Remember on Friday when I was contemplating running away to join the circus? Well, you'll be happy (or incredibly sad) to know that I didn't join the circus, but it's still an option that I'm keeping open.
Friday was our annual Company Christmas Party and they decided to do it a little differently this year. Usually we have the party in our warehouse (we rent heaters and tables), but this year they (and by "they" I mean UR and Dani) decided to have it elsewhere.... so we rented the back room of a brewery in downtown Indy.
There were some other changes made too, but mostly we're sticking with location and food on this one.
I would like to go on the record of saying that usually we freeze our asses off at these parties. Yes, we rent heaters, but it's the end of December in Indiana, heaters or not.... WAREHOUSES ARE F*CKING COLD. And then we usually end up ordering and picking up wings, pizza, etc. There's a whole lot of setup and teardown involved and it usually ends up being alot of trouble.
But this year the only thing we had to do was rent the room, choose the food, buy the drink tickets and show up. (And we did minimal raffles like usual). Aside from the little snafu of them not realizing that our party was scheduled from noon to three (they had us down from three to six), it went smoothly. And no worries, they quickly set things in motion for our original party time.
We all proceeded to drink, talk, laugh, play darts, and find Where's Waldo? It lasted for a couple of hours and once everybody was ready to get out of there.... we just left. Because we didn't have to clean or put away ANYTHING. We just left. Which is probably my favorite part of it all (aside from getting lost on my way home.... don't ask).
And yes, my family had a nice Christmas. We went down to Aunt Poot's and Uncle D's for Christmas dinner (that we eat between noon and one) and exchanged a couple of presents and Momma and I came home. It was a three day weekend (with another one on the horizon!) and it was mostly just me, Momma, and Tayder chillin' at the house and getting alot accomplished in the way of settling in. That was my favorite part.... the "chilling" part. It was a good weekend. A cold one (it's about eleven degrees outside this morning), but a good one. (I forgot to take pictures of Christmas itself).
Merry Christmas and all that jazz that most people say at this time of year.
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