Sunday, March 30, 2014

Josie 'Grosie' Gellar really gets me

Have y'all ever seen the movie Never Been Kissed? If not I'll stop right here so that you can go watch it and then finish reading this. Seriously, I'll wait.


....Patiently waiting...

....Still waiting...

Did you watch it? I know it's awesome, isn't it? It's one of my favorite movies and frankly is in at least the top five of my favorite Drew Barrymore movies. In case you didn't know, I really, really like Drew Barrymore. She's just so cute, adorable, and goofy. I love it. Just like me. Well, except for the cute and adorable part. But nerdy, goofy and clumsy- Hey! I'm there for you!

I probably like this movie so much, because I used to and still can relate to it. Why, because I ended up making out with my insanely hot teacher that looked more like a sexy hockey player than a teacher? No. No, that's not even close to it. Unfortunately, all of my teachers looked very much like...well, teachers and even if they wouldn't have I was still very much a teenager. I relate to it, because I know what it's like to be clumsy and backwards. I know what it's like to be a 'late bloomer' and be a complete romantic at heart. I always wanted to be a journalist, and now the closest thing that I have to that is this blog where I continuously ramble on and on about nothing at all. But that is beyond besides the point.

The point is I finally got it. I was thinking about some things yesterday and I thought to myself- You know who gets me? Josie Grosie gets me, that's who. Josie Grosie understands. And Josie Grosie doesn't judge.

I make questionable fashion choices all of the time. Honestly, All. The. Time. Who else does? Josie Grosie does. She wore what she wanted all of the time, then she tried to be "trendy" and "hip" and that didn't work so well, so finally she was like you know what, I'm gonna wear what I like and what's comfortable and cute to me, because I am my own person. Boo-ya!! Oh, and our hair? Yeah, don't even get me started on the hair. It's wild and crazy and when we try something new with it, it totally backfires. We should just stick to what we know.

A romantic at heart? Uh, yeah you could say that Josie Grosie and I have that one completely covered. Even though no one has ever given us a reason to believe in true love, and we have never dated anyone that "woos" or "romances" us we are still totally and completely hopeful and sure that one day someone that is absolutely perfect for us will sweep us off of our feet. Then all the movies we watch, books we read, and poetry we write will not be in vain.

Don't forget that we both have a sometimes immature/strange, but totally awesome brother that we occasionally get advice from. Why? because no matter what situation you're in at that point of life, they are there for you and honestly know how to make friends much better than you ever have or could.

Speaking of friends- you know those nerdy friends that don't really fit into any category, but speak their mind and are awesome in their own way, just like you? You are close and spend a lot of time together, and you sing random songs together. Yeah, well I had one of those growing up.

Not to mention we both thought that "that" guy we saw was so incredibly handsome, even though he so wasn't. And why did we think this? Well, because he either played the guitar, had a Camaro, rode a motorcycle or had a tattoo that's why.

They weren't cool at all, usually had a dumbass name, was a jerk, and sounded dumb constantly, they even said words like- Rufus, Crunching, and Bitchin', but we were mesmerized. For a minute. We finally seen the error of our ways, and figured out what it meant when someone said that a man was pretty.

Then we started thinking about how great it would be if you actually got to date this certain guy, but all we ended up doing was making a fool of ourselves.

Don't forget when we tried to show off our "mad" dance skills to try and impress him. Yeah that was totally NOT embarrassing enough to want to crawl in a hole, and never let anyone see you ever again...
Just give it up ladies. Just give it up.

And why is it that we can never seem to keep pastries around? Someone is always stealing our cookies, cakes, pies and doughnuts. That's just rude and we don't know how in the world it happens.

And you wanna know something awesome? We both really enjoy a slow motion kiss between two people in love, when there's great music playing.


But you know what the best things about Josie Grosie and I are? The fact that we figured out that you are most happy when you are yourself. That no matter how weird you are as long as you're doing what you love, then it's ok. That you should surround yourself by people that make you happy and get rid of the ones that try to bring you down. We're loyal, loving, trustworthy, and we get very defensive when someone tries to hurt anyone we care about. We're basically a couple of German Shepards. We know that everyone is different and that's perfectly ok with us. The more the merrier. We know that it's ok to be a romantic and follow your heart. It's ok to watch a million movies with the guy and girl ending up together. And finally we grew into our own, and we love it!! We are just ourselves.

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