Y'all, it is so motherf*cking frigid outside. FRIGID. Capital F through D. It was a total of -2° outside when I left for work this morning and let's be honest, it has not improved much in the hours since. Frankly, it's gonna start dropping here again in just a couple hours. Just thinking about it makes me want to wrap a heated blanket around me. In fact, I have a low tire and decided at 6:30 this morning that it was afternoon Katie and Dev's problem because f*ck.
I have been blissfully holed up in my house with my hubby and pups on every available opportunity of this new year. Do I regret the things missed? NO. Because nothing was missed... things have been accomplished and no shit has been taken. It's been a good time.
What's new these last few weeks?
Per every paranoia the hubby and I possess, we did in fact stay inside the first day of the new year. In fact, we stayed inside that entire three-day weekend as much as possible because last year started off with a shit show and carried on throughout the entire damn thing... we weren't trying to have a repeat.
We had another visit with Baby J and he is the cutest and snuggliest little baby this side of the Midwest. Sometimes a person just needs some baby snuggles... and then to hand said baby back to their parents because they gots to get home and eat snacks.
Sparkles ear is looking better. It's still not 100% but it's looking better by the day, if only a little, and it seems to bother him a little less. Poor baby just wants to nap and eat treats and honestly... same. He and Xur mostly hang out with us and I seriously don't know what we'd do without those little assholes.
After three years of marriage, Dev and I are finally on the same phone plan. Here's what happened... when he moved up here (five years ago) he switched to Sprint (later bought by T-Mobile). I was already on my Aunt P's friends/family phone plan (with Momma) with Sprint (again, bought by T-Mobile). We've been meaning to get my number switched from my aunt's plan to Dev's for a long time but haven't got around to it (for various reasons). We finally decided we were doing it regardless because damn we've been married for a minute and it felt weird.
Last week after work one day, we loaded up in Doug Judy, picked my aunt up and headed to T-Mobile. We only wanted to have my number switched from one T-Mobile plan to another. The clerk informed us that they can no longer do that in store, you have to call "customer care." While we were there, Dev asked if he could have a couple things removed from his plan... again... call customer care because they can't do that in store.
*side note* I'm really not trying to be "that" person I am just genuinely curious. If they can't change or update or service anything having to do with your plan in store... what is the purpose of having a store? I mean, you can order a phone online and have it delivered so it can't just be that, right? *anyways*
We left and took Aunt Poot home... attempting to call "customer care" on the way and got nothing. Cut to three hours, two trips, and a bunch of dollars later and now Dev and I are on the same phone plan... with Verizon. We got to keep our numbers and honestly, that's what I was so butt hurt over because it would be such a pain in the ass to switch everything over.
Dev and I got the bright idea to try new spaghetti sauces out at the store to "find a new favorite" and ended up getting one called "spicy arrabbiata" that almost f*cking killed us. That shit was so damn hot. All I tasted was tomato and heat. No spice of any kind just HEAT. We couldn't even choke down a full plate apiece so leftovers were totally out of the question. I couldn't imagine eating that shit after it set and got hotter.
We attempted to help Bonehead move a bit. We went over to his house for about three hours or so to help out but he had a whole lot going on so we did what we could and headed out. He did send us off with a shelf that's been handed down for years and now houses our dishes so fun!
Work has been crazy and going a mile a minute but that's all the time so nothing new there.
Other than that, we've mostly been staying home and snuggling in. I have gotten quite a few new tattoos as of late. I had a right rib piece put on a week ago yesterday and said screw it and had my left rib piece put on last night. Because I'm apparently a glutton for punishment or a masochist or something.
My big plans for tonight are for me and Dev to run to the grocery store (getting stuff for spaghetti-redo night) and then I'm taking a super hot shower and snuggling in. Because this gal is sleepy and frozen and not having it. Except hubby and pup lovin.
I'll have that. Happy (hopefully, let's keep our fingers crossed and put hopefulness out for the best) 2024!
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