Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Look A Bit Like

A "Backwoods" Librarian today. I know that probably doesn't make the best sense, but it's the truth. What are you gonna do? I say this for three reasons. One, I'm having to wear my glasses this morning. I'm supposed to wear them at all times (excluding bedtime and showering), but let's face it ain't no way that shit is going down I forget. Yeah, that's it- forget. Two, I'm wearing my favorite blue/black flannel shirt (that I love), but it does tend to make me look a little "backwoods". Then again, most of my clothes have that affect. Oh well, I like flannel. Because of the flannel though, my hair has to be pulled up off of my neck into a knot/bun thing. I'm not really sure what to call it, all I know is if I wear my hair down at this point it'll look like I'm re-enacting the Boiler Room scene from Titanic. Sans Leo that is. Three, I'm going "all naturale" with the make-up lately. A-Because I have found out how bad liquid foundation truly is for your skin, and mine's already broke out enough and it's driving me nuts. And B-Because without liquid foundation I don't have the time, energy, nor the effort to try and make myself presentable anything new. Without my original amount of make-up I have discovered that I look a bit like Winifred Sanderson. Just to let ya'll know it's an awesome movie, but not a good look. Wish me luck on this one.

See what I mean? By the way...Don't Judge...I can't take a descent "Selfie" to save my life. However, this is what happens when they leave me to entertain myself on my lunch break. I really should re-evaluate some things before I start clicking pictures. Oh well, at least I have fun doing it. Even if I look incredibly awkward. This is how it goes down when I'm trying not to look ridiculous. Epic Fail. But just because it's awkward doesn't mean that I'm not keeping it! Say "Hello" to my new FB profile picture. :)


I was reading an article earlier that I felt the need to share. It's about a woman that "can't" get married until she makes her boyfriend 300 sandwiches. Now, before you get all- "Screw that guy" or "Whatevs, I'd punch him in the butt" hear everything out. It's actually kind of funny. I think so at least, but that's not saying much because I have a warped and/or strange sense of humor. What happened was she made her boyfriend a sandwich one day and it was so delicious that he said-"Oh honey! You're 300 sandwiches away from a diamond ring!" And she was all "Challenge Accepted!!" I don't think that he really meant it, but you know what dude? That's what you get for trying to out sarcasm a woman. Schooled. I'm not really sure why, but I feel like they can't put anything on BuzzFeed that isn't true, or at least really entertaining. Kind of like the rest of the internet. I could stay entertained on that sight for hours!! It has everything from Great Things About London to the Definitive Proof that Prince Eric was gay. Yes, people actually get paid to sit around and think of this shit stuff. Gotta love it.
Thank you extremely bored people for entertaining this extremely bored girl!!

We went over to storage yesterday to get Momma's dining room table, hutch, and chairs out. Momma, Kenny and Jim talked about it and Momma was afraid that moisture or something was going to get into the storage unit, especially with Winter coming, and that they would get ruined. Solution? Bring them to the house to use them. Hell, why not? Not to mention seeing Greg and Josh moving stuff in and out was- Hilarious!! When I cleaned out the hutch's drawers I found all kinds of things. Mostly alot of Dipshit's dude's stuff. I thought that he had gotten it all, but he didn't, so now I have an assortment of cool stuff including but not limited too tools, duck calls, turkey calls, beer cozies, flashlights, pocketknives, and things I can't even remember. If anybody needs any Buck/Doe Rut Scent which is just a nice name for deer pee Just give me a call- I'm your Girl!! Possession's 9/10's of the law, and I be possessin' it so- Ha! Another good thing is now that it's cleared out more (or soon will be) I can get in towards the back and get some of my older clothes out. Can I get a Woop-Woop?!! I have cute clothes, but they're all packed because I couldn't even fit in them for awhile anyways. Well, guess what? I can now! Oh yeah, that's right I said it! I'm so glad that it's almost the weekend!!

An old friend of mine from when I was 15, living in Alabama found me via FB yesterday. I hadn't seen/talked to him in almost eight years or so. It was pretty cool that he just randomly found me. I can't even believe that he remembered me or my last name for that matter. Hello, I have a dumb last name! The first time I met his mother was awkward. His last name is Robinson, so the first time I met his mother I shook her hand and was all- "Nice to meet you Mrs. Robinson!" Yeah, it was as awkward as it sounds. I hung out with his girlfriend and that's how we met. We were pretty good friends, and I thought that he was pretty cool. Uhh, I was 15 and he had a motorcycle and a car, which pretty much equaled badass. It's just the truth. We all hung out the whole time I lived there, and spent alot of time together. We had fun. Well, when Christina's dad and mom weren't being psychos we had fun. :)

I have decided that I want someone to give me a really cool nickname that only they call me. Something neat and funny that at least we get. Note to Potential Future Boyfriend (if we meet and get along): you may call me Annie. Why? Because my middle name is Diane, and I think that it would be cute. Just go with it please. Also, just so ya'll know- I went on a ten minute rant last week to Danielle about the "Paleo Diet". Don't ask me why, because I do not know, but I did. I don't remember what all I said, but I do know at least one thing was- "Screw those idiots doing the Paleo Diet! It's stupid and makes no sense! Oh, you can eat some damn radishes, but you can't have a damn grilled cheese. Bull!" Yeah, it was bad and Danielle couldn't quit laughing. 

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