Saturday, March 29, 2014

You should see some of the looks that I get

Sometimes I'll just be sitting there minding my own business, and for absolutely no reason at all- I'll bust out laughing. It's a curse, really. I mean, everyone else thinks that I'm laughing for no reason at all, but I know the truth. The truth is that I always have straight up legit reasons for laughing. Now I'm laughing because I said straight up legit. Ooh, sometimes I crack myself up.

Back to it though. I got to thinking about it, and I started feeling like an absolute jerk for not sharing with y'all here on the ole blog. Now y'all can understand why I bust out laughing all the time. It's because things like this are constantly popping up in there.

I love hockey. I love memes. And I love a good Beiber joke. 

Well played Canada. Well played.

I think about this all of the time. 

I can be completely offended by a stranger and still laugh about it.

The only thing better than a good Beiber joke?

Uh, that would be a Miley one.

Am I the only one that totally wants to hang out with J. Law?

I always wanna rip off those little stick families.

Except this one. This one is amazing.

I was a waitress for around two/three years.

And yes. Yes, this thought did occur to me.

I told y'all that I wanted to run a marathon at some point.

And honestly, I want to straight up run behind this guy.

I find it hilarious that the young guys are below catching,

and it's the muscled up college guys throwing it over.

Frat party gone wrong?

And don't forget it, Dani.

Ain't nobody wants to eat that healthy crap.

Except Chris. And Susi. And Roger. Ok, fine, a lot of people eat it.

But save me the M&M's, please?!

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