Y'all.... this weather. I can't understand it and I'm pretty sure it's the reason that we all feel like shit on a semi-consistent basis.
I'm not a "complainer" when it comes to the weather. I have no problem with rain and cold months don't bother me. In fact, I probably have more of a problem with summer months than I do all of the others.... because let's be honest, I 100% have more of a "winter" body than a "summer" body. My summer body is basically just my winter body stuffed into shorts and covered in sweat.
And you know what?! I'm good with that. I have no problem with it.
Like I said though.... this weather y'all.
It stayed warmer this year than what I remember it being in the past, getting damn hot right through September and well into October. And to say that the weather has been "off" ever since would be accurate as hell. In fact, here we are in March, heading increasingly closer to April and we're still very much having to be "what the f*ck?" on a daily basis. Getting dressed in the morning is much more confusing and takes far more thought than it should. Do you wear a tshirt? Snow boots? Windbreaker? Who in the f*ck knows?!!?!
It's been windy for like three weeks, but it's iffy. It rained all weekend. Monday rolled around and it was damn hot (like, creeping into the seventies). Tuesday morning was fine, I barely even had to wear a coat into work (I leave for work around 6:00 am).... and then, lunchtime hit. And it was freezing ass cold. Like, single digits cold. And it started snowing as we were leaving work. By the time late evening rolled around, we had quite a few inches of snow.
This morning it continued to snow that really wet/slick/icy snow that makes life super inconvenient. And by the time I got off of work and ran over to pick up supper before heading home (because I'm damn tired) it was sunny and all the snow was melted. I couldn't even wear my "winter coat" home.
It's supposed to be in the forties to fifties tomorrow and Friday.... and they're calling for a winter storm/snow come Saturday. What. the. f*ck. We're all confused and have been sick on and off for months.... and I think we can all agree why. Go home, weather. You're drunk. Actually, we all kind of are right now.... OFF OF COLD MEDICINE.
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