Monday, December 16, 2013

So, I had a talk this morning

...with Momma about living in the city. We were just having breakfast and rambling like we always do. We talked about a little of everything, and she asked me if I liked living in the city. I told her yes I did, even though I still find myself very awkward here. Don't ask me why, I think it's all of the hustle and bustle...and traffic. We continued on with our breakfast and day, but tonight while I'm sitting here watching TV and talking to Junior, I got to thinking about our conversation. I realized there are things that I miss about living in Tennessee, but when it really comes down to it, to me the bad outweighed the far. It just does. Maybe it's because I'm not the same person that I was, or maybe it's just because I've grown up. Maybe it's the fact that it's not like it was when I was a kid growing up, or maybe there are just too many memories from all aspects of my life implanted there that I feel the need to get away from. I retain the memories, but just don't live there anymore.

However, there are a few things that I miss...
Not necessarily people, but just the 
"little things"
I miss...

People calling me Katherine. I know that it's silly and everyone has always called me Katie, but the people I grew up with and that have known me since I was little (not family) have always called me Katherine. Very few ever called me Katie, only two called me Kat (which I absolutely hate unless it's them), and some that I worked with called me Katiebeth. Other than that, I was Katherine. And I loved it.

How the sky looked right before a thunderstorm. Right when it was that perfect grey with the clouds rolling in. The sun hidden, the thunder starting and the lightning in the far distance. Not enough for damage, but just enough to let you know that there was one.

Deer jerky. I know that this one sounds weird and/or disgusting, but I can't help it. I love it. Scotty used to make it for me at least twice a year, and I didn't all. It was sooo good. Now, it's strictly beef jerky, because let's face it- no boys deer hunting, no shooting deer, no deer jerky. Just the sad facts of life. Beef is just not the same.  

Walking into the gas station where everybody and their momma knows you to buy tater wedges and Mountain Dew/Dr. Pepper. Not only do you get discounted wedges, but they were oh so good and knew exactly the way that you like them cooked. Why? Because you been buying them in there for years...and years.

The day that you could go outside and know exactly when Fall was going to come. Everyone there knows exactly what I mean. Every year there's that one day that you go out and you can tell that Fall is going to be there the next day by the look of the sky, the sway of the trees, the feel of the breeze, and the sound of the animals. It's that one minute that you step out, and everything slows, the breeze hits your face, you take a deep breath and then you go about your day.

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