This Movie...
Death Race 3: Inferno
Death Race owner Weyland has been forced to sell the rights to Niles York, a British billionaire who acquired the rights by hostile takeover. York reveals he intends to relocate Death Race to the deserts of Africa. Before leaving, Weyland arranges Lucas to have surgery to heal the infected and deadly scars on his face sustained from the previous film Death Race 2. With Carl Lucas, aka Frankenstein, one win away from gaining his freedom, York coaches Lucas to lose his races and threatens his life (and the life of his crew- Golberg, Lists, and his love Katrina) if he fails to comply. Before his first race, Lucas engages in a fist fight with other racers and his mask is knocked off in the middle of the fight, revealing to his crew he actually did not die in the previous film. They must work together and trust each other in order to make it out alive.
And This Show...
Nancy Botwin is a single mother who lives in Agrestic—a
fictional suburb of Los Angeles—with her two children, Silas and Shane, aged 15
and 10 respectively, when the series begins. The pilot opens a few weeks after
the untimely death of Nancy's husband Judah, who died of a heart attack while
jogging with their younger son. Nancy
starts to sell cannabis to maintain her upper middle-class lifestyle originally
provided by her late husband's structural engineering salary. The series
follows the events in Nancy's life as she gets drawn into the criminal system,
develops a client base, starts a front to hide her selling, creates her own
strain of weed called MILF, constantly relocates her family, and tries to stay
out of jail and protect her children. Featured in the ensemble cast are her lax
brother-in-law Andy Botwin, foolish acquaintance Doug Wilson, and her narcissistic
neighbor Celia Hodes- a manic PTA mother.
Both Courtesy of- NetFlix :)
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