Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 films. (Part III).

Back in April I did a little recap of all the movies that I had watched from January-April. Then in August I did a recap for movies I watched between May-August. Now here we are in December and I'm finishing off the movies for the year. And while this all started, because I wanted to let people which movies I recommended in 2016, now I just enjoy it and want it to keep rolling, because it's fun for me and even if people don't read it at this point, that has never stopped me before.


Also, are people still calling each other and other people "bro"? Is that still a thing?! I don't think it is, but I'm not usually on the "up and up" when it comes to slang and/or trends, so I may be way off base on this one. The point is, I'm finishing off my list of "The films of my 2017." And yes, I'll probably continue this shit come 2018. 

Side note: No worries, if I watch a couple more in December after this is published, I'll just tack it onto the next one.... because I do what I want. That, and there's really no telling if I'll watch anymore this month (I probably will) with a couple days left and a four day weekend for me.

September's films: So.... I didn't watch any new films in September. I know, that's legitimately unheard of for me, but with all the uprooting/moving that took place that month, along with all the other shit that was going on, it got away from me. I started watching The Mummy (2017), but had to stop not even midway through, because my hearing was off (I have hearing problems). 

My favorite: I guess since I didn't watch anything new in September, I will just choose my favorite/least favorite from the "rewatched movies" on my list for this month. This is a hard choice to make, but.... I think my favorite is going to have to go to Deep Blue Sea. There is just something so terrifying to me about that one (I've discussed my irrational fears- sharks included before) and I've watched it easily fifty times. Least favorite of the month: I'm gonna go with.... The Ruins. While I like it, it's just not as fantastic as the other ones. And it certainly doesn't beat a Kyle Gallner movie (The Haunting in Connecticut) for me.

September's rewatched from years gone by: The Ruins, John Carpenter's Vampires, The Haunting in Connecticut, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, Deep Blue Sea. 

October's films: The Mummy (2017), The Reaping, Harvest Moon (Hallmark), The Rite, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, The Do Over, A Heavenly Christmas (Hallmark).

*October was a very strange month.... with going from staying with Aunt Mary to staying with Aunt Poot and Uncle D, things were a little whackado. The fact that I watched so many new movies (and some of my old faves) is actually kind of impressive.*

My favorite: I'm gonna have to go with The Mummy (2017). Don't get me wrong, I definitely have to rewatch it to fully grasp it (and several others), but what I did get to pay attention to, I loved it. It's no 1999 version, but then again, it isn't supposed to be. Least favorite of the month: I hate to say it, but.... The Rite. I feel like it was a good concept and the actors are clearly talented, but there was just something in the entire execution that didn't do it for me.

October's rewatched from years gone by: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, The Faculty, Boo: A Madea Halloween.

November's films: Baywatch, A Gift to Remember (Hallmark), Trolls, Darkness Rising, The Christmas Train (Hallmark), Smurfs: The Lost Village.

My favorite: There were a couple of really good ones (and a few not so good ones) this month. I think for my favorite I'm gonna have to go with.... Baywatch. I really had no immediate interest in it, I figured I'd catch it sooner or later, buy my brother talked me into watching it and it was HILARIOUS. Least favorite of the month: I'm gonna go with.... Darkness Rising on this one. I mean, I usually like "B-" movies, especially the ones they offer on Netflix, but this one just wasn't good for me. I found it slow and too random to piece together and make a good story. I didn't even finish the last couple of minutes.

November's rewatched from years gone by: Men in Black, London Has Fallen, The Hateful Eight, Four Brothers, Practical Magic, The Mummy (2017), White Christmas, Taxi.

*the 51st CMA Awards were on the 8th of this month and Aunt Poot and I watched them (and I proceeded to get her liquored up on two bottles of wine).*

December's films: about 1/2 of CHIPS (I rented it from Redbox and the disc was corrupt so it cut off about halfway through), Kingsman: The Golden Circle.

My favorite: Even if we would've gotten to finish CHIPS I know that it wouldn't have beaten.... Kingsman: The Golden Circle. I LOVED the Kingsman sequel (excluding the parts where some of my favorites died) and laughed uncontrollably the entire time. Taron Egerton cracks me the hell up. Least favorite of the month: Including the ones that I've already seen and rewatched I'm going to have to give this one to.... CHIPS. I know it's probably completely unfair since I only got to see about 1/2 of it, but I can always amend in later posts. In defense of the movie, it had nothing to do with Dax Shepard and Michael Pena, because I love those two.

December's rewatched from years gone by: Scream 4, Hairspray, about 1/2 of A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010), Terminator: Salvation.

Documentaries watched: I haven't watch any documentaries lately (I know, unheard of), but does it count that I've had "Making a Murderer" on my queue for like two years and still haven't watched it? No? Alrighty then.

Tv series I've finished: Vice Principals (S1), Fuller House (S3), Stranger Things (S2), The Ranch (S3-S4), Godless, Dog & Beth: Fight of Their Lives, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (S12 twice + all of the other random episodes).

Tv series still on my queue: That 70s Show, Peaky Blinders, Shameless, The Punisher, Baby Daddy (I've been putting off watching the last three episodes, because I'm sad they cancelled it), Breaking Bad, Young & Hungry, Dexter, The Walking Dead, The Blacklist, American Horror Story, The Mist, The killing, The Following, Supernatural, Bates Motel, Spartacus, Penny Dreadful, iZombie, The Originals, Ash vs. Evil Dead, Merlin, Haven, New Girl, Friends, Salem, Bitten, Criminal Minds, Lost Girl, Being Human, Burn Notice, and The Borgias.

Stand-up watched: Jeff Dunham: Relative Disaster, Norm MacDonald: Hitler's Dog-Gossip&Trickery, Rodney Carrington: Here Comes the Truth, Ralphie May: Unruly (#RIPRalphie), Rodney Carrington: Laughter's Good, Ron White: A Little Unprofessional. 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Creeping into Terminator territory.

I love the Terminator movies (yes, I love them all, but we all know T2 is the best one in existence). There's just something about them that makes you go, "oh.... maybe we should be aware of machines and their capabilities.... are we really safe with AI?!"

But most of the time you watch one and after a few hours or even the rest of the day (or night, depending on when you like to watch movies, I don't judge) you let those thoughts fall by the wayside. It makes sense.

Afterall, technology is everywhere in our lives and advancing every single day. In fact, I had the idea for this post and started it on my Iphone.... and finished it on a computer. I love old-fashioned ways (i.e. letter writing, visiting, etc.), but to say that technology hasn't made life easier and more convenient would be a lie.

But when is technology too much? Well.... I say it's too much when you literally can't function at anything all day simply because your technology has a "glitch."

Think about it.... how does your day go and how much do you really "accomplish" if your internet crashes?

Granted, these days we have to have some form of technology, whether it be for work or personal (I know that Netflix doesn't seem like a "must" but trust me, in my life it is), but I think maybe people are taking it a little bit too far.

Like, I realize that everybody seems to have cellphones these days (myself included), but do you really need a function on it to talk to, because you're too damn lazy to just look something up (Siri)? And yes, that kind of thing is handy for someone who has a form of disability and needs assistance.... but everybody does not need to be able to look at their phone and say shit like, "hey Siri, how many noodles can a dude fit into his nose before he suffocates and dies?" (And yes, I heard that exact thing at the grocery store between a man and his phone in the spaghetti aisle last week).

Do we really need for our things to talk to each other from ACROSS THE ROOM even though one of them ISN'T EVEN TURNED ON at the time? Is this really where we want to take it? Technology is so far advanced that it surpassed us a long time ago. In fact, it's so advanced that I don't know if we could ever even catch up.

Did we learn NOTHING from John Connor?! Afterall in the first movie he said, "The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire. Their war to exterminate mankind had raged on for decades. But the final battle will not be fought in the future. It would be fought in our present.... tonight." I mean, I know y'all think I'm crazy and that my paranoia and conspiracy theories are leaking over into Randy Quaid territory, BUT is it really so crazy to think that our technology that is so far advanced already would be able to "think for itself" and decide that mankind was a threat unto itself? I know it sounds crazy, but I don't think it's that far fetched.

Let's just all hope that there are some John Connor's and Kyle Reese's walking around out there. And that I'm 100% crazy.... which let's be honest, isn't that far fetched considering that this will probably be posted tomorrow, but I'm writing it tonight and I've had ALOT of wine. You can thank my family and their Christmas gifts to me for that. Speaking of which.... I totally need to watch Terminator: Salvation tomorrow night. I love that damn movie (because Anton Yelchin, Sam Worthington, and Christian Bale make fabulous movies separated let alone together).

What was my point again?!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017: a company party, a three-day weekend, and lots of wine.

Remember on Friday when I was contemplating running away to join the circus? Well, you'll be happy (or incredibly sad) to know that I didn't join the circus, but it's still an option that I'm keeping open.

Friday was our annual Company Christmas Party and they decided to do it a little differently this year. Usually we have the party in our warehouse (we rent heaters and tables), but this year they (and by "they" I mean UR and Dani) decided to have it elsewhere.... so we rented the back room of a brewery in downtown Indy.

There were some other changes made too, but mostly we're sticking with location and food on this one.

I would like to go on the record of saying that usually we freeze our asses off at these parties. Yes, we rent heaters, but it's the end of December in Indiana, heaters or not.... WAREHOUSES ARE F*CKING COLD. And then we usually end up ordering and picking up wings, pizza, etc. There's a whole lot of setup and teardown involved and it usually ends up being alot of trouble.

But this year the only thing we had to do was rent the room, choose the food, buy the drink tickets and show up. (And we did minimal raffles like usual). Aside from the little snafu of them not realizing that our party was scheduled from noon to three (they had us down from three to six), it went smoothly. And no worries, they quickly set things in motion for our original party time.

We all proceeded to drink, talk, laugh, play darts, and find Where's Waldo? It lasted for a couple of hours and once everybody was ready to get out of there.... we just left. Because we didn't have to clean or put away ANYTHING. We just left. Which is probably my favorite part of it all (aside from getting lost on my way home.... don't ask).

And yes, my family had a nice Christmas. We went down to Aunt Poot's and Uncle D's for Christmas dinner (that we eat between noon and one) and exchanged a couple of presents and Momma and I came home. It was a three day weekend (with another one on the horizon!) and it was mostly just me, Momma, and Tayder chillin' at the house and getting alot accomplished in the way of settling in. That was my favorite part.... the "chilling" part. It was a good weekend. A cold one (it's about eleven degrees outside this morning), but a good one. (I forgot to take pictures of Christmas itself).

Merry Christmas and all that jazz that most people say at this time of year.

Friday, December 22, 2017

The Greatest Showman.... just give me all the Zac Efron you got.

Today is our company Christmas party and Christmas is in three days.... so obviously I'm ignoring all of it and contemplating running away to join the circus.

I'm a huge Hugh Jackman fan. I think he's hilarious and has a singing voice out of this world (and yes, he's pretty easy on the eyes too). He's the entire reason that I started watching the X-Men movies (even though I grew to love them regardless) and he was amazing in Les Miserables.

And I like Zac Efron pretty damn good too.

With all of that being said, I should really follow it up with a confession.... I LOVE musicals. There's really no "cool" way to put that. I just love them. Line me up with some Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, RENT, The Phantom of the Opera, Hairspray, Grease, Les Miserables (among countless others) and I'm one happy girl.

I'm assuming that the new Hugh Jackman/Zac Efron (and also, Zendaya who I watched on Dancing with the Stars and is awesome) is going to be no different. I definitely want to watch it and I'm sure I'll love it.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The horrifying moment when you're looking for an adult.

And then you realize that you're technically an adult.... but you don't feel like playing today, so you want to invoke the "I'm an adult, I can stay in bed and watch tv and eat junk and not get dressed all day, BECAUSE I'M AN ADULT THAT'S WHY" clause in your contract. Speaking of which, does anyone have a copy of this "being an adult" contract?

Lately work has been.... stressful.

Yeah, we'll go with stressful. And it's the kind of stressful that feels never-ending and you're pretty sure that if you crawled into the fetal position and drank your weight in cheap wine that you would feel better. (Plus, it probably doesn't help that we're all sick and feel like death either?)

I'm sure everybody has these moments. And I'm not saying that I don't like my job or that it's terrible or anything, but lately it's just a tid-bit.... overwhelming.

And I'm not the only one feeling like this by any means.

Literally every single person here is on edge and none of us seem to be dealing with it all too well. I would love to be one of those people that are all, "it's the stress of the holiday season.... once the holidays pass everything will calm down and go back to normal."

But.... this isn't a "holiday" thing. It's a "we're all on edge and our heads are gonna spin off at any given moment" kind of thing. None of us know who is going to snap first.... but we have a betting pool that is really anybody's game at this point.

This morning was no different (nor is the entire day for that matter), so to alleviate a little bit of stress and hopefully push us a little bit backwards from the edge, Danielle's husband Chris started a NERF war.... that she and I promptly won (then Tony came up, because he thought the ceiling was coming down from all of our running) and we all had a little talk and laughed a bit.

And that lasted about ten minutes. Now? We're back on the precipice. Send good vibes.... and liquor.... our way.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the release of the movie: Titanic.

I LOVED this movie when it came out. (It debuted in US theatres on this exact date twenty years ago).

Granted, I was only seven years old, but for some reason, I just loved it. Whether that reason be the fact that I had never before seen a movie of that magnitude, the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio was a dream, or Kate Winslet would continue to be my idol for years to come, I couldn't say.

The year was 1997 and while there was plenty going on without the buzz of what would come to be the first movie to ever reach a billion dollars, I don't think anyone ever expected much from it to begin with, let alone for it to pave its way through the Oscars, but it did. It exceeded all expectations and gave us people to identify with (Jack Dawson, Ruth Dewitt Bukater, and Molly Brown) and love (or hate.... I'm looking at you Ruth, Cal, and Lovejoy).

Side note: Watch the official trailer and the extended Carpathia scene.

[[ Events from 1997: Princess Diana's funeral, Heaven's Gate Cult mass suicide, Scientists cloned Dolly the sheep, Timothy McVeigh is found guilty of the Oklahoma City Bombing, Harry Potter was published, Mmmbop debuted on the charts, the Packers beat the Patriots to win the Super Bowl, Biggie Smalls was murdered in a driveby shooting, Madeleine Albright was sworn in as Secretary of State becoming the first woman to ever head the State Department. ]]

I remember the first time that I ever watched Titanic and it was amazing.... and I cried. At seven years old even I knew that it wasn't fair that Jack had to go, but that it was his love that made him save Rose. And Rose save him in her own way.

To find out that it was a true story (I knew that before watching it) was insane and made it that much more tragic in the end. Sure, some of the characters may have been made up, but the fact that they were either based on real people or served in the place of an actual person was heartbreaking

It most definitely made you (or at least, me) start to see the world as unfair and realize that some people are treated different, sometimes in horrible ways, just because of their class, race, gender, or any number of other things. I learned that lesson at seven years old, thanks to this movie.

Most people might think that this movie is ridiculous. They may think that it is outdated, and they may break down and pick at the mistakes made, but one thing is for sure.... it definitely carved its place out in cinematic history.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

When you're trying to reach a custody agreement.... on a box full of letters.

I've always loved to write. I'm sure you can't tell from the amount of rambling that I do around these parts, but I have. Back in the day my friends and I used to write each other letters and notes (and it's amazing how bad my handwriting has always been) and like all good pre-teens/teenagers, we had some pretty personal stuff in there.

Because we didn't know that social media was on the horizon.

So, needless to say I have alot of letters/notes from old friends of mine (yes, I'm a hoarder and I've accepted that about myself) detailing who they liked at the time (my friend, Rachel, liked alot of people.... Mo liked a few people), what was happening in our everyday lives, and answers to some math questions. You know, random.

There were very few friends of mine that kept my letters to them (because who in the hell keeps shit like that besides me?), but they have one or two from our childhood/teen years. You know, mementos.

Then there's that one friend of mine.... you know, this one.

He apparently has a box full (no, I don't know the size of the box) of my letters/notes/cards that I have written him over the years. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Once again, who keeps shit like that besides me? He informed me of this one day when we were giving each other shit via text and it definitely took me by surprise.

My first response was: "Wait a minute.... I wrote you enough letters and cards to fill a box??! When was the last time I had that much effort for anything? Wtf?!"

My second response was: "Burn them."

Because why in the hell wouldn't you want someone to burn a box full of shit that you had written/drawn on over the most awkward and painful years of your life? Now he refuses to burn them and nothing I can say will talk him out of it. I might have a better chance if I seen him face to face (he tries to give me the puppy face, but we both know that I invented that look ON HIM), but probably even then he wouldn't go for it.

I'm not sure why, but it probably has something to do with the blackmail that is at some point inevitably going to rear its ugly head. And no, I don't know what he's gonna blackmail me for, but considering that I don't remember what's all in those letters, it could be something really bad. Well, not bad, but hilarious for him.

Come on, dude. You need to burn that box.... I can't be having proof out there that I had feelings at some point in my life! Whether those feelings be of friendship, sadness, "like that", or otherwise.

Annnddddd.... he's still not going for it.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.

Home Alone.... you've seen it, yes?! If you haven't I don't know what the hell you did with your childhood or what in the hell you're doing as an adult, but you need to stop whatever it is that you're doing right now and go watch it.... because if you haven't, this shit has gone on long enough.

If you're a normal human being you've seen Home Alone at least once or twice (or 967 times, but who's counting?), and we can all just agree that eight year old Macaulay Culkin was the cutest kid on the planet and made your eight year old self look like a dorkfish.

With all that being said, I think we can all agree.... Kevin McCallister went through some shit.

In both Home Alone and it's fantastic sequel Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Kevin had to outsmart not one set of bad guys.... but two sets (counting his siblings/cousins) and three sets once you included the New York hotel staff. The kid was resourceful to say the least and we all know that we (you and I) would never have pulled that shit off at eight (or ten).

It may not be the holiday season until I watch White Christmas, but it's also not Christmas time until I say my favorite Christmas movie line (luckily, I say: "Buzz, your girlfriend.... WOOF!" year round).

Saturday, December 9, 2017

I wore elf ears upside down and pretended to be Spock.

A few years ago a couple of my aunts (and maybe Momma?) decided to start having our annual get together. The women in my family used to do it once every year around Christmas time, but back then they called it the "Sister Thing." 

It was called that, because out of Momma and her siblings, there are ten of them (if you count the oldest/craziest one that I've only met like twice in my life) with seven of them beings sisters. It's not called the "Sister Thing" anymore (because we're not all sisters and they thought it was weird.... even though more than just the "sisters" have always come), but they instead made the group name "The Girls."

And I know this, because Danielle was forced to make a FB group so that we could all "keep up" and post pictures, and communicate.... and we all use it about once a year.

When it first started they decided they wanted it to be once every couple of months, maybe meeting up for lunch sometimes and at a house another.... and that lasted about half of the first year. Then it went to twice a year for a couple of years (or maybe just one year?), and now it's at once a year. We all say that we're going to have lunch together or something like that and then the next thing we know a year has gone by.

Because we have no follow through and we're tired.

With the "once a year" way, we usually meet up at one of my aunts house and have lunch/snacks, do a "Dirty Santa" and maybe exchange holiday cookies, ornaments, and treats.... and sometimes participate in a craft.

There are always people that don't come (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND IT'S YOUR LOSS, BECAUSE WE'RE DAMN HILARIOUS), but we usually have a good time, some laughs, and it lasts a couple of hours. And then we go about our merry way and say shit like, "we're gonna have to do this more often" and we don't not do it, because we don't like each other (even though some of us like more people than others), but because once again that whole follow through thing.

This year we met up at Aunt Susi's (it's usually at her house.... always has been), and ate, did the "Dirty Santa" thing (and I'm still not 100% sure that we all know how that game works), and talked for a couple of hours. We didn't do a craft this year, but Dani made her stuffed mushrooms so I think we can all agree to chalk that up to a win.

Here's to next time.... probably.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

The amount of pride was overwhelming.... and I may have teared up.

As most people know, this past July things were drastically changed in our lives. While I didn't go into in depth detail, the fact that everything was going to be different moving forward was a given.

There were alot of sleepless nights and anxiety attacks (if I'm being perfectly honest, there still are), but I've always known that my mother was a strong lady. She's shown me her strength my entire life. The fact that she's dealt with my brother for thirty-one years is just a testament to that (because my brother has always been a terror).

These past six months have been hard. And at times.... overwhelming.

From her being sick, to her surgery and readjusting to a different life, to moving in with her sister for two months and then moving into a new home, things have just been.... "on edge" putting.

But no matter what, we have continued to love, and hope, and learn.... and just be there.

And days like today make all of the other stuff fall to the wayside and truly put into perspective the amazing things that you have in your life.

Today.... Momma took the first steps that she's taken in over five months. She doesn't have her prosthetic yet, they're still fitting it and making sure that it's all correct, but they used a "sample" prosthetic to get the dimensions right and he let her walk.

(And yes, I totally took the day off of work to go with her, because I 100% didn't want to miss this moment).

She did amazing and her doctor/prosthetist is so incredible and nice (and brave, because he and his wife have five little girls all under the age of nine!). She was excited and for a minute I thought she was going to try to take off running! I may or may not have teared up a little watching her take those steps.... and I may have taken like fourteen videos of the three minute ordeal, but I assume this is what an enormous amount of pride feels like. And to say that I have pride in her is not even the beginning of it.

It's going to be a long road ahead, as it has been this whole time, but like I always say, we got this.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Twelve seasons in and going strong. (For me).

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.... let's talk about it, shall we? As most people know it is my favorite show (even beating out Sons of Anarchy which was entirely unheard of until I was introduced to The Gang).

Danielle tried to convince me around four to five years ago to give the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia a go. I watched the first episode or two and then forgot about it, because I have the attention span of a ferret on methamphetamine. I was going to go back and try again, but time got away from me, so it just sat on my Netflix queue for like two years.

Then one evening I decided to give it another go. You can call it whatever you want, the happenstance, the randomness, the.... three bottles of wine, giant plate of nachos, and the winter months later, but once I started it for the second time, I couldn't stop. I had to continuously binge-watch it.

And that was around two to two and a half years ago. (And I still binge-watch it).

You see, the show is tacky and crass and I LOVE it. It doesn't matter how tired or blah that I may feel, it's nothing that Charlie and the Gang can't take care of. While Charlie is clearly my favorite, I love all the other characters too and it just wouldn't be the same without them. There's nothing quite like being "???!!?!" for awhile and  The Gang putting it into perspective for you.

With all of that being said, I wanted to let you know that Netflix is losing all eleven current seasons available for streaming on December 9th. Yes, I am officially in mourning. Lucky for me, Hulu currently has twelve seasons and I don't think they're losing them anytime soon.

Saved. By. Hulu. And to think that I was going to just cancel my Hulu subscription (even though I love it and it introduced me to the series Drunk History). I was going to choose between the two, and because Netflix offered me original series like Stranger Things, Santa Clarita Diet, The Ranch, Grace and Frankie, and numerous other favorites of mine, I was just going to let that be the one that stuck around. And while Hulu has some good movie choices and such, I was still gonna stick with only Netflix.

But now, I have to keep them both, because while I do enjoy all of those Netflix shows I just mentioned.....  I need my Sunny.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Moving: a tale of the girl who's LAN cable & curling iron got thrown away.

I've been talking about this whole moving process for around two (two and a half?) months now. Well, Saturday was the big day. Uncle D woke me up at what felt like the unGodliest hour imaginable, but what was really 7:45 am. We all got up, got ready (against our will.... I guess that's what Aunt Poot and I get for drinking two bottles of wine while watching MacGyver and Hawaii Five-0 the night before?), and headed out.

Momma and Poot stayed at the new house (that has wood floors and I never knew how much wood floors made everything echo, but I still love them.... I might actually get to hear in my own house now, because everything is amplified!) to wait for the cable (really internet, but whatever) guy and hang curtains and such and Uncle D, Greg and I headed over to our big storage unit to start moving our stuff.

Oh, and we have a couch now.

My cousin, J, was helping us and said that he would meet us over at the storage unit (we had two, one big one and one small and now we only have one condensed one which I'm good with, because we don't have a lot of storage space at the new house.... yet!), so we waited for him outside the gate. We figured that with Uncle D's truck and trailer and my cousins truck that it would take us about three trips/loads to get everything.... and that's when he pulled up in a 24 foot box truck.

Where did he get it? Well.... he got it from our work. (Did I mention we work at the same place? If not, we do.) My other uncle that runs the place said that we could use it to make the move easier and to say that it made me extremely happy wouldn't even be the half of it! We got it all in one load.... except for about four big pieces of furniture that we wanted moved to our other unit, because we don't have a place for it right now. You have never seen anyone be as happy as I was that even though no matter what moving sucks, but it was easier this time around. And hopefully, I'll never have to move again.

Now we have a million things to unpack and organize, we have to figure out what we want to keep and what we want to get rid of (we got rid of Grammy's chair.... we didn't want to, but it's kind of old and it's been in and out of storage for years and we would never have gotten that smell out of it), and you wouldn't believe the amounts of laundry that we have. We may or may not take it to the laundromat so we can whack it out in one fell swoop.... or I may just start laundry this evening and not stop until it's done. It really just all depends. It would be easier to go to the laundromat, but I kind of just don't want to leave our house since we're in it now. *insert laughter but also seriousness here*

The house is very nice and it's great having our own place again.... so just wish us luck for all of our future endeavors. And a little luck on this whole finding effort to actually unpack and organize everything wouldn't hurt either.