As most people know, this past July things were drastically changed in our lives. While I didn't go into in depth detail, the fact that everything was going to be different moving forward was a given.
There were alot of sleepless nights and anxiety attacks (if I'm being perfectly honest, there still are), but I've always known that my mother was a strong lady. She's shown me her strength my entire life. The fact that she's dealt with my brother for thirty-one years is just a testament to that (because my brother has always been a terror).
These past six months have been hard. And at times.... overwhelming.
From her being sick, to her surgery and readjusting to a different life, to moving in with her sister for two months and then moving into a new home, things have just been.... "on edge" putting.
But no matter what, we have continued to love, and hope, and learn.... and just be there.
And days like today make all of the other stuff fall to the wayside and truly put into perspective the amazing things that you have in your life.
Today.... Momma took the first steps that she's taken in over five months. She doesn't have her prosthetic yet, they're still fitting it and making sure that it's all correct, but they used a "sample" prosthetic to get the dimensions right and he let her walk.
(And yes, I totally took the day off of work to go with her, because I 100% didn't want to miss this moment).
She did amazing and her doctor/prosthetist is so incredible and nice (and brave, because he and his wife have five little girls all under the age of nine!). She was excited and for a minute I thought she was going to try to take off running! I may or may not have teared up a little watching her take those steps.... and I may have taken like fourteen videos of the three minute ordeal, but I assume this is what an enormous amount of pride feels like. And to say that I have pride in her is not even the beginning of it.
It's going to be a long road ahead, as it has been this whole time, but like I always say, we got this.
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