So, instead of running around like a madwoman to find all of the things that we needed to finish this ordeal out, I got onto Amazon and just ordered the last things that we needed. Sure, we still have to get D's suit, make the table decorations (although I did buy the flowers so all we'll have to do is put them in the wood that's hollowed out), and make the food. But, that's it.
The rest of it, once I receive all those Amazon packages is DDOOONNNNNEEEEEE.
And I couldn't be happier about it. Say what you will, but planning everything out for a wedding is stressful as hell, and while I used to make fun of women for it, I have come to realize that the struggle is real. We're not even having a big wedding, just small and simple, and it's still SO much work. Honestly, it's all worth it, but still.
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