Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Stress makes me want to live a hermit life even more than usual.

I've mentioned in passing that the company I work for is moving buildings due to an upscale. It's been a long and tedious process, but now we're in the home stretch. As in, this is the week that it's all going down and we're moving every thing in and switching it all over. 

With that comes an enormous amount of stress and anxiety. Why? Because this is the week that it's all going down and we're moving every thing in and switching it all over.

And yeah, I know I just repeated myself, but it's those exact things that are causing unease all around and within me. The amount of things that have to be accomplished ranging from miniscule to enormous is an undertaking of the mammoth proportions. From office space to warehouse space and every thing in between.

**I swear, if this phone company doesn't call me back in the next hour and quit making my life harder than it has to be I'm going to chuck myself down a couple of flights of stairs.**

Plus, Christmas is on the horizon and not only do I not even have our Christmas cards printed off and mailed out (#failinglife), but D and I are making everyone presents this year (in the version of beef jerky and treats) and I haven't even bought the stuff I need to make my chunk of the gifts. No, scratch that. I haven't even made the list of treats I want to make so that I can therefore know what I need to get in order to make said treats. I also need to get D a(nother) present.

I should make a list: print/mail Christmas cards, make a list of treats/get ingredients for said treats, make jerky, you know what? I'm not going to make a list, because I'm already twitchy. Let's just say, I have a lot of things to do and a little bit of time to actually accomplish them. We'll see how this goes.

Oh, and did I mention that they're currently building a house across the street from ours, so our end of the road is nothing but a giant construction zone that is a nightmare to navigate?

Honestly? I feel like a box truck that was driven underneath a bridge that had a passageway too small to accommodate it. IE: I want to stay home with my hubby and pups and hide from the outside world for the next two days to lifetime. Wish me luck.

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