Sunday, July 26, 2020

There's alot happening in the world right now.

And we would all be insane to dismiss or diminish it.

Where are we at? What is happening? I find myself asking these questions far more the older I get. When you're a child, it's easy to see things in very simple terms. There's good and bad. Right and wrong. But, as you get older, it becomes more clear to you that other people don't see things in those terms.

I've always been the type of person to look at things with the mindset I have since I was a child. And maybe that's wrong, or even ignorant of me. But, I was raised with very simple beliefs. Everybody is equal regardless of ethnicity or background. Treat others how you would want them to treat you. There is a wrong way and a right way. Love is love.

All of these things have followed me from my childhood into my adult life. I still look at every situation and think to myself, how would I want to be treated in this scenario? And honestly, I love that about myself. I love my way of thinking. I look at people exactly like that.... as people. I don't see color or sexuality, I don't see how much money they make or where they come from. I just look at everyone as people. My people, your people, our people.

But, it's become abundantly clear to me that other people do not believe in my way of thinking. They want to think through color and sexuality and gender. They want to feel superior to others and to believe that they are somehow entitled to more, all because they are who they are.

What makes them better than another person? Beats me.

I want us all to be at a place in this world where we can walk down the street and we don't have to worry about our children, spouses, parents. I want us all to be able to look at each other as people and not as the enemy.

Do I like the fact that people are having to march and protest? No. Do I think that protesting has a long and proven history of helping to make things better in the end? Yes. Do I think it's ok to deface property and riot in the streets? No. Do I think it's insane that a person is more at risk because of the color of their skin? Yes. Do I think that taking down statues is trying to erase history? No. Do I think it's ridiculous that we put up statues to glorify terrible and/or racist people to begin with? Yes.

I was raised in the South. And I'm proud of that. I was plucked straight out of the holler and you had to travel down numerous backroads to get to where I'm from. I have never denied that I am a hillbilly and I wear that as a badge of honor. However, do I think that the long history of the abuse curated in the south is ok? No. I'm not proud of that. That's not me and that's not who I am. And that's not who the majority of the people I was raised with are.

I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, because I'm not. What I am saying though, is I think it's absolutely ridiculous that some people feel the need to condemn others or treat them as if they're beneath themselves. Do you know who does shit like that?

Fucking assholes. That's who. My piece of life advice? Don't be a fucking asshole.

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