot of the people in my family are...Cray. That and the fact that I use the word-alot-quite often. Force of habit I guess. Back to the cray family. I knew this a long time ago, but it's become more evident lately. If any of ya'll are reading this and feel like my eyes are on you when I say this you know who you are quit being crazy! It's exhausting and frankly I don't have the time nor energy/effort to deal with it. I'm not good with running circles, you've all seen me ride the tilt-o-whirl at the fair. It never turns out well. Just saying. I have enough to deal with personally and so does everyone else. No one wants to hear it.}}}

Momma and I went out to lunch yesterday and we talked and laughed like usual. She told me that I was nutty. She's probably for all intensive purposes right. We were talking about random things and somehow the subject of marriage came up. I think it's because her friend, E, got married a couple of weeks ago. Anyways...we were talking about random people that we know getting married and I told her that if my b/f you know if I had one ever took me to Washington to The Smithsonian National Museum of American History, and proposed to me in front of Dorothy's Ruby Red Slippers all sweet and such with a squared/vintage diamond ring, I would have to accept. I mean come on it's the Ruby Red Slippers!! I would later have to talk him into just staying engaged forever since I don't actually want to get married, but...Minor Detail. She told me that I wasn't right, I was a nerd, and that I needed help in between her laughter. Thanks Momma. I then went into elaborate detail about how I was going to start my own business specializing in proposals. You know the cornier the proposal, the more people like it. Everyone likes a good story that they find sweet and/or romantic. Hello! The Notebook People! She started asking me make believe questions where I gave her make believe scenarios. I had an answer for everything. It was hilarious!! That's what I get for watching David Tutera: My Fair Wedding. Damn David Tutera, I love that guy.

Friday, September 20, 2013

All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. - Abraham Lincoln

I would just like to wish the best of the Best Mother in the entire world a big ole Happy 25th just go with it people Birthday!! I love you more than anything! You are my best friend, my confidant, my mother, my support, the strongest person that I know, but most importantly- My Heart! I don't know where I would be or what I would do without you! You've made me the person that I am today, and for that I thank you!! Happy Birthday to My Sweet, Amazing, Beautiful, Momma, and Best Friend!! I love you!!

There hasn't been a day that has gone by in my life that you haven't been there for me. Seriously! I can't even think of one. You have been there when I was happy or sad, when I was crying or laughing, or when I was in a range of emotions that no one could even begin to understand. Just another thing that I get from you. Thank you for Always putting Me and Greg first!! Words cannot even begin to describe how much that I love you, but let me try anyways.

"A Mother is the truest friend that we have, when trials heavy, and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."
~Washington Irving

I am so lucky- and frankly Blessed to have you as a Mother. You are the best person that I know, and the best Momma any girl could ever ask for. And here is why. You were a mother who nurtured me, loved me before she ever knew me, made sure I was safe, rocked me to sleep, kissed me until my cheeks were raw, worried about me constantly, and worked hard to make sure I believed in Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. A mother who gave me a wonderful childhood, who sang "Don’t Stop Believin’" with me at the top of her lungs, who let me watch scary movies at a young age, who let me have sleepovers, who taught me how to ride a bike (not well might I add, but it’s the thought that counts), who supported me in every decision I ever made, who pushed me to do my best, and who trusted me. A mother who hurt when I hurt, who never fought my battles, but always had my back, who was always considered "the cool mom," but not because she let us get away with everything, but because she really is cool. A mother who taught me right from wrong, who taught me to be good to people, who knew how to instill a lesson and would, but didn't like too, who I can share a special hug with, who makes me laugh, who can cook really good, who doesn't care if I call her 525,600 times a day, who encourages and believes in me, who has always told me that I can achieve anything I want to, who is my very best friend, who held me when I cried, and who goes above and beyond her duties every day.

All of my memories of us are irreplaceable. I wouldn't take three million dollars for even one of them, I believe that I would miss it too much. They are all so special to me, but some of my absolute favorites are- Having "lazy days", hiding out, and watching The Gilmores, Fight Club, Scary Movies, and Musicals-you know you love it! All those times you had to deal with me after I watched Fight Club, Rocky, Rambo, or any UFC Match-Sorry, but I'm not sorry, you love it and you know it! Riding down the road and breaking out into Journey, Brooks&Dunn, and Bon Jovi. I don't even have to name the songs, because I know that you already know. Going to see David Lee Murphy when I was a little girl. Talking and laughing together while you helped me and Mo get ready for Prom. Seeing the pride come across your face and the tears swell up in your eyes and spill down when I walked across my graduation stage to receive my diploma, and waving like fools at each other and not caring. Getting in the car with you when it was -09 degrees outside to go pick up Greg, because he was doing exactly what he wasn't supposed to be doing. Getting Tayder from "the home" together, because you thought that it would help me "deal". Every single Friday night, going to every single one of Greg's football games, we rocked out. Taking you on your 42nd birthday to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest, and you sleeping from the first 15 minutes on. You dealing with my insanity over my hair from the age of 12 until right now, you're a trooper. Everytime you tell the stories of me telling the doctor off when I busted my head open, and when I cut my legs all up on that barbed-wire fence and Corey carried me home. That time you decided we needed to have "the talk" and instead decided to let Greg and his friends tell me, thanks for that one by the way. When you used to pick me and Rachel up to skip school...I know it's our secret...and the look on your face when you, Mo, Jared and Nick picked me up from work that night, you know which one I mean. All of the times that you came to have lunch with me when I worked at the Nursing Home, and the smack that we used to talk about it. The time I introduced you to Justin and Jesse, and you were proud. The time that we watched The Food Network and decided that we could bake like Buddy, and then finding out that we definitely couldn't bake like Buddy. That time that somewhere between the age of 4-23 that you decided that I was smarter than any Doctor and let me start fixing your "wounds" and making you better. All the times that we have moved because we got a "wild hair" and really do consider ourselves nomads. Basically, my favorite memory is the last 23 years of my life.


You are my heart. Thank you for not only being a mother and best friend to me for the past 23 years, but for also being a wonderful role model. Growing up, I was blessed to have a mother who took care of me, made my childhood magical, was there as a friend as well as a mentor, and instilled in me the importance of compassion and kindness. Your character continues to amaze me. I am from a wonderful line of strong-willed, classy, hard-headed women, and I pray that I will be the same kind of mother as you if that day should ever come. No matter what hills I climb or rivers I swim, you are there. We have been through so very much together and continue to take whatever life throws our way- together. I am definitely my Mother's daughter. You are my Hero, Always have been and Always will be. It's an Honor to call you Momma!! Happy Birthday!!

Love you, forever and always, (whole, whole bunches). -Puss

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Confess

Usually when someone would ask for my confession, I would just plead the fifth. I've hung out with enough cray people to know that sometimes you just don't tell. Not to mention I've seen every season of SOA and watched The Godfather. Ok? Snitches get Stitches. People have tattoo's about it and everything. Although, there are also tattoos of anchors that say "refuse to sink". Well, that's just dumb. The whole purpose of an anchor is too sink and anchor something down. Hello! If it ain't sinking it ain't working and it's a defective anchor. Just saying.

However, sometimes it's nice to talk about some things. I'm very random and what my friends called-quirky. Their words, not mine. I like to share things about myself from time to time, especially when I think it's funny or I'm just in a mood. Hey I'm a girl, it happens. I got to thinking about some of the different/random things about myself and figured-Ahh why not? As long as it's about me and not anyone else I figure it's all good.

I Confess...
*That sometimes taking a shower, relaxing, and going to bed early is one of my favorite weekday things to do.
*I could watch tv for hours and hours upon end. I'm kind of obsessed with SOA and New Girl.
*I always imagine what I would look like if I had perfect hair/make-up, but actually have no clue what I'm doing.
*I love memes, and could look at them on the internet almost all day.
*Sometimes I pretend to listen to people, but really I'm just nodding.
*If I could wear my dark grey Derek Heart pants everywhere all the time...I would.
*I really could eat Taco Bell every single day and don't care if people would judge me for it. 
*Shopping for clothes and trying to figure out fashion freaks me the hell out.
*When I'm listening to music I make up scenarios involving myself that match the song.
*The one time I tried to date two guys at a time, I got caught within the first 48 hours. It was more like 36. I'm definitely NOT a multi-tasker.
*I'm convinced people are watching everything we're doing in our homes through the cable box and tv. Paranoia city- right here.
*At 23 years old I still want my Momma when I'm sick, sad, tired, happy, and pretty much every other emotion.
*I'm a bit obsessed with reading and collecting books. Also by a little I mean, I own more books than anything and I think that they all have feelings.
*I still have my three favorite dresses that probably wouldn't fit me anymore, but just might.- my prom dress, my dress from Dani's wedding, and my senior alumni dress. I also have Mo's black/white/rose dress from Senior night. She ain't getting it back.
*I have no desire to be married and have kids, but sometimes think about what kind of mother I would be. Not to mention I look good in wedding dresses (in my head).
*I still have (and sleep with) my teddy bear that I've had since I was about three days old. He's looking rougher than he used to, but I still love him.
*One time I kicked by ex-b/f out of bed so that my dog could have more room to stretch out.
*I miss living in the Country because the City freaks me out, but I also like the City and I'm trying.
*I can't take a half descent "selfie" to save my life. In all pictures I look ridiculous! One eye always half closes, my smile is lopsided, and for some unknown reason my whole head seems to get bigger. And that's when someone else takes it, let alone me!!
*Sometimes when no one is around I will turn on Miley Cyrus-Party in the U.S.A. and rock that shit song out. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. She may be nuts but that's a catchy damn song.
*I might be the weirdest woman in the world, because I hate wearing shoes. They may be pretty, but I hate wearing them!
*If I was going to build myself the perfect man I would say Charlie Hunnam, because he is le gorgeous and I thought that way before the FSOG casting hussies, but really in my head I would mean Tyler Hilton.
*I read Fifty Shades of Grey and loved it. So much so that I read the trilogy twice in a week and a half, and bought them all.
*I own an Ipod touch, but have it in storage because I don't even know how to work it all that well.
*When I'm uncomfortable I make inappropriate jokes and bite my bottom lip.
*My favorite kind of music is Country, followed closely by Classic Rock.
*One time I licked the sleeve of my cousin's shirt when we were drinking, because we wanted to know if the stain on it was bbq sauce. Sadly, I didn't even hesitate. He licked it and said-"Katie is this bbq sauce" and without hesitation I licked it and said- "I think so". Yeah, it was a crazy weekend.
*I love Scary Movies, unless I get a phonecall asking me what my favorite scary movie is.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The things that we may never learn.

I thought of something while I was blow-drying my hair last night and I said to myself- Huh! I should tell people about this!! Why? I'll never know for sure, but sometimes it just seems like a really good idea at the time. I thought some of it was really funny, because you see it so much.

I'm 23, nearly 24 years old...yeah, yeah I know the fact that I'm getting old was pointed out to me last weekend...Shut it!! And there are still just certain things in my life that I don't think that I will EVER learn!! They say we learn from our mistakes, that's mostly true, but sometimes NOT SO MUCH. I know that I'm guilty of this. I'm not trying to say that I'm not, but Some People are WAY WORSE. Let me explain...

This one I'm guilty of, I should learn, but I don't always think it through. Sleeping in make-up is Never a good idea. Ever. No matter what the situation is, you just shouldn't do this. I know the feeling, you come in way too drunk tired to deal with it so you just head straight for the bed. Then the next morning you wake up looking like Alice Cooper. I get it. We've all been there. No? Just me? Well, Alrighty then...Ya'll hussies still shouldn't sleep in your make-up. Also, there is such a thing as too much make-up. It comes to a point where it looks like a Kardashian and a Kindergartener got a hold of your face. Not only should you not sleep in it, but you just shouldn't wear it.

Oversleeping is not a good idea. By the time you get up you still have to get ready, the dog needs out, your boss is waiting on you, and frankly you look as rough right then as you would've if you would've gotten up the 45 minutes earlier. Beauty rest is not always real.

No matter how much you dream it and your Momma encouraged it- Not everyone can be a Rockstar, Actress,  Fireman, or Doctor. It's just the cold hard truth. There are just certain people that I've come across in life that I don't want to take care of me in a life or death situation. A man that is 108 lbs soaking wet shouldn't try to carry my big ole 134 lbs butt down a ladder while flames are going crazy. Just because you're one of the most dramatic people that I've ever met in my entire life doesn't mean that you're an actress. And finally I know we're all guilty of it. I myself love to belt out the classics while riding down the road, or while being silly with my friends...however I am very aware that I am not a Rockstar! Just because it's entertaining doesn't mean it's good! They may be laughing at the fact that you're so bad! Sorry, but I'm not sorry. 

Do not under any circumstances get back together with an Ex. Hello! There's a reason that they're an "Ex" instead of still an "Us". Seriously, get with it. If it didn't work the first time, chances are it's not going to work a second. If you insist on the second chance and it doesn't work, than it's really not going to work any time after that. Basically, what I'm saying is if it doesn't work to begin with and ya'll "part ways" let sleeping dogs lie. Giving it another go is not a great idea. No matter what your Horoscope may say!

People should NOT be allowed to have Alcohol and a Phone in the middle of the night. It just shouldn't happen. I'm not talking emergency situations-Get a LifeAlert Button- I'm talking late at night, thinking things over in your head. No one honestly wants to get a text message (used to be a phonecall, but now drunk people can be "techy-savvy") from someone in an emotional/drunken stupor. No one. Just Stop It.

Walt Disney was NOT as smart as you think he was. Sure he created classic cartoons that filled our childhoods with joy and laughter, and that's still happening for the generations growing up now. However, it's not "all good". What do I mean? Well, for starters-Thanks alot for the unrealistic expectations that he set up for girls about their hair. Every Disney Princess has fantastic hair that free flows in the wind and looks stunning. Constantly. This is NOT a true fact of life! Trust me. Every curly-haired person in the world will agree with me on this one. Also, Prince Charming? Yeah right! More like Prince Ass, Prince Mama's Boy, Prince Douchebag, Prince Cheater, and Prince Tool. I know because I asked around, so it's not just my opinion. Finally he said- "If you can dream it, you can do it". Yeah, that's great in theory, but not always true. Ex: I dream about being Mrs. Charlie Hunnam. Is it going to happen? Sadly, No. I would be arrested. It's called stalking.

Finally, people know who you're talking about on Social Media. It's not a giant secret. When things are not going your way and you start "smack-talking" on Social Media trying to be all incognito, guess what? It's not working. Everyone knows who/what you're talking about and you look dumb. It's the truth.

That's not all, but it's a start.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Oy Vey!

Well, that was an interesting weekend. Honestly, that's the only way I can think to describe it. There are many words that come to mind when I think about it. Words like: Fun, Hangover, Family, Friends, Laughter, Surprise, Shock, Amaze, and Stagger.

But mostly just- Interesting. Where to begin would be a wonderful way to start out. I don't even know where to though. I guess I could start with Friday night. I was hanging out with Greg and talking about all the things that are going on in his life. He asked me about everything that's been going on in mine too, but I'm not exactly what people call a "sharer". I prefer to keep all of my feelings and emotions completely bottled up inside-Where they belong! (Or apparently on this blog-don't sass.). It was nice to talk though, I don't mind hearing about his feelings/ what's going on as long as I don't have to share mine. No thanks. I have missed my ole shithead brother though. That's literally what we did all evening too. We just talked and eventually I got tired enough to where I just retired. I assume Greg would've stayed up all hours of the day and night to talk if I wouldn't have been tired and he didn't have to work that night. You would think that he was younger than me, but no. Hey, don't judge- I need my beauty rest! It takes alot of energy/effort to look this mediocre!!

Saturday brought a little of everything. Surprise, Laughter, and Budweiser. Yeah, you heard that right- Budweiser. I swear my family should own stock in a brewery. We'd make a great deal of money. That morning Momma and I went over to Aunt Poot and Uncle Darrel's house, and he put front brakes on the car for us. He's nice like that, because it would've cost this girl a small fortune to have it done at a shop. Later on that evening I was downstairs, painting my fingernails (yeah I'm trying this whole let my fingernails grow out thing-NOT SO MUCH TODAY-but I digress) when Momma yelled for me. I came upstairs and she told me there was someone in the garage that wanted to see me. I was confused but went out. It was my oldest cousin-Josh. I hadn't seen him in months because he was being a douche hasn't been around. We got to talking and Greg and him went down to the store to grab some beer. When they got back we just hung out on the back porch for awhile, drinking and Ashley and her g/f showed up. We all laughed and cut up for awhile, and they wanted us to run over to their friends house with them.

Well, since Ashley was voluntarily the DD and I was a few beers in, I agreed. We all loaded into Val's little bitty car (seeing Josh's 6'7 butt get in the backseat was hilarious) and headed over. I'm not exactly sure when, but at some point I surpassed the line in the sand that tells you that you've been drinking too much and continued too keep drinking. I literally passed that line and waved to it-because quitting was not an option by that point. My Momma didn't raise No Quitter!! Three cases of beer between Josh and I later, we decided that enough was enough. Actually enough was far too much. However, I had so much fun that it was ridiculous. We all laughed, cut up, had a good time, and for just a little bit forgot about the fact that there was bull between so many people. We were just family/friends having a good time. I hadn't done that in a long time. I think that I needed it. Ash drove us home and her and I helped Josh into the house. Yes that's right people-I not only out drank my 6'7, 260 lbs, 36 year old male cousin, but I did it and managed to help him into the house and take care of myself. The only thing that I could think to myself was- "Yep, probably should've rethought this one." But it was fun and since it's not something I do on a regular basis, I figured it's all good. I'm grown after all. :) The only thing Shylyn could ask was- "Katie you wore sweatpants to a party?" Uhh, yeah I was comfy and far too intoxicated to be trying to put on jeans. I wasn't trying to impress anybody anyways. Besides for the kind of people we were hanging out with my "gym" sweats were perfectly acceptable. Heels and "sexy" clothes would've been inappropriate. Just saying. I've never been one to get "fancy" to go hang out with friends. Unless there's a good reason.

Sunday was even far more interesting than Saturday. Why? Because not only was it the after effects of the three cases of beer, but also it was a family function day, and I got another surprise. Laying in bed debating on whether or not to take a shower at 4:45 am was probably one of the hardest decisions that I've ever had to make in my entire life. Seriously. It was harder than any food choice, relationship choice, or clothing choice-EVER! I know those things are low on the list, but let's not be overly dramatic. My head finally won over my body, because my body just wanted to stay laying down until I died, and I got up to take my shower. When I got out of the shower I laid back down for another two or three hours and got back up. I felt so much better. Kenny made me some scrambled eggs, and even though I hate eggs, I ate them because I learned very early on, if you're gonna drink alot, you better eat. It's just the facts of life. Then we all got ready and headed out to Aunt Mary's for her annual "End of Summer" shindig. That's what I'm calling it at least. We all figured that there was going to be trouble because Lord knows you can't put our whole family under one roof and someone not start something. But, believe it or not it was real nice. No fighting, no arguing, just hanging out and eating with family. Shocked the hell outta me too. Not to mention the longer I stayed in the sun and drank tea, the more my hangover subsided...Hoorah!! The kids played, and all us cousins talked and hung out. Watching Sammy kick Solae in the face with a football was priceless. Look, I know that I'm an adult, and when kids get hurt I'm supposed to be all -"How dare you! Don't do that! You're in trouble young man!" Let's face it, I'm not doing that. It was an accident and she wasn't hurt so it's appropriate for me to laugh behind people's backs. It's only fair. After the party, we all went home to relax.

We hadn't been home twenty minutes when I got a FB message. I almost didn't pay it any mind, but decided to answer it. It was an old friend of mine from my previous job. He asked where I lived at and for my address. I hadn't seen him in about four years I guess, and he said he was in town and wanted to stop by and see me. I thought that he was joking, because he does that alot and I told him he was full of crap. He said no he wasn't so I rolled my eyes, gave him the address and went on about my business figuring he wouldn't show up. Twenty minutes later I got into the shower, and after being in there for all of seven minutes Shylyn opened the door and said- "Katie! Your friend's here and he's pretty!!" I was confused and then realized who she was talking about. I quickly got out of the shower, got dressed, and went outside. Guess what? There he was. He actually showed up (I assume just to prove me wrong once again) and Kenny and Shylyn were staring at him like he was a piece of steak and they were in Lord of the Flies. Shy couldn't take her eyes off of him and was sighing when he talked. She was very smitten and the whole time I was thinking- "Yeah, he tends to have that affect on girls/women...poor girl. If I had a nickel for all the women at work that used to look at him like that, I'd be rich as shit.". It was funny. He stood up, smiled, and hugged me. And you know what? That asshole looks exactly the same! He hasn't changed one bit. I've managed to get older, fatter, and look weird. I'm still waiting to get out of my "awkward" stage for goodness sakes! Him however, still looks like he always has. He must have a deal with Satan or something. Damn him. The only thing different is he has a tiny patch of grey hair on the left side of his head, that he swears came from me. Yeah, I'm sure that it has nothing to do with his crazy ex-wife, or the heap of crazy ex-girlfriends that he's managed to collect over the years. No, according to him it was me, because I was a handful. Whatevs, I've always been delightful!!

We talked for awhile, then I took him (his friend was with him) over to Ash's house to see Greg and meet Ash, Josh, and Val. We all hung out, talked, and told stories from "back in the day". And they all argued over who I could outdrink. Yeah, thanks cousin. At least the bets were in my favor. We went back to the house, but not before I got us lost in the city. When this happened I didn't want to admit that I got us lost so I said- "Hey, remember when you used to have me give you directions while you drove?" Him- "Yeah" Me- "Remember how that always turned out?" Then his friend chimed in- "What does that mean?" His reply was- "That means we're damn lost is what that means". Oops. I told them to just keep taking lefts and we would eventually be back to the house. I was right just so y'all know!

Anyways the point is this weekend was full of fun and surprises. I think that I needed to have some fun and fun I definitely had. It was a good time, and I'm glad that I got out a little and tried to put my paranoia of the city on the backburner. I'm also happy that the family got together without killing each other.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Good To Have You Home

Let me just start by saying- Happy Friday the 13th Everyone!! I have a little catching up to do. Not a whole lot, but let's face it I've been slacking off this week when it comes to "updating". So sue me. With the exception of Wednesday, I haven't really felt the need to blog anything. Well, I did think of things to write about, however I was just to lazy preoccupied to do it. I have been doing the usual lately with a few exceptions.

It's been so unbelievably hot these last couple of days!! I mean ridiculous! It's been so hot that from the time I walk out of the door in the morning and drive to work I'm sweating. Then I sweat from the time I leave work until we do all the things we need to do in the evening, and get home. It's crazy!! Thank goodness that it's cooler this morning. I honestly thought that I was going to have to re-enact the oven scene from Sweeney Todd if it didn't cool down. You know because in Sweeney Todd Mrs. Lovett gets thrown into the oven and that's how I felt because it's been so hot. Get it? Oh, nevermind. Ignore me. All this mugginess is enough to drive anyone crazy!! Danielle did try and make me feel better on Monday though. She came into work and brought me...wait for it...BatMan Socks!! That's right BatMan socks!! She looked for Captain America (my favorite of the comic book heroes), but they didn't have them, so she went with her and Greg's favorite, (my second favorite) BatMan! I love them! Not only do I now own awesome BatMan socks that have capes attached, yeah you heard me right-capes, but I also match little Janey. Dani got her and Jayna matching one's just like mine. I guess that officially means that we're all superheroes now. I mean I'm not saying that any of us are BatMan, I'm just saying that
no one has ever seen all of us and BatMan in the same room together.
Have they? Nope, they haven't.

Last Saturday Greg came up to live with us. You remember Greg right? Yeah, my brother. Apparently his psycho wife went bat shit crazy decided that they needed to spend some time apart. I'm not really sure that you can do that. Can you? I guess you probably can, but I was under the impression that people didn't take time away from marriage. I thought that once you got married you either dealt with shit or you got divorced. I'm not really sure that she understands. Or he understands. And I definitely don't understand! It's a little confusing to say the least. I don't say anything though, I just listen to him and give advice only when he asks. I mean I can give advice from the point of view of a sister to a brother, a person to a person, a female to a male, but I can't give him the point of view from one married person to another. I'm not married nor have I ever been so I can't even pretend to know what's going through his head. I've lived through my Momma divorcing the piece of shit , and I've seen other people have difficulties in their marriage, they even talked to me about it, but that doesn't mean I know what it's like. So all I can do is just be there, listen to him, and try to help him out. It's what we baby sisters do! Momma, Uncle Jimmy, and Aunt Patsy went down to get him (the 7th) and he's been up here ever since. It's been almost a week and he already has a job and he seems to be doing well. I think that's a good thing. His wife says that she doesn't want a divorce, but that she wants to stay married and just not live together (or anywhere near each other), but still be together. I don't even know how that works. I mean I'm confused, so I know he has to be confused. Wish everybody good luck cause they're gonna need it!! Bitches be trippin'!! Either way, it's really good to have him home. You don't realize how much you will miss a person until you can't look around and see them.

Now, just the "little things". I watched that movie AntiChrist that Dani and I had been talking about for a couple months now. It has Willem Dafoe in it, so of course I was all-I'm watching it!! Yeah, really shouldn't have done that. It was crazy!! So crazy that it was rough for even me to watch. At one point, I had my hands covering my face with the blanket over my head. Not because it was scary, but because there are some things that are too hard to watch. Since we officially have NetFlix now she has been telling me things that I should definitely watch. Seriously, there's a list. So far I watched AntiChrist and started on the first season of SOA again. I know I've already seen it, but I can't help it!! Give me a break. I enjoy talking to Jim's friend Tony. He's pretty cool. He seems real down to earth, and he's very sarcastic like me so we get along just fine. His boyfriend confuses me though. They just seem so completely different, it's a little offputting. If that makes sense. Oh well, they say opposites attract. I went to lunch with Aunt Susi and Uncle Roger Wednesday and I learned more about something that I already knew. Uncle Roger definitely needs a Vay-Cay!! If not soon, Aunt Susi is going to start spitting bullets! They just need a little peace, quiet, and relaxation. Dani and I went to Jockomo's for lunch yesterday. Boy, are there some strange people out and about during lunch time! We had a nice time/lunch and talked, but people were driving crazy!! People are still in a frenzy about the FSOG casting, and I'm still loving it! There's even a page on FB devoted to it that I belong to now. They talk about things from the book, and the movie choices. They make pictures and quotes, it's pretty cool. Well, it is. I read the second and third book again. I know it's soon, but I did it anyways. I really like it. I'm still debating on how to get the tattoo on my foot redone. I like about 1500 different things, but can't decide. I don't even know what they could turn it into anyways. Decisions, decisions. I finally cleaned up my boards on Pinterest. Silly I know, but it was driving me crazy! Now they are somewhat clear. I may have to delete and start over. It would be easier. I was going to do the SOA recap on Wednesday, but since that was Sept. 11th, I felt like that was a day to honor those lost on that day. Might be silly, but that's just me I guess.

Accidental jokes of the Week- Ashley and Valerie came over Sunday to visit for awhile. Everytime we spend any amount of time together, she asks about my "love" life, or lack thereof one. I've tried to explain what goes on in my head when it comes to this, however I can't explain it very well so I finally just give up and listen. She asked why I didn't try online dating, to which my reply was something like this. She then said, "Katie, what about" I was not aware that this was an actual dating website, so my reply was-"Ashley, how many times do I have to tell you I'm not a lesbian? I'm great with the fact that you are, but I'm not". She said that's not what she meant, that it was an actual/real dating sight. Oops. Wednesday when I went to lunch with Aunt Susi and Uncle Roger we went downtown to CircleCenter to eat. People were driving crazy (as per usual) and they were everywhere. I seen a Police Officer rummaging through his trunk parked at the station. When I say Police Officer-I mean future husband and father of my chidren-Pretty!! Just kidding. Kind of. I told Uncle Roger to stop because I had found my future husband. He told me no, and to behave myself, and was chuckling at me. I said "Oh come on Uncle Roger, I just wanna play with his taser!" I didn't mean it the way it sounded, because now that I think about it, it did sound bad. That's probably why Uncle Roger said-"Katherine Diane!". But it was no worse than him saying-"Look at that guys big ole beaver hanging out of that car!" Sadly, it really was true. Some guy was driving a convertible with a giant stuffed beaver hanging out the passenger side, and he was waving a stuffed Tweety Bird at people. Oh, the things you see in the city.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sons of Anarchy: Season06, Episode01.

Tuesday was finally the night of SOA Season 6 Premiere!! How excited was I? Well, let's just say that there was inappropriate dancing and jirating a jig involved. We'll just leave it at that. Now, I know that I'm going to sound like a horrible person, but I have to say it.... there are two plus sides to Greg and Brittany "taking a break." I know that sounds a little Ross&Rachel, but that's all I can think to call it.

Number one, I get to see my brother on a regular basis.

Number two, his big ass tv!!! I mean, wow!! That thing is 65 inches and I might be a little in love. I'm perfectly content to watching my normal size tv downstairs, however, when Tuesday nights roll around and I get to see Charlie Hunnam all up on that 65 inch, you best believe that I'm there!!

It was a good season premiere too. There's been a lot of controversy over it that you can read about here, but I don't want to get into all of that. I just want to recap everything that I saw that "went down". Holy hell, the shit that went down!! SPOILER ALERTS!!

First of all that little boy had me completely stumped!! I had no clue what was going to go down with him or even who he was. The way he had that journal and was quiet and brooding walking around I was beginning to think that he had something to do with Jax. Well, I guess he kind of did, but in a completely different way than what I was thinking. I guess that one surprised everybody, it really did me. Moving on.... oh Tig, Tig, Tig, you poor little thing. I know that he is having issues because of last season. Watching that happen to your daughter will make you go crazy, but did you have to drown dude like that? In a tub full of urine no less. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for him getting it because of the stuff he was doing/saying, but eww! Pretty badass cool though.

Chibs beating the crap out of Juice and then stitching him up was pretty cool. That's a brotherhood right there! Juice took what he knew he had coming, and then they were over it. It was done. Clay, don't be a bitch narc and just take the jail time. It's been coming for awhile anyways. Tara is gonna be pissed! Not only is she in jail for Otto killing that nurse, but now Jax cheated on her. Just wait until she finds out. It is not going to go over well. If she gets a hold of that madame like she did that woman in jail, there's gonna be a hurting going on. She straight up whooped that woman! I'm loving Nero. And yes, Lyla, miss and want Opie back too!! I'm still heartbroken about that one.

I'm glad that blonde girl got her face busted.... again.... by Gemma. I just really don't like her. Otto getting it "thrown to him" in prison was a little rough to see. Especially since he can't say anything from biting his tongue off last season. Can you say "like a boss?!" Plus, Donal Logue on heroin, checking himself out in a mirror.... yeah I could've went my entire life without that one. Some serious stuff is going to go down this season. I have a feeling some stuff I don't want to see happen, is definitely going to happen. Season06,Episode02, OneOneSix-

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Twelve years later (and still so many questions).

On this day twelve years ago a Tragedy struck our Nation. In the early morning hours of September 11, 2001 there were four attacks that lead to the tragic loss of so many lives. Lives of Good Men, Innocent Children, and Loving Women. The lives of Fathers, Mothers, Daughters, Sons, Wives, Husbands, Uncles, Aunts, Nieces, Nephews, Friends and Co-Workers. Lives that were cut far too short, far too soon. It's been twelve years and we as a Nation are still recuperating. After something like this tragedy happens though, it begs the question-How do we recover? The answer is never simple, if there is even an answer at all. I'm not sure there is. I still haven't found it, and neither has any other person that I know of. All that seems to happen when it's brought up is more questions. People say that they have "moved on" from it, but have they really? Isn't it always somewhere in the back of your mind, closed up tightly in a box, waiting for it's chance to spring back into your mind? Every year when September 11th rolls around, there are all those feelings again. Feelings of fear, anger, turmoil, sadness, and the ones that are there that there isn't even a name for, because no one can explain them. People tend to remember the events of a tragic day. Recalling everything that happened, who they saw, where they were, and sometimes even what they were wearing. Just small things that stay in your head. I remember...

Early on the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four commercial airliners (two Boeing 757 and two Boeing 767) en route to California (three headed to LAX in Los Angeles, and one to San Francisco) after takeoffs from Boston, Massachusetts; Newark, New Jersey; and Washington, D.C. Large planes with long flights were intentionally selected for hijacking because they would be heavily fueled.

The four flights were:

*American Airlines Flight 11: Left Boston's Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m. enroute to Los Angeles with a crew of 11 and 76 passengers, not including five hijackers. The hijackers flew the plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m.

*United Airlines Flight 175: Left Logan Airport at 8:14 a.m. enroute to Los Angeles with a crew of nine and 51 passengers, not including five hijackers. The hijackers flew the plane into the South Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m.

*American Airlines Flight 77: Left Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia at 8:20 a.m. enroute to Los Angeles with a crew of six and 53 passengers, not including five hijackers. The hijackers flew the plane into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m.

*United Airlines Flight 93: Left Newark International Airport at 8:42 a.m. enroute to San Francisco, with a crew of seven and 33 passengers, not including four hijackers.
As passengers attempted to subdue the hijackers, the aircraft crashed into the ground
near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 10:03 a.m.

Media coverage was intense during the attacks and aftermath, beginning moments after the first crash into the World Trade Center.

At 8:46 a.m., five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center's North Tower (1 WTC), and at 9:03 a.m., another five hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower (2 WTC). Five hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. A fourth flight, United Airlines Flight 93, under the control of four hijackers, crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh, at 10:03 a.m. after the passengers fought the hijackers. Flight 93's target is believed to have been either the Capitol or the White House. Flight 93's cockpit voice recorder revealed crew and passengers tried to seize control of the plane from the hijackers after learning through phone calls that similarly hijacked planes had been crashed into buildings that morning. Once it became evident to the hijackers that the passengers might regain control of the plane, the hijackers rolled the plane and intentionally crashed it. Some passengers and crew members who called from the aircraft using the cabin airphone service and mobile phones provided details: several hijackers were aboard each plane; they used mace, tear gas, or pepper spray to overcome attendants; and some people aboard had been stabbed. Reports indicated hijackers stabbed and killed pilots, flight attendants, and one or more passengers. In their final report, the 9/11 Commission found the hijackers had recently purchased multi-function hand tools and assorted knives and blades. A flight attendant on Flight 11, a passenger on Flight 175, and passengers on Flight 93 said the hijackers had bombs, but one of the passengers said he thought the bombs were fake. The FBI found no traces of explosives at the
crash sites, and the 9/11 Commission concluded that the bombs were probably fake. 

Three buildings in the World Trade Center complex collapsed due to fire-induced structural failure. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. after burning for 56 minutes in a fire caused by the impact of United Airlines Flight 175 and the explosion of its fuel. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. after burning for 102 minutes.  When the North Tower collapsed, debris fell on the nearby 7 World Trade Center building (7 WTC), damaging it and starting fires. These fires burned for hours, compromising the building's structural integrity, and 7 WTC collapsed at 5:21 p.m. The Pentagon sustained major damage.

The attacks resulted in the deaths of 2,996 people, including the 19 hijackers and 2,977 victims. The victims included 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in New York City in the towers and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon. Nearly all of the victims were civilians; 55 military personnel were among those killed at the Pentagon. More than 90% of the workers and visitors who died in the towers had been at or above the points of impact.  In the North Tower 1,355 people at or above the point of impact were trapped and died of smoke inhalation, fell or jumped from the tower to escape the smoke and flames, or were killed in the building's eventual collapse. The destruction of all three staircases in the tower when Flight 11 hit made it impossible for anyone above the impact zone to escape. One hundred-seven people below the point of impact died as well. In the South Tower, one stairwell (A), was left intact after Flight 175 hit, allowing 14 people located on the floors of impact (including one man who saw the plane coming at him) and four more from the floors above to escape. 911 operators who received calls from individuals inside the tower were not well informed of the situation as it rapidly unfolded and as a result, told callers not to descend the tower on their own. 630 people died in that tower, fewer than half the number killed in the North Tower. Casualties in the South Tower were significantly reduced by some occupants deciding to start evacuating as soon as the North Tower was struck. At least 200 people fell or jumped to their deaths from the burning towers, landing on the streets and rooftops of adjacent buildings hundreds of feet below. Some occupants of each tower above the point of impact made their way toward the roof in hope of helicopter rescue, but the roof access doors were locked. No plan existed for helicopter rescues, and the combination of roof equipment and thick smoke and intense heat prevented helicopters from approaching.  A total of 411 emergency workers died as they tried to rescue people and fight fires. The New York City Fire Department (FDNY) lost 340 firefighters, a chaplain and two paramedics. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) lost 23 officers. The Port Authority Police Department lost 37 officers.  Eight emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics from private emergency medical services units were killed. 

There were many Heroes that day. Heroes that didn't need or have capes. Heroes that came from somewhere deep inside of themselves. There were people that thought nothing about themselves, but instead saw the bad that was happening around them and jumped in to help. Those are the real heroes. The people whom take a stand, and do all that they can do. They gave all that they could give. For that, we will be forever grateful. The New York City Fire Department deployed 200 units (half of the department) to the site. Their efforts were supplemented by numerous off-duty firefighters and emergency medical technicians. The New York City Police Department sent Emergency Service Units and other police personnel, and deployed its aviation unit. Once on the scene, the FDNY, NYPD, and Port Authority police did not coordinate efforts and performed redundant searches for civilians.  As conditions deteriorated, the NYPD aviation unit relayed information to police commanders, who issued orders for its personnel to evacuate the towers; most NYPD officers were able to safely evacuate before the buildings collapsed.  With separate command posts set up and incompatible radio communications between the agencies, warnings were not passed along to FDNY commanders. After the first tower collapsed, FDNY commanders issued evacuation warnings; however, due to technical difficulties with malfunctioning radio repeater systems, many firefighters never heard the evacuation orders. 9-1-1 dispatchers also received information from callers that was not passed along to commanders on the scene. Within hours of the attack, a substantial search and rescue operation was launched. After months of around-the-clock operations the World Trade Center site was cleared by the end of May 2002.