Dear Aunt Susi, Sometimes I think that they may commit us for the inappropriate jokes that we make. But they are so worth it, because we are...hilarious! Dear Shy, Welcome to being an almost grown woman. It just keeps sucking worse as you get older. Enjoy. And I'm not taking you to that concert. No. Your hair looks good this dark color, now you just need a good cut and get that shit healthy. Dear Tammy, Congratulations on getting Caregiver of the year. I knew you could do it, girl. Dear Momma, I'm glad that you get my sense of humor and know when I'm being sarcastic. If we didn't know better we would think that each other was...cray! Not to mention we are hilarious while on the interstate! Dear Scott W, It was nice talking to you and swapping opinions about SOA. At least I know I'm not the only obsessive one. Dear Kurt Sutter, Thank you for blowing my mind and making me be on edge constantly. I so called that Gemma/Tara thing, it was like I was in your brain. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Now it's nine more months, but thank you. Dear Guy I don't know that came into the office, Thank you for the Starbucks coffee card. I love Starbucks, but they are soo expensive. Dear Dr. D, Thank you for the good news. I love you, but I'm glad that I don't have to see you so often anymore. Not until June :) Dear Blog, Yeah I know that I changed you yet again. The background, the header. Look on the bright side, the name and address is still the same. I'm just indecisive. Dear Charlie Hunnam, I knew that you were an amazing actor, but you really blew my mind on the season finale. Such depth dude, you were incredible! Dear Greg, It was no problem taking you to work. You know I love your punk ass, but thank Junior for bringing you home so I didn't have to get up at three thirty in the morning. Hope you get your car fixed, Bubba. Dear Weather, When I said make a decision about yourself, what I really meant was- "Please do things my way". It's so fracking cold!! Dear Miley Cyrus, I'm still convinced that song-Wrecking Ball- is about Liam Hemsworth. I know you wrote it when y'all were still together or something, but let's be real honest for a minute, if I had a Hemsworth brother, I would hold onto him for as long as possible to. Dear Jim Carrey, I forgot how gooby and awesome you were in- "Once bitten". Gotta love 80s movies. dear Jimmy, Grumpy much? I brought you cookies dang it! Dear Dani, The only good thing about having to go out into the cold to get work supplies is the fact that we get JJ, which means that my person and our office will smell like delicious sandwiches for the rest of the day! Just kidding, I don't mind going out, it gets us out of the office for a bit and we get to talk and jam out to the Beastie Boys. I'm not kidding about the delicious sandwiches though. Never again will we go to Walmart on a Friday at that time again. It was horrible! At least we helped the little lady though. Dear Ralphie May, You make me laugh so hard that honestly it makes my sides hurt. So funny! Dear December Thirteenth, Happy Friday the thirteenth! That is all. Dear Uncle Roger, Thank you for lunch, again. You really don't have to keep getting me lunch, I swear I eat. But thank you, I really appreciate it.
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