Tuesday, June 21, 2022
We talk about how glad we are to be married to each other all the time.
Sunday, June 19, 2022
❤️ Any day we get to celebrate each other is a good day!! ❤️
Saturday, June 18, 2022
She graduated and then they threw a shindig on a very pretty day.
A couple weeks ago, Solae graduated from high school. We're beyond proud of her and can't wait to see what she does next! Ok, did that get all the corny mumbo jumbo that you're supposed to say out of the way?
Yes? Good.
Seriously though, we are proud of her and she's a great kid. It's amazing to me that it feels like she was a little bitty thing not too long ago and now here she is, technically an adult. Like, what the f*ck? Is this how everyone feels? Do people feel this way about me? Is this going to happen for the rest of my existence?
Ah, the circle of life.
They had a party for her today and while I don't tend to venture out of my hole for much (except work, the grocery store, and the occasional run around with my hubby), I had to make an exception for her. Because she is the epitome of a cool kid that deserves it all. Honestly, I love the little shit.
We walked up the street since it was at Aunt Poot's (can we have this weekends weather all day everyday, pleeeeaasssseeee?????) and there were all kinds of people there. Friends, family, it didn't matter. She's popular with us all, because as I said, she's awesome. We got to sign her board (like she did our wedding one!) and look through all of her band competition memorabilia. It was actually really cool and I'm glad she had a good time!
Here's to you, kiddo. We (Me + Dev + the Pups) always got your back and can't wait to see you take on the whole f*cking world. **embarrassing kissy face here**
Thursday, June 16, 2022
I really need to look into having a chauffer or something.
***while heading to my dentist appointment from work with twenty minutes to get there and contemplating life in general***
Me: "I'm gonna try to be a more calm person. No more overreacting about things out of my control."
**drives behind a woman in a Ford Taurus going 37 in a 40**
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Sometimes you have to drive 1,000 miles on a whim.
After my post last Monday, I received a call from D that worried us enough to make an emergency trip to Florida. While I won't go into in-depth detail, I will say that what has hit our family is devastating and unimaginable. My FIL needed us and we all felt the need to rally behind him.
Not felt. Feel. We still feel the need to rally behind him, we just all have to find our own way to do that. For whatever he or my MIL needs.
While there, we made sure things were done around the farm and house. Just trying to keep busy and make things as easy as possible for them for the next while. You know, those things that you have on your list to be done eventually, but then "eventually" smacks you in the face and it feels like everything is closing in on you? Yeah, we did those things.
We also managed to wrangle five kids between the ages of two through ten, sweat off seven pounds, and live on coffee to the point I thought I should've just hooked up to an IV of it. Oh, and the immediate family (Dev + MIL + FIL + BIL + SIL) made a hand cast for my MIL to keep around for when she feels like she needs it.
(Side note: I ordered one for D and I upon his request once we got home and I can't wait to do it together!)
There was some much needed time spent with Grandma and honestly, I think everyone just needed some hugs, understanding, and reassurance. Even though we were just there in April, we (especially D) really needed this trip.
I hate that D is so far away from his family. And I hate that he's so far away from them, because of me. But, this is where we've built our life together and everyone understands that we have to be at our home where our lives and jobs are. Does that make it easier, especially in a situation like this? Hell no.
But, we're trying. D's having a hard time with it, which I completely understand, and we're truly just hoping for the best at this point. At all the points.
They all know we're just a phone call away and we can't wait to get down and see everyone again soon!
Monday, June 6, 2022
So. Much. F*cking. Change. (And work). But, damn does it look good.
This past weekend, D and I decided to finally tackle our shed/garage/back bedroom. And oy vey, y'all. To say it was a task would be putting it mild as all holy hell. There was SO MUCH work that had to go into it.
And I know, you're probably thinking "how bad could it possibly have been?" And the answer to that would be, BAD.
You see, three and a half years ago when Momma passed away, I proceeded to put everything into our shed that could be crammed in. Didn't matter what it was or the fact that it wasn't packed properly. I honestly just did not want to deal with it or the emotions that came along with it.
In fact, that's kind of what happened to our entire house. We've made some changes throughout the years, but mainly it has always felt like it was Momma's house. Even though we lived there together, there were certain things that I refused to change or simply didn't have the strength to deal with. And unfortunately, you can tell that my emotions and depression got the best of me. Because it is was a disaster.
D, bless him, has been a rock throughout this entire process. Don't get me wrong, he would've rearranged and cleaned and done any and all of it by himself, but it was something that we both knew I was going to want to do one day, we just had to wait for that day to come.
And come it did. (Hehe, that's what she said- yes, I'm twelve).
Our house finally feels like our house. There's not one room either of us can go in that doesn't immediately scream a mixture of us and the life we share together.
I felt guilt, you know. These last three and a half years I thought somehow if I changed or got rid of something that I would somehow be kicking Momma's memory or something like that. I felt such immense guilt that it was debilitating and I felt as if someone was holding me under water. Eventually I realized that it wasn't right that I felt this way, but unfortunately with depression or anxiety, it is less about what you should feel and more about what you can't help but to feel.
But, here we are. We've tackled a giant portion of our house and the rest doesn't seem quite as daunting as the original prospect of it. With the main part done, we can go through boxes a little at a time. Condense and dispose of. You know, keep moving forward and such. There's still SO MUCH to do, but our house finally feels like our home and it's a very nice thing to come into at the end of the day. Our own place where we can raise our pups and live our lives.... together.