Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Can we all just take a minute and talk about how excited I am that it's ok to Winona again?!

(Please, I never stopped Winonaing. If only I could pull off a pixie cut with such ease).

I am a huge Winona Ryder fan. I think that she is just a delightful little ball of fun that just so happens to be the perfect mix of 80s grunge and 90s angst. There's nothing about her that isn't delightful (please, excuse the year 2001, we've all had our downhill slide moments), and she has a new show premiering on Netflix come July 15th (Stranger Things- and yes, I'll be watching it).

Personally, I think, after a couple of decades as one of the most successful actresses out there, she deserved to take a couple of years for herself just to relax. Don't get me wrong, I love her films/shows, but even I know that a lady needs a break on occasion (ammirite, ladies?). She had that break a few years back and ever since she started up again, she hasn't stopped.

With her film/tv series career going full force (yeah, she was totally Spock's mom in the Star Trek remakes and then some), her fiancés of the past in the media (#johnnyandwinonaforever), and 80s/90s fashion trends making a comeback (I could not be more excited about this if I tried), it looks like she is going to be around for a really long time to come.

And I have to say..... I'm more than good with that.

Monday, June 27, 2016

I forgot that it was already the end of June and time is flying.

(Because it was a really weird few days).

Hey guys- I'm going to just go ahead and jump right on in with all of this.

I left work early (a little after 11:00) last Thursday, because we (Aunt Poot and I) had to take Momma to the hospital. She had went to the doctor on Tuesday and when her doctor realized how high her blood glucose was, he called and told us to take her immediately. It had been really good for awhile, but the pharmacy screwed up her prescription refill (and I cussed them on every level imaginable), so she was out of her insulin for a bit. And by "a bit", I mean entirely too long.

So, we took her to the ER and they gave her fluids, insulin, and directions for me. You see, I was allowed to take her home, but with strict guidelines and insulin maintenance. Therefore, I was out of work on Friday (only going out long enough to hit the Kroger to pick up a couple of drinks and suitable food and Tylenol for Momma and come straight home), and she's felt bad for awhile, but things are finally starting to get back on track. Slowly but surely. (You can probably tell that she's still puny from the above picture).

Saturday we went with Aunt Poot and Solae to see our Aunt T and Uncle Clyde. They live about an hour and a half or so away down in Seymour, IN and we try to get down there as often as possible. It was nice to see them, although Aunt T always insists on feeding us (it's just in her nature or something), and this time she made tuna salad. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, BUT I hate tuna salad more than almost any other thing on the planet. Seriously, not trying to be dramatic, but NOOOO...... I had a sandwich and nibbled a couple of bites off of it until I was able to sneak it away from myself, and immediately wash my mouth out with Hi-C and bbq chips. I don't think that she noticed.

Then, we got tricked into going with Uncle Clyde to his family reunion. And we proceeded to meet a million people whose names I can't remember, but for the most part were friendly enough. They insisted on taking our picture to put in the "ancestry" report (we're related to some of them through my great-grand mother), and we were invited to all future events. One of the little old ladies was as cute as she could be, she had three fingers, Alzheimer's and was 92 years old, but she was so very lovable and insisted that I was one of the most beautiful girls that she had ever met..... needless to say, she was my favorite and she kept randomly finding me to hold my hand. Another guy didn't think I looked old enough to even be out of high school yet..... he's on the thumbs up list to.

We didn't stay very long, but Poot exchanged information with one of the ladies and I think they might keep in touch. Or semi in touch. Something along those lines. When we left we hit the McDonalds (for the bathroom- and I'm really glad that we did, because there was a little old couple that needed some help and I was able to help them out and that really made for a better day all together), and we cruised into the Christmas Tree Shop. Don't worry, it's not a place for only Christmas related products (we also stopped into a Goody's and realized that their prices are ridiculous). Momma and I didn't really pick up too much of anything (some nasal spray?), but Aunt Poot picked up a couple of things for herself..... and an elephant wine holder for ME that is all too damn cute!! She snuck it in the cart and out to pay and surprised me with it later. She didn't have to do that, but it was very nice of her and I love it!!

After that, Momma and I relaxed and watched TV and cleaned for the rest of the weekend (it's been abnormally/unseasonably hot the last couple of months), only going out to hit the grocery store for a couple of things and the RedBox. Tayder really likes it when we just hang out with him. Plus, we like to keep it low-key and just hang out when we have downtime, so that's what we do. She's still feeling pretty puny, but she's getting better little by little!! Cross your fingers and wish us luck. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

I've been lucky to play characters that are really broad. -Anton Yelchin

Today I was incredibly sad to learn that Anton Yelchin passed away. (3/11/89 - 6/9/16). He's gone to that 27 Club in the sky.

He's only a year older than me and one of my very favorite actors.... it just doesn't seem right or fair. This wasn't some crazy thing that he had done to himself or anything of that nature, it was legitimately just a freak accident.

The first thing that I ever watched Anton Yelchin in was Alpha Dog. Honestly, I think that might have been the first time alot of people saw him and if they were anything like me, they stood up and took attention.

The second movie I ever watched with him was Terminator: Salvation.... followed shortly by Star Trek.

There was just something about him that made me want to watch every single movie and play and show that he's ever been in. Whether it's his facial expressions, his voice.... or even just something in his eyes, I couldn't say.

He's just so incredibly young and had so much of himself to offer the world that it seems unfair that all of his life and potential was cut so short.

Then again, I guess it always kind of does in situations like this.

The eventful horizon weekend didn't go down as planned.

(But don't worry, that's not a bad thing).

Remember how I said that an eventful weekend was on the horizon and I was going to get french toast? Well, that didn't exactly go as planned. We didn't go to the fair either (it doesn't open until next weekend, because we got the dates wrong). But, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

In fact, Momma and I had a pretty nice day. We went to Sonic (my favorite) to get us a slushie and we ended up getting a new window air conditioner, because while we can deal right now, come July, August, and September, we would be fairly miserable without help. It's currently in my bedroom window and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to sleep like a teeny tiny baby tonight.

But that may or may not have something to do with the entire bottle of wine (Momma got me) that I consumed. (It's Mallow Run Rhubarb Wine- you can get it at CVS and I suggest that you go out and get you some right damn now).

Our breakfast got postponed to next weekend and by the time we get there, I'm going to be pretty damn hungry!! Solae had her last ballgame today, we didn't go (I can't have Momma out in the direct sun with her medicine like that), but I hear they played a great game. They lost by one run (final score: 6-7) and that means that softball season is officially over (thank all that is holy). Also, we're having a Father's Day cookout for Uncle Darrell tomorrow. I know he's not my dad, but the guy deserves everything and more!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch some Kevin Hart and talk to a very dear friend of mine. We're discussing very important topics..... Like, clones, popsicles, and the Terminator movies. You know, the important things in life.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

There's a busy weekend on the horizon.

(I'm already tired just thinking about it).

Have you ever made plans and get excited and completely wore out by the thought of it all at once? It's like you can't wait for all of this to happen, but at the same time, you're also thinking- "I'm already tired tomorrow, what's going to happen in a couple of days?"

That's where I am right now.

I'm excited for this weekend to get here. Momma, Aunt Poot, and I are going to have a good time and be incredibly busy. The fun kind of busy where you're doing things at a steady pace, but it's things that you actually want to do. I think people call that "having plans" or something. I wouldn't know, because I try to avoid all things social (remind me to tell you what my brother did to me- I may still punch him in the throat for it), but every now and then, I make a couple.

And this weekend falls on that spectrum. The incredibly rare one.

Mostly, we're just all going to hang out and do random things, but we also plan on going to breakfast Saturday morning and the fair come Saturday evening. And all sorts of things in between. Personally, I'm the most excited about breakfast (give me french toast w/ fruit or give me death!..... or something dramatic like that), but it's also going to be nice to just relax and have a fun little day. We don't ride carnival rides or anything like that at the fair, we just like to go and look around.

They usually have some pretty neat things to gander at. One year they had an entire display tent dedicated to horror movies with Freddy Krueger patrolling the door. That year my cousin Ashley and her wife Val went with us and Ashley is petrified of Krueger, so needless to say shit went down and what went down was a thirty year old woman running through the fairgrounds screaming like a tiny little troll.

Usually Solae would be attached at my hip during all of this, but she's staying with her friend Reagan alot this summer, so I'm pretty sure that she won't even be home come Saturday. Which is good, we all want her to have fun and see her friends when they're out of school. Although this summer break of hers she is trying to talk me into either a) going zip-ling with her b) going to an entire gymnasium full of trampolines with her or c) all of the above. She'll eventually wear me down and win, I know she will, but for now I enjoy pretending that I didn't hear what she said when she asked last month.

And Sunday (if it's not too hot- we'll see, forecast says 93°) we're going to have a cookout for Fathers Day for Uncle Darrell. Like I said, if it's too hot we all might decide eff that and order pizza, but for now, the plan is cookout. I guess we'll see when it gets here. I should probably find time somewhere in there to mow grass too, but let's be honest, I don't want to and our grass needs a serious break (the sun has managed to kill a bunch of it and a box of our flowers..... and our entire daisy collection..... and warped a few more. Needless to say, the sun has been vicious this summer and it's only the middle of June!!

I'm so excited for french toast at this point. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How weird would it be to hang out with your brothers former "other woman"?

(Edie needs to take a poll- and not the election kind).

So..... I have a friend named Edie. That hussie is always coming to me for her problems and/or conundrums of life. Well, she needs a little help out, once again, because she's completely horrible about making adult decisions.

You see, Edie has a brother. We'll call this brother of hers- Jeff. And Edie loves Jeff with all of her heart, but sometimes Jeff is a dinkus. It's like he just can't help it. Even when he's aware that it's a bad idea/ plan and you try to tell him that it's going to blow up in his face worse than shaking the battery in your car, he still does it. And then guess what happens? That shit blows up.

Jeff has also always kind of fancied himself to be a "ladies man" even though Edie has told him multiple times that this is in fact not true. However, the female race has decided not to back Edie up on this too often, and girls have thrown themselves at him (leaving Edie with a wtf look on her face and utter confusion in her brain). Like, a lot. But he doesn't pick normal girls, oh no, he tends to get the crazies or for lack of a better term, "emotionally unstable" ones. Seriously, one tried to stab him with a pair of scissors and he had to climb out of the bathroom window. Another story for another day.

Every now and then though, he gets one that's clearly a psycho, but also pretty fun to hang out with. Most are boring and Jeff's sister and mother can't stand them (because they're a giant pain in the ass), but once in a great while, they like said girl. They (Edie and her mom) get along with her, hang out with her, and think she's a relatively good person. A little annoying and dramatic maybe, but a good person. And then shit blows up in Jeff's face (ALWAYS) and the girl is never to be found (you know, once he manages to actually get rid of her) again.

Except this time, Edie and the girl are still social media friends, still text occasionally, and talk about the randomness of things from time to time. And Jeff doesn't know this, but it's not like Edie's hiding it. She just hasn't told him and he hasn't asked, and by the way, SHE'S A GROWN ASS WOMAN.

And if you really think about it, it's not fair for Edie to suffer just because she has a dinkus brother, right? Afterall, she did try to tell him that shit was going to hit the fan and he wouldn't listen. And maybe this girl and her have some friendship goals in common. Maybe they have a mutual love for shark movies and taco bell. And maybe this chick can crochet Edie a giant blanket that looks like a shark that's chomping on her and that could come in handy, because Edie really wants one of those damn things. But then, Edie knows that somehow that shit will get turned around on her and the following conversation will have to happen-

Jeff: "Why would you hang out with a girl that tried to ruin my entire life?!!"
Edie: "The same reason that you never mow the f*cking grass or take the trash out."
Jeff: "What's does that even mean?!"

Because Edie is mature and loves the eff word. So, when the girl reached out to Edie to suggest that they go and see that new shark movie coming out at the end of this month (The Shallows) that Edie REALLY wants to see, she found herself asking if hanging out with this girl would really be so bad. Sure, she tried to ruin Jeff's whole life and got him fired from his last job. BUT it's not like Jeff is innocent in all of that cluster f**k of a situation and it turned out pretty good for him. His actual girlfriend didn't dump him (because she's stupid) and he likes his new job MUCH better than the other one, plus all of that was like four/five months ago..... So, is it really even all that bad?

The answer is yes. She can't hang out with this girl (because she asked her mom and her mom reminded her of how much a psycho this girl actually is), but that doesn't mean that she still won't pine for the movie showing and the amazing blanket that could've been..... And you know what Edie's learned from this whole situation? You know, now that we've discussed our way all of the way through it.

Edie loves sharks. And Jeff is a douche canoe.    

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The 500. What do I have to say about that?

(My biggest anniversary yet).

I realized this morning that the next post I have, will make 500. Seriously, 500 posts that I've rambled and let lay my sarcasm upon. It's almost weird. Usually I lose interest in things fairly quickly, but writing has never been one of those things. At least, not when I'm writing about the things that I want to be. I think that's why my posts are usually all over the place. They range from my family to movies and everything else in between.

In order to celebrate my "500 posts" I wanted to do a lengthy post consisting of all of my favorites from this time period, and then it hit me. What hit me? The fact that I would have to start in April 2013 and work my way up to June 2016, that's what. I would have to go through over three years of my own rambling, and my inherent laziness overcame me. I know, I'm ridiculous. And I'm good with it.

So, instead of a long ass post consisting of ones that already exist (you can read through them all, if you would like to), I figured I would commemorate it by acknowledging the fact that it's the 500th and share a picture. Because pictures make everything better. Usually. As you can tell, Tayder was extremely focused on being happy for me. He's a real gem that one. Hopefully, I'll have another 500 and many more after that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some celebrating to do.

Where's my cake?!